Tuesday feel good story

| June 25, 2013

Chief Tango sends us a link to today’s good news in Forth Worth. In a home invasion, things went bad for the young men who trying to turn their lives around when the home owner engaged in a gun fight with them;

According to homicide Sgt. Cheryl Johnson, officers dispatched to a shooting in the 6700 block of Glenbrook Lane about 3:40 a.m. Sunday arrived to find a 29-year-old man shot in the head. The victim, identified in a police report as Anjoria Atchison, remained hospitalized Monday.

Within minutes of the shooting, officers were notified that Donald Davis and another man, 19-year-old Drayon Demond Perkins, had arrived by private vehicle at Texas Health Southwest Fort Worth hospital with gunshot wounds.

Davis was transferred to Texas Health Harris Methodist Hospital near downtown for surgery but was pronounced dead at 10:15 a.m. Sunday.

Perkins was arrested on a murder warrant and remained hospitalized Monday.

The homeowner was wounded, but not before he shot one of the young men dead and wounded another. All in good night’s work.

Category: Feel Good Stories, Guns

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NR Pax

Who knew that collecting used clothes for the church could be so fatal?


Here’s to a speedy recovery for the homeowner. As for the others…I hope it a long, painful debilitating recovery.

El Marco

Say g’night, Dick.


This just reinforces my thesis. “Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.”


Nah. This is being done all wrong. Only the wounded home owner should be allowed to see a doctor. The two living perps need to be taken to the closest medical school, to help train the next generation of doctors. If they live, fine; if not, no loss and some true gain. The dead perp needed to be shipped to the nearest body farm. Gotta give those foresic students some field work, ya know.

There. Nobody can say that I’m not practical.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

@5 They could use the wounded perp as an organ donor. Then his last moments on earth will be spent actually contributing to society instead of being a parasite.

I agree with Lebben, I hope the homeowner gets well quickly and suffers no long term effects of a head wound.


Just warms one’s heart. Nice shooting, homeowner.


Fo’ Shizzle!


Typical of this type of scumbag. Violate the law, shoot someone, get shot by someone defending themselves and then go to the local ER and ask for help at the taxpayers expense!
“Rap” this one up!


@8-Hack.Stone, Yo no speako that lingo. I’m an old phart, WTF does it mean?


@10, that would be, back in the day, fer sure, dude. Or, right on! Normal conversation would be, yes, that’s for sure.


re: ” such a high urban turnout”


The home renter was a big time drug dealer in DFW . So he is no Saint. Check.your facts before u post garbage.

Facts not opinion

He sure was and a killer himself. All of dfw knew it. Except the police


@13 And you know this, how? If you’ve got a link, post it please.


Well, Rick, if that is/was true, shame on the recently deceased for not working on that five paragraph order.