Did PRISM lead feds to terror plot in NYC?
In the wake of the scandals plaguing the Obama Administration in regards to massive violations of citizens’ privacy, Reuters reports that the government’s data mining stopped a terrorist attack on the New York subway system.
The sources said Representative Mike Rogers, chairman of the House of Representatives Intelligence Committee, was talking about a plot hatched by Najibullah Zazi, an Afghan-born U.S. resident, when he said on Thursday that such surveillance had helped thwart a significant terrorist plot in recent years.
President Barack Obama’s administration is facing controversy after revelations of details of massive programs run by the National Security Agency for collecting information from telephone and Internet companies.
The surveillance program that halted the Zazi plot was one that collected email data on foreign intelligence suspects, a U.S. government source said.
Buzzfeed reports that might not be the case. That the plot was thwarted by good old fashioned police work that had little to do with PRISM.
The path to his capture, according to the public records, began in April 2009, when British authorities arrested several suspected terrorists. According to a 2010 ruling from Britain’s Special Immigration Appeals Commission, one of the suspects’ computers included email correspondence with an address in Pakistan.
The open case is founded upon a series of emails exchanged between a Pakistani registered email account sana_pakhtana@yahoo.com and an email account admittedly used by Naseer humaonion@yahoo.com between 30 November 2008 and 3 April 2009. The Security Service’s assessment is that the user of the sana_pakhtana account was an Al Qaeda associate…”
“For reasons which are wholly set out in the closed judgment, we are sure satisfied to the criminal standard that the user of the sana_pakhtana account was an Al Qaeda associate,” the British court wrote.
Later that year, according to a transcript of Zazi’s July, 2011 trial, Zazi emailed his al Qaeda handler in Pakistan for help with the recipe for his bombs. He sent his inquiry to the same email address: sana_pakhtana@yahoo.com.
An FBI agent, Eric Jurgenson, testified, “I was notified, I should say. My office was in receipt of several e-mail messages, e-mail communications.” Those emails — from Zazi to the same sana_pakhtana@yahoo.com — “led to the investigation,” he testified.
The release of the story seemed a little oddly timed to me anyway – at the end of a week in which the government was trying to downplay the whole data mining thing. I guess they found a terrorist that had used emails and that was close enough for them. Never mind that those emails had been found on another terrorist’s laptop and not gathered by the NSA. Who would know the difference anyway? Not the sheep, that’s for sure.
Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Terror War
Nothing to see here folks. Just head on home. Hey! How’s about a nice free cell phone? Maybe some extra dollars on those EBT cards? You betcha. And…. don’t worry about those news reports, folks. We’re the government and you know you can trust us. Right?
It’s not like they’d ever use the information they gather for unlawful purposes… After all, both the IRS scandal and the Gun Walker program were just a couple of rogue government employees. Besides, your privacy isn’t worth our concerns if it yields us as advantage in the polls…….
Something growing in the Utah desert:
This story is deception in that it wishes to distract you the reader from the enormity of the treason that is occurring. Like the “Bush’s Fault” stories blaming all of this on Bush-43, Obama’s minions are desparate to find some way of distracting the people’s attention away from the scandals.
Collecting data in a dragnet is one thing, and the discovery of something legally actionable is quite another. Technology has caught up the need and now it is possible to find the obvious and non-obvious relationships between people and groups, sentiment, and do all of this across structured and unstructured data. Most Americans don’t argue when this power is directed against terrorists.
But Obama has made no bones about his behavior toward his opponents – we are terrorists, racists, sexists, homophobic capitalist libertarians. As we have come to learn, Obama uses the power of these technologies against Americans engaged in legitimate political and economic activities.
Considering this is a Red-on-Red purge, I wonder how many more scandals will come out.
[…] Ain’t Hell has a bunch of great posts up today but I especially like this one by Jonn called “Did PRISM lead feds to terror plot in […]
DaveO, don’t forget the soothing words of Valerie Jarret, “Given the daunting challenges that we face, it’s important that president elect Obama is prepared to really take power and begin to rule day one.”
And, there is this gem, “After we win this election, it’s our turn. Payback time. Everyone not with us is against us and they better be ready because we don’t forget. The ones who helped us will be rewarded, the ones who opposed us will get what they deserve. There is going to be hell to pay. Congress won’t be a problem for us this time. No election to worry about after this is over and we have two judges ready to go.”
I think it’s safe to say that this administration’s own incompetence prevents it using tools that would prevent terrorist attacks both domestically and foreign.
Fort Hood, Detroit Metro Airport, Times Square New York, Boston Marathon, and Benghazi,
I’ll give our overlords credit though. They did stop a bridge bombing by Occupy Wallstreet scum.
@4 DaveO – Yep
@All – Calling him an Enemy of the Republic ain’t so wacky sounding now, is it?
May the Lord do to this Deceiver and all of his minions, just as He did to David for his sin wrt Bathsheeba and her husband, Uriah the Hittite.
A question no one’s thought to ask yet…
Has PRISM been sufficiently penetrated to give any and all foreign enemy a head’s up on which cells are compromised?
Hell. Our fed “intel” services work as much for our enemy as they do for us.
“We need to stay the hell out.”
Truer words….
Nuts! #10 was supposed to go elsewhere. Please ignore it.
If PRIZM is so hot, why didn’t it stop the Santa Monica shooter? After all, we KNOW there’s no such thing as a true lone wolf. Someone HAD to have known /seen something? And if you “see something, say something”. Isn’t that right, change-your-Nappy? /sarc off
They have an official email about it through the .mil account, means it is now officialy serious business…