Monday feel good story

| June 10, 2013

Chief Tango sends us a link to MyFoxAtlanta about a homeowner who discovered three men ransacking his home when he returned last night. A shoot out ensued;

Gunfire was exchanged between the homeowner and the burglars and ended up fleeing the home through an open window.

When police arrived, they found a man dead on the front lawn of the neighboring home. An autopsy shows the man died from a single gunshot wound to the chest.

Police also found a handgun outside the window.

From the video: [Neighbors] hope that the fact that the homeowner had a gun sends a message to would-be criminals.

Category: Feel Good Stories, Guns

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But, but, he was a good boy. He was just getting his life turned around. He didn’t have to kill him, he coulda just wounded him a little. He killed him over property?(H/T to our very own Joey the Rock-climbing Hero).
Seriously, the homeowner can probably look forward to harassment, vandalism and another break-in or three, but only if the rest of the dead one’s gang is sure he isn’t home.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

This is why armed robbery should be a capital offense. They could have killed the guy whose home they were robbing. Now they will get some jail time, well the dead guy won’t, but they will be back out and having learned nothing in prison will be back robbing folks again in no time…we don’t kill nearly enough violent or potentially violent criminals. Bringing a gun along on a home robbery means you don’t give a f#ck about honest people. That’s enough for me to think your death can’t come soon enough.


Only one out of three? Home owner should get to the range more often…


But, but he, he was jus’ gittin’ started main! He had, had his whole life ‘head a him, playing basketball an, an and he was gonna be star playa on his junior high skool foteball team! Axe, ’em! Jus’ axe ’em!


He was only five years away from earning his GED. Fo’ Shizzle!

Roger in Republic

He attained that most coveted status among his peers, ‘Dead Right There’.


Perfect example of why CCW is just as important as a gun in the home. If Libtards had their way a gun in the home would have been worthless to this man and he could possibly be dead right now.

Felony murder rule means the other two can be charged with murder. Pretty sure attempted murder is still a felony right? I mean there was a shootout and none of those turds can claim self defense.


Poor kids were just looking for some Skittles & Tea.


“Stop the violence!”

…Okay, seriously, wth? You want us to greet a home invasion with tea and scones?


I’m going to assume since the perps were black and no one called Jesse Jackson or Al the shooters were black also.