Tuesdays with Claymore

| June 25, 2013

Blame whitey


Packed with hollow-pork goodness

Shoot the messenger? Maybe.

Ends justify the means

Just like Bush

So basically, you should work in a shithole for more money per hour?

You say “mock” like it’s a bad thing.

Like a fart in a spacesuit.

Say Woz?

You won’t frickin’ believe this one…seriously. Click this link.

Get to work, commie.

Honorless snot

Next up, finding Jimmy Buffett’s lost salt shaker.

But he’s NOT a traitor, y’all.

Even John Effin’ Kerry knows better.

Cyber hacking cars as an assassination tool?

I actually agree with this one…why are flags at half-staff for James Gandolfini?

Enough to piss off the pope.

The political class. Welcome to the party, idiots.

Only Nixon could go to China.

Fear the Tea.

Wait until you hit the Ronulans.

Capt. Nutjob is back on DU again. This time it’s about killing the planet.

Uncle Joe is making shit up again.

It’s a quagmire…giggity-giggty.

Foil hats stapled on and active.

In other news, water is wet and the Village People are gay.

DUmbasses are predicting an international incident…will preemptively blame Bush.

Moral of the story: don’t hire your drunk-ass redneck brother for shit.

Because they just kill them versus trying to rehabilitate them?

Holy low expectations, Batman.

Oh, well since you insist.

“Call me maybe…”

DUmbasses think we’re headed back to Jim Crow. DUmbasses.

Well, at least you know this one is full of pork.

Ted Cruz; self-loathing bigot or self-loathing racist bigot?

Bush’s fault

Counting your pant-suit wearing chickens before they hatch.

Category: Tuesdays with Claymore

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Of course the title of the first one is to blame me. Why does everybody think I’m the one to blame?


Ref: “You won’t frickin believe this one…”

Claymore, a blind rage at work is never a good thing. My computer survived; my employee evaluation probably will suffer.


@2, And these are the same people that say that only the Military and police should have guns.


@3 Twist, I honestly can’t come up with a term that fits for what I’m thinking/feeling right now. Not even profanity would work right now.


I try to read some of these, honestly I do. But it makes my head hurt and gives me a tremendous urge to defecate.

B Woodman

I don’t know HOW he does it. I’ve tried to read a few of these mindless drivels from time to time, but found my IQ dropping drastically. I had to stop reading for the sake of my sanity and the safety of my family.

Just Plain Jason

Speaking of the Pants Suited one… One of my esteemed Senators was the first to throw her hand up in support. I swear McCaskill has taken some stupid pills.