IRS Scandal Update – 22 May 2013
A quick update on events in the ongoing IRS scandal over the last few days:
- The ex-head of the IRS personally knew that conservative groups applying for tax-exempt status were being discriminated against by IRS officials roughly a year before the matter became public, and apparently did nothing of significance.
- The discrimination against conservative groups apparently began in 2010.
- The POTUS met personally with the head of the NTEU on 31 Mar 2010 – about the time that the unlawful bias against conservative organizations by the IRS began. The NTEU’s PAC reportedly contributed heavily to anti-Tea Party candidates in both 2010 and 2012.
- And, finally: the head of the IRS Tax-Exempt Division will reportedly invoke the 5th Amendment when called to testify before the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee about the matter.
And don’t blame the Administration for this unethical and unlawful mess. According to Democratic lawmakers on the Senate Finance Committee, an ambiguous tax code is to blame for the IRS selectively targeting the Administration’s political opponents here. By that logic, I guess the tax code must also be to blame for giving the Administration’s political allies and the POTUS’s relatives expedited approvals.
Nothing to see here, folks. Move along.
Yeah, right. What’s next – are we going to see a prominent Administration official coming out and saying publicly, “I am not a crook”?
Category: "Your Tax Dollars At Work", Crime, Politics
Hmmm,.. and those accusing B. Hussein Øbama & Co. for that mess are “racist” as well, I assume?
Cwissy Matthews thinks so…
White supremacy? Really?
Charlie Rangel became a white man and nobody told him, huh?
Nothing says worthy of trust like “I refuse to answer that question on the grounds that it may tend to inciminate me.”
Reported yesterday: a meeting between the head of the IRS employees union and the prez the day before the additional scrutiny began. (Will attempt to find a link for that report. Only heard it once, in a TV broadcast.)
Ambiguous tax code is to blame, eh?
Another argument in favor of abolishing the present tax code.
Buuuut, being politicians and lawyers, that answer is too obvious.
Instead, Kongress will want to add still more laws to a situation they themselves created, thus making the tax code even WORSE!
Ain’t it always the way??
@ #4: Oh, yeah. While I understand the need for that Constitutional protection for the civilian population, I seriously expect more from public employees who supposedly work for us.
I heard that Obama was changing the name of their dog from Bo to Checkers.
It’s funny how something that’s “ambiguous” was determined to require intense scrutiny of only one kind of group and one political party. Perhaps the Democrats are unclear as to the exact meaning of the word ambiguous. As a public service I thought it might be appropriate to post the definition for review…..
1- (of language) Open to more than one interpretation; having a double meaning.
2-Unclear or inexact because a choice between alternatives has not been made.
Now for those of you who are Democrats you will notice the definition requires more than one interpretation or it requires that a choice between alternatives not be made. Thus if you are investigating all non-profits because of the multiple interpretations that would indeed be ambiguous. Investigating only the non-profits of your political opponents is not ambiguous at all, not only is it very single minded of purpose it’s also a criminal offense that should result in jail time for those responsible.
The problem with the left is that you always have to define words like Ambiguous, Responsible, Honor, Duty, Service, Character….because they like to ignore definitions that don’t suit their political agenda regardless of the factual situation surrounding the issue. Also when a Democrat takes responsibility they never seem to lose their jobs, what’s up with that?
@9. “Also when a Democrat takes responsibility they never seem to lose their jobs, what’s up with that?” It’s the new standard of leadership. Accepting responsibility no longer means accepting consequences.
Fucking UN-ACCEPT-ABLE, Period.
Just have to say that this mess is even more fascinating than the Watergate hearings, and those were mighty interesting.
Are Lerner and Wilson the real whistleblowers here? Hmmm.
Who accepted responsibility for Benghazi and what were the consequences? The IRS scandal (Note: Resigning AFTER you announced you were retiring doesn’t count. Neither does taking the fifth.) What about Fast and Furious? The outlandish nonprosecution of the Philly poll thugs? How about a cabinet member campaigning for obamaman in violation of law? What about our southern border and the horrendous crimes committed by the bastards that are ‘just here to do the work Americans won’t?’ What about the consequences for wholesale spying on reporters? I could go on but the litany is making me sick. It’s like a huge circle where everyone points at the next guy. And the chief executive, the guy who is reposible for appointing many of these clowns? Oh, he’s not even in the circle.
Um, OWB . . . regarding comment 5, perhaps the article found at the third link above might save you some time looking. (smile)
Thanks, Hondo. Sometimes reading comprehension is acceptable prior to the consumption of copious amounts of coffee and sometimes it is not. Any theories about what kind of day this is? 😉
Taking the coffee pot back to bed now…
OWB: understood fully, lady. I have those days entirely too often myself. (smile)
Well, Lerner did take the fifth, but not before issuing a statement that she had done nothing wrong. Hey, that’s good enough for me. She wouldn’t lie. She’s with the government.
“I haven’t done anything wrong, but I’m invoking the 5th amendment just in case.” – Lois Lerner.
That noise you hear is me falling off my chair, laughing.
Yes, I agree with OWB: this is at least as fascinating as, and rapidly becomng more so, Watergate with Sam Irvin leading the charge. I do vaguely recall Tricky Dick’s “I am not a crook” speech.
Lerner should be fired immediately. If she doesn’t answer to we the people, she need not be paid by we the people.
“The power to tax is the power to destroy.” –John Marshall, first Chief Justice of SCOTUS
This is the latest news on this IRS misbehavior. Lerner’s signature, while a stamp and not penned, is on one of the letters.
Worth a read.