Jimmy Carter: Portrait of an abject failure
There’s an old saying that goes: “Let your life serve as a warning to others”. In Jimmy Carter’s case, that’s an understatement. In the “worst president in history” category, it’s a tie between Jimmy Carter and Bubba Clinton. Neither was keen on national security, and both were dismal failures at foreign policy. They were however, adept at smooth-talking minorities and poor into believing that age-old myth of the “Democratic party being for the “working class”. All one needs to do is study the history of the Unions in this country to see the result of that lie.
The former Georgia peanut farmer never met a dictator he didn’t like. His approach to foreign dictators is stomach-turning.
Of Saddam Hussein, Carter said: “Even if his effort is successful [Colin Powell addressing the U.N. Security Council] and lies and trickery by Saddam Hussein are exposed, this will not indicate any real or proximate threat by Iraq to the United States or to our allies.” Instead, Carter wanted a “a sustained and enlarged inspection team, deployed as a permanent entity until the United States and other members of the U.N. Security Council determine that its presence is no longer neededâ€.
Evidently, 12 years of Hussein’s nose-thumbing trickery wasn’t convincing.
During his disastrous administration he declared that Yugoslavia’s Marshall Tito was someone “Who believes in human rightsâ€, and told Nicolae Ceausescu that “Our goals are the same: to have a just system of economics and politicsâ€.
Thanks to hapless foreign policy decisions which resulted in the abandonment of the Shah, mishandling of the Iranian hostage crisis, and botched rescue attempt, this myopic simpleton was responsible for thousands of deaths, and left the door wide open for a succession of Iranian Ayatollahs and the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan.
His antics with the former Soviets weren’t much better. During Leonid Brezhnev’s tenure, the Soviet Union expanded militarily and engaged in several coups funded by the Kremlin. Carter’s reputation as a foreign policy wimp encouraged the Russians to install Communist regimes in Vietnam, Angola, Somalia, Mozambique, Ethiopia, Grenada, Nicaragua, and South Yemen. All the while, the American military was underequipped, underfunded, and underpaid.
As if Carter’s bumbling as President weren’t enough, it pales in comparison to his post-Oval Office behavior. He cuddled up with Daniel Ortega’s Sandinista regime, wrote letters to members of the United Nations opposing any interference with Iraq’s aggression in Kuwait, traveled to Pyongyang and praised Kim Il-Sung, announcing that that Pyongyang was a “bustling city where shoppers pack the department storesâ€. That’s great news of the rest of North Korea; since they have virtually no electricity and a diet consisting of grass soup.
Included on Carter’s past and present A-list list of friends: Yasser Arafat, Fidel Castro, Hugo Chavez, Syria’s late Hafez al-Assad, Ethiopian tyrant Mengistu Haile Mariam, and former Haitian butcher and junta leader Raul Cédras. It reads like a who’s who of global despots.
He refuses to let go of the office he was kicked out of in 1980. His free-lance anti-American diplomacy is an embarrassment and a disgrace. His arrogance and stupidity doesn’t just affect himself. The problem is that he gives aid and comfort to America’s enemies and there is a segment of like-minded sycophants who endorse his grotesque behavior.
Do us all a favor, Jimmy. Stick to building “Crack houses for humanityâ€.
Category: Foreign Policy, Historical, Hugo Chavez, Jimmy Carter, Politics