In Case You Missed It

| June 9, 2013

Al Qaeda’s leadership has publicly called for Sunni Muslims to “rise above their differences” and back the Syrian rebels.  The call came from Ayman al-Zawahri himself.

al-Zawahiri also called for jihad in Syria and the establishment of an Islamic state.  Both of those would certainly be in the US national interest, wouldn’t they?

So much for the claim that al Qaeda isn’t supporting the Syrian rebels, or that their goals aren’t one and the same.  Tell me again why the current US Administration wants to help al Qaeda’s leadership attain its goals?

Shakespeare had it right:  “A plague o’ both your houses.”  In that fight neither side is what anyone with even one working brain cell would call “the good guys”.  We need to stay the hell out.

Category: Foreign Policy, Military issues

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Old Trooper

“Tell me again why the current US Administration wants to help al Qaeda’s leadership attain its goals?”

For the same reasons they backed the Muslim Brotherhood/AQ in Egypt and Libya and wouldn’t help those fighting for freedom in Iran.


“We need to stay the hell out.”

Truer words….


amen, i been saying that both sides should just kill each other off since this started. as the rest of the arab world gets involved, maybe we can get lucky and they all blow each other into oblivion. it is clear, and has been from the start, that who ever wins, we lose. for some reason the entire world refuses to see the arab world for how it really is. i will never understand such willful blindness


Thank you!!! Stay the hell out of there and let ’em kill each other off. Not one drop of American blood for those ass wipes! Besides, AK-47’s never disappear. Get them out of one country and they are being reloaded in Syria the next morning before a corn flakes breakfast. Let them get their own arms and leave them the hell alone.


That ain’t our fight.

Like the Copts in Egypt, it is the Christians mainly around Aleppo IIRC, that are, and will be getting the dirty end of the stick, no matter who wins. I have no solution to offer other than prayer for their protection.


You don’t have Obama’s values system. Lots of folks mocked the focus on “B. Hussein Obama” but has there been a single situation in which Obama has not sided with America’s enemies?

Tool from Brooklyn

I wouldn’t mind if we nuked them all.


We need to stay the hell out.

True, but I’m hoping both sides lose. :p

Green Thumb

Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize.


AW1 Tim

This what happens when the low-information voters all turn out and elect a Manchurian Candidate, a muslim, as President of these United States.

Considering his actions and his words, especially his statement to the muslim world that (paraphrase) “The future will not belong to those who mock the prophet of islam” there can be no doubt of his islamic religious indoctrination, and of where his true allegiance lies.


I’m wondering if that senile old fool McLame read this, or had someone read it to him.

Just Plain Jason

Ummm…guys, John F. Kerry was in Vietnam, so I think he knows a thing or two about conflict, so you know him arming the rebels while Putin is arming the government is obviously the right way…