West Regional First Round

| June 11, 2013

Results from all races will be released on Friday.

In case you’ve forgotten who to vote for here, you can read the bios at this link.

First, our musical faire. This is from Rich Stadium in Buffalo on 4 JUL 1989. I almost lost a testicle going over this fencing so I could get front row at this show. In my defense, I had done a lot of balloons in the parking lot, and it had been a long drive from Foxboro the day before.

And yes, I did make it to the front. I got booted from Rich Stadium about 3 years later when I smuggled my iguana (Newt Gingrich) into the show in my shirt. Large lizards and second hand pot smoke do not mix well. (pro-tip for you.)



1) Shane “High School to Panama” Ladner

16) Jeff “Holy Moley” Burtt


8) Michael “Shoulda stayed mute” Campbell

9) Matt “Tim Poe’s Bitch” Farmer


4) Elton Perry “Fell in a pile of Medals” Hawley

13) Richard “Recon Assmonkey” Straub


5) Michael “Window PLF” Gerold

12) Jeffrey “Lonestar Survival” Rodgers


3) Todd Michael “Triple Stack Hack” Hamilton

14) James Burch


6) Matt Buckingham “someone’s a little cranky” Tyler Matthews

11) Carroll “Been Erased” Bryant

buonoTerry Farmer

7) Douglas Arthur “Airborne F-350” Buono

10) Terry Lee “Decapitational” Farmer

Danny-CraneJason miller

2) Danny Russell “Dr. Frasier” Crane

15) Jason “Giant Grape” Miller

Vote my minions, vote!

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We’ve got a rich crop of post-traumatic stress fakers this year — Tina and Armine from Monday, and both Farmers today — I think they deserve special attention. Remember the Nestle’s “sweet dreams” commercial from the 80’s? –


I’m a hero, I insist
I’ve got PTSBS
If I act like a narcissist
It’s my PTSBS
Trauma dream –
Drama queen!
If I’ve made my life a mess
It’s my PTSBS
I’m a hero, I insist,
I’ve got PTSBS.


This one is a little tough…
Ladner though, he caused his wife to lose a leg because of his lies, so he has my vote to make it to the final 4.
Then there is Bryant, Crane, and Farmer my other top picks other than Ladner for this round.


This was a tough one, but I had to go with Bryant, only surviving member of Blubber Team 6.

Combat Historian

Ladner for the regional win here, although some of the poser Gyrenes deserve (dis)honorable mentions, especially “Decapitated” Farmer, who never made it out of bootcamp but is slinging those horrific Vietnam BS tales to the patently gullible…


That 8 vs 9 match up was a tough one! I switched my vote twice… both grade-A phonies!


Shane Ladner in a walk. Anyone who has been on teh Tee Vee AND been outed AND caused grievous bodily harm based on his lies.
Karma Karma Karma Karma Karma Chameleon!!


Ditto on the #8/#9 match up. Both are both equally crappy. At least Campbell eventually ended up in Iraq.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

I think the fake seal survivalist could be a surprise dark horse…covering up his tracks, or trying to, once he got caught being a full of sh1t liar…also he steps into that fraud category with claims of service to entice customers to his business.

But Ladner is going to be very hard to defeat.

I am really ambivalent about these contests…all of these people suck 4ss. It would be great for all of them to have a nice sticker on their vehicle proclaiming what a LSoS they are and that they are not to be trusted.


Shane Ladner in a grand slam win! I just gotta’ thing for really big soldiers with lots of fruit salad.


@7 I ended voting for the American Idol dude because he got way more exposure. American Idol gets more viewership than golf… That’s how I broke the tie. Didn’t they both end up on a deployment?
I could be mistaken, all these stories seem to blur together. With so much BS floating around, sometimes it’s hard to differentiate the color of each individual turd.


Can we keep some of these guys and see how they develop, kinda like baseball? I think #16 Jeff Burtt has more in him and is just beginning to shine.


not that I think he’s gonna win, but I’m voting for Burch because come on there Smaj, you should know better, even if 99% of what you are wearing is legit, you look like ass.


also, Shane “karmas a bitch” Ladner, I knew there was a reason most MPs rubbed me the wrong way.


I agree Ladner will take this one. That bag of cock’s lies got someone else hurt. That makes him an extra large, smelly, somewhat mushy turd.

Green Thumb

Ladner has the edge but Crane will bring the competition.


Ladner has a huge edge in being a turd. Carroll Bryant or that other shitbag Russell Crane can make a run.

This is the bracket of turds (death) in terms of people. Bryant, Crane, Buckingfake and Ladner? Where can you go wrong?


Ladner, for sure. And Hamilton. Both of them are worst-case scenario scum.

Planet Ord

Ladner all the way! The lies he told allowed him to skate on taxes for years while sporting a purple heart license plate, and deceive the good folks in Texas to honor him and give him a free deer hunt.

He also abused the public trust as a police officer, which makes it that much harder for the good cops.

Finally, his lies nearly cost his wife her life, and did cost her left leg.

Just so people would think he’s a hero? What an asshole.

2/17 Air Cav

This contest is conducted in accordance with Democratic Party Rules: multiple votes by the same voter permitted.

Green Thumb


I would argue that Hamilton has stolen more money.

Limbs, no. Cash, yes.

I feel sick.

Tactical Trunk Monkey

@5 and 7,

#8 was in the Corps, I served with him. He is a great guy, and I have in the past (before I found out about the phoney business) missed talking to him, and playing golf with him.

but how big of a loser do you need to be to lie to get onto the PGA tour? He was a great golfer to begin with…

Tactical Trunk Monkey

Sorry..meant to say that he WAS a great guy…

Any time you take an honorable service, you move from the great guy category, and move into the “I hope you trip and fall off a cliff” category.

Planet Ord

Tactical Trunk Monkey, I feel the same way about Ladner. We were like brothers. Then I earned everything I knew about him was not true. It pisses me off as his ex-friend, as a veteran, and as a police officer. Dirty cops make gaining the trust of the public so damn hard. I hate him for that betrayal alone.

Green Thumb, yeah, Hamilton stole more. Ladner pisses me off because he was a dirty cop, and trashed his own perfectly honorable service. It makes me sick too.


I got word that Hamilton has lied his way into a leadership role at the Pheonix VA with stories of having been INTEL and a Helicopter pilot in Iraq. He’s still using his “good looks” and bullshit lies to scam his way into getting what he wants. He deserves to go far in this tournament.


Ladner has my vote !! sure he was crying like a little girl when he got arrested today.

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