What would we do without Hillary

| May 23, 2007

I guess Hillary Clinton (D-NY Carpetbagger) figures she’s the only one on the planet to think the Pentagon needs to have contingency plans. In a letter to Defense Secretary Gates, she prodded the seasoned professional to produce a withdrawal plan from Iraq. From AP:

The Democratic presidential candidate, whose recent statements have made her own position murky on when the bulk of U.S. troops should leave Iraq, urged top military brass in a private meeting and a public letter to detail how they would bring forces home.

The New York senator met privately with Joint Chiefs Chairman Gen. Peter Pace late Tuesday, and sent a letter to Defense Secretary Robert Gates urging military leaders to begin such planning if they haven’t already.

The move by Clinton follows word from Baghdad that Iraqi military officials are drawing up plans for the possibility of a withdrawal of U.S. forces, and a failure by congressional Democrats to muster enough votes for legislation forcing a timed withdrawal.

Clinton now wants the Pentagon to brief lawmakers on their withdrawal contingency plans.

What else can we expect from her – she doesn’t think parents are smart enough to raise their own children until the age of four, why would she think that the Pentagon doesn’t already have a plan to extricate it’s troops from Iraq without her telling them to present her with a plan?

And anyone dumb enough to brief that leaky Democrat caucus on a withdrawl plan doesn’t deserve their job.

This purely a political move to make voters think Clinton is all caught up to the political game. Someone tell that goofball from Chicago, by way of Little Rock, that the Pentagon planners don’t sit around on their butts until some halfwit from across the river tells them to plan something. They’ve probably got an OpPlan laying around to invade her Georgetown mansion if they needed to. My Aspen Hill mansion, too.

But, the Left already thinks she’s some sort of rocket surgeon;

Now here’s an anti-war candidate who’s thinking.

If Democrats muster the political will to cut off war funding, how bad would it be for them if the military then had to flee Irag in chaos and confusion, with no plan, because the money spigot suddenly was cut off? You could be pretty sure the GOP would be back in charge in 2008.

Yeah, well, after another year of the performance I’ve seen from Democrats this year, I think they’ll have a tough time convincing Americans they can be leaders. If this is the best they have, we should coast till November – if we can come up with a candidate, that is.

Category: Politics, Terror War

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