TSO in the 1st Virginia Cav

| July 9, 2013

CV the Reb

As you probably know, TSO joined up with the 1st Virginia Cav last week and fought Gettysburg a couple of times last week. Well, he was on assignment at his paying job and wrote about it at The Burn Pit. He has a couple of videos up over there, too. If you’ve got access to Facebook, his wife (the world’s last sweetheart) has pictures up at her place.

By the way, that’s TSO straggling behind his men in the picture above after he cut a notch in his beard and turned them into huge sideburns.

Category: Historical

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Green Thumb

Looks like he is falling out of the march….

And does not appear he is carrying the tripod (or cannon wheel)

Just Kidding.


Must have been hotter than dog testicles resting on a concrete slab in that hot summer valley heat!

Just An Old Dog

Dismounted cav, the bane of reenacting.


Shouldn’t there be a NCO next to him, yelling at him for falling out?

Green Thumb


Hell Yeah!


He is not straggling behind. The guys in front of him are the personal guard for the beard.

Don Shipley’s hair has a protection detail as well.


And they did this in the heat and humidity of Gettysburg. Brave souls, everyone!!! Especially The Beard.


looking at these postings and http://www.redbullrising.com/2013/07/todays-red-bull-troops-remember-civil.html

Kind of wish I’d been there instead of getting my butt chewed by mosquitoes bicycling between pints of big black stout over the fourth. Even if I would have listened to multiple calls of “to the last man.” Just teasing 2-135 IN

Glass Joe

Is that a cell phone in his pocket? and…he’s wearing Dockers. Just sayin…

BUT…looks like an awesome time!


@9, actually……that’s my flask.
LOL, yes, really.


TSO … did you ever srtike a deal with RIVRON CMC?

If not I have a better one for you when you are ready!


They never got back to me, so no. Looking for something, but not sure when. Most likely late Sep to early Oct time frame. Or perhaps after Veterans Day.

Green Thumb

I also know that Right Shoulder was a bit canted….

And no “bayonets fixed” on the mutual withdrawal?

Just kidding.

My TOG and South of the Mason-Dixon days catching up…

Bet that shit was hot…

Been there.

Time to use medicated foot powder on the boys…

Try it in a Wig and Tights with a Tricorn…..CINGUARD.

Not to far away at CB when we did it many years ago…


Old 21B

@JD11b I used to be in the 2-135 IN back in the 1990 time frame.

@TSO had you attended the BGA (Blue Gray Alliance) event June 28th-30th we would have been burning powder on opposites sides of the field. I am sure the humidity didn’t get any better while you were there.