Fort Jackson Commander relieved
The Star-Tribune reports that Brigadier General Bryan Roberts, the Commanding General of Fort Jackson, SC has lost his job because he was apparently acting like a drunk private;
The Army says Brig. Gen. Bryan Roberts reportedly was in an altercation with another woman, not his wife. Roberts was suspended from his job by Gen. Robert W. Cone, commander of Army Training and Doctrine Command, while the investigation continues.
Midlands Connect reports that there may have been more to it than that;
Harvey Perritt, spokesman for U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command, says Roberts was suspended due to allegations of misconduct, including adultery and a fight.
From WLTX:
While the investigation is ongoing, Brig. Gen. Peggy C. Combs, Commandant of the U.S. Army Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear School, at Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri, will serve as the interim commander.
Someone wrote to us this weekend to tell us that the Odierno letter last Friday was already being implemented and that he was in the middle of an hours-long sexual harrassment/assault response program slide show while he was trying to de-mobilize. I think the wrong people are getting this training.
Thanks to Chief Tango for the links.
Category: Military issues
I say that at least 3 more leaders at Initial Entry Training Posts get relieved (CG or CSM). Just have a hunch….
I just completed my sexual harassment training, which is interactive, the other day and as I played the role of a young NCO trying to teach my soldiers about how to treat the fairer sax, I also thought “when do I get to role play as the 3 star general who has a new, sexy office assistant who is attracted to men with power?”
Agreed, wrong people are getting this training.
Like I said, I was in right after Tailhook and I don’t recall any khakis sitting through the knee-jerk training begging to be allowed to relieve the pain by sticking forks in their eyes.
Sauce, goose, gander, shit like that.
This is awesome in the worst way. Nidal Hasan should be appointed interim commander, because that couldn’t possibly make any less sense than what’s already happening.
confirmed. battalion level brief on sexual harrassment, sexual assault. No powerpoints, luckily.
And all the BCT Privates get to wear My Little Pony patches on their ACU’s!!
I wonder if this country is ever engaged in war against a significant threat if they are going to relieve service members for such trivial actions. Most of the notable WW2 military members had far worse going routinely than this nonsense. They lead and fought to victory. They are considered the greatest generation so what the hell are we now when having a negative facebook page a fight? The worst generation?
Remember when the military was a bunch of rough men that got the job done against enemies? Pepperidge Farm does…..
Guys a dumb ass, played the part of a pimp up to and including using his pimp hand.
DAMN! All these high ranking occifers, that worked SO HARD to climb up their mile-high pedestals. Look at how easily they knock themselves down.
Well, I do hope the unnamed lady smacked the Brigadier so hard his teeth rattled in his empty head.
Ya know, it was my dream to be a commissioned officer and, after some setbacks, I had a second chance at it later in life. I went throgh Army BCT after being an NCO in the Air National Guard at age 38, went through OCS at age 39, and was finally commissioned this past fall. I remember getting smoked silly in OCS and one TAC officer in particular seemed to have made it his mission in life to get me to quit. I told him straight up that they would have to kick me out and drag me out kicking and screaming because there was no way I would quit. I latched onto this goal like my life depended on it and would not take “no” for an answer; I would not be denied. So when I read about some jackwagon senior officer who does some dumb shit like this, I am stupefied that someone could throw their commission away like this. As hard as I have worked for this, and the hard work I will continue to dedicate to this, the privelege of leading the greatest soldiers the world has ever seen I just don’t understand the lack of honor and integrity. This is not about ego for me, it is about the opportunity to serve. Coming from a family of immigrants, I appreciate the opportunities and freedoms that this country provided for me, who was fortunate enough to be born here, as opposed to the conditions my parents came from. Many of the men on both sides of my family have served including my two brothers and myself so there is a family commitment to this country that is something to live up to. Officers like this dirtbag make the military as a whole and the Officer Corps in particular look like a bunch of immature horndogs. (Climbs down off of soapbox)
Dammit. My first squadron S3 18 years ago…this sucks.
Oh they’ll quietly retire him possibly as a full bird…
I was wondering why IMCOM did a 100% (no excuses) in house SHARP training yesterday and today.
I’ve been in the Army just a little over 2 years and I’ve done SHARP like 4 times already; I guess I’ll probably have to do it in a couple of weeks when I go to Ft. Lost-In-The-Woods for EBOLC. Dammit. They really should make these senior “leader” types sit through those silly PowerPoints and ridiculous role-playing exercises so they can “share the pain”. Of course, the media is going to have a field day with this on top of all of the recent high profile sexcapades of current and retired military leaders (Gen. Petraeus, anyone?) What is this, the military or “Soldiers Gone Wild”? I mean seriously, keep it in your pants and if you can’t do that, be discreet and don’t shit where you eat.
I remember he was my Brigade Commander in 1CD. Didn’t realize who it was until I saw the picture. The one memory I have of him the most was a Brigade run we did one time around Thanksgiving 2005, I was moved to the ACB shortly after that just before we deployed so didn’t really know too much about him.
There is nothing new under the sun with respect to misbehavior–sexual or otherwise–among members of the military. What IS new is the airing of the dirty laundry for all the world to see. And, frankly, I don’t understand it.
Meanwhile…back at the barracks, an NCO can’t have a “smoke session” with a man because it would be harmful to the troops moral. What does the General’s behavior do to moral? The troops sit through mandatory sexual harassment/sexual assault training but the General is a drunken sot out with what apparently is another woman. I went through sexual harassment/ race relations training when it all started post Vietnam. Never saw high rank there. I even saw upper NCO’s get up and walk out with choice words for the instructor on what they could do with the training. I guess things have changed…except there is still no upper rank sitting through this stuff.
The liberals in the administration want to air everything. They want to use every excuse they can find to muster out a good troop in an effort to lean down the armed forces. For them to snag a general is like listening to their favorite Barbra Streisand tune. All grins and smiles. Liberal ass wipes should leave the troops alone.
Said death-by-Powerpoint training usually starts with a video from some General. The junior Officers, NCOs, and EM’s are having to watch that while the Generals is somewhere showing some gal “the tip of his Star”, eh?
2/17 Air Cav: it’s kinda difficult to keep the fact that a GO was suspended from their duties out of at least the local news. Many tend to be public figures, at least locally.
You work your a$$ off for 25 yrs and beat the incredible odds to pin on a star…and it comes to this. As the investigation progresses, this guy better hope there wasn’t stuff going on as a COL or even LTC…it could be a very long fall. At least he isn’t in a Jeffrey Sinclair type predicament – yet.
@21. I suppose that it is, especially when it is the Army itself issuing the press release, Hondo.
I vaguely recall something similiar to Sparks experience during the 70’s and wind down from Nam. Don’t recall the ships, bases or camps involved, but there were more than a few “incidents” of “racial tensions”, “sexual harassment” and “playing footsie” between higher rank and females. It was kind of odd having to sit through lectures knowing the higher up giving us the lectures had been involved in something. Do remember that around a month later, he was on the carpet in front of BTN C/O and we never heard or seen him again. Must have caught the duece and a half ride to main gate and civilian life?
This reminds of me of when I was a Drill Instructor in San Diego. After tail hook, the recruit training regiment had a stand down, all the recruits were idled, and just about every member of the regiment was in the base theater foe a sexual harassment class given by the regimental commander. During the question and answer period, a young Sergeant drill instructor raised his hand and when called on by the CO stated, “Sir, why the fuck are we in here? There was not a single enlisted guy in Vegas for tail hook. Seems to me this should be a class for officers, not us.” That young Sergeant is still one of my heroes for voicing what we all thought back in the days before Al Gore invented the internet for us to vent on.
Much like then, a bunch of senior officers are screwing the pooch, and everybody pays. I know it happens everywhere, but you punish the individual, not the group.
Apparently, the brigadier bit the lady’s lip and she required medical attention from it.>1=43001
If you’re gonna have a fight, don’t bite nobody’s lips.
@25–IOW, he said what we were all thinking…how come we’re the ones getting fucked over this?
And again, I reiterate my earlier point–look at any major college/university campus on any given semester and compare to a major military base during the same timeframe.
I think I’ve made my point.
We had our SHARP training on Monday and big surprise not a single 05 and above were present.
Another member joins the club today.
Welcome to the GENs Petraeus, McCrystal, Allen, Sinclair, Ward; “Do as I Say, Not as I Do Club”
Kids are dying and Allen, who is supposed to be running a war has the time to write 30K emails to the Real Housewives of Tampa, and her “I Love to Watch while my Wife is Banged by Real Men from the Military” soft, doughy, surgeon ,husband;
Petraeus got rug burns on his knees from scrogging his not-his-wife ghost writer under the desk, (While ruthlessly enforcing GO Number 1 in Iraq, as I remember), thinking “Wow, no one will ever find out”
McCrystal was “too big to fail”, opening his “good-old-boys” MRE hole to Rolling Stone (you can ALWAYS trust a Rolling Stone reported to go “off the record”)
Sinclair was getting BJs from some young doe-eyed O3 while trying to make sure his real wife doesn’t get a chunk of his pension.
And then, there’s Kip Ward who has the spending habits of the old NBA Player Allen Iverson, but it’s on the government travel card!
I have been in uniform for 32 years now, and have gone from E-3 to O-6. I have seen the Army have to crawl back from post-Vietnam malaise to (up to now at least) one of the most respected institutions in this country.
I am tired of these douchebags getting soft landings, and eroding the capital we have gained as an institution with their beyond hypocritical behaviors, all while young kids are dying every day, trying to do the right thing with their dying breath.
The rest of us will now have to sit through more Sexual Assault and Ethics briefings, because no one has the balls to hang any of these assholes from a lamp post.
Another member joins the club today.
Welcome to the GENs Petraeus, McCrystal, Allen, Sinclair, Ward; “Do as I Say, Not as I Do” Club
Kids are dying and Allen, who is supposed to be running a war has the time to write 30K emails to the Real Housewives of Tampa, and her “I Love to Watch while my Wife is Banged by Real Men from the Military” soft, doughy, surgeon ,husband;
Petraeus got rug burns on his knees from scrogging his not-his-wife ghost writer under the desk, (While ruthlessly enforcing GO Number 1 in Iraq, as I remember), thinking “Wow, no one will ever find out”
McCrystal was “too big to fail”, opening his “good-old-boys” MRE hole to Rolling Stone (you can ALWAYS trust a Rolling Stone reported to go “off the record”)
Sinclair was getting BJs from some young, doe-eyed O3, while trying to make sure his real wife doesn’t get a chunk of his pension.
And then, there’s Kip Ward who has the spending habits of the old NBA Player Allen Iverson, but it’s on the government travel card!
I have been in uniform for 32 years now, and have gone from E-3 to O-6. I have seen the Army have to crawl back from post-Vietnam malaise to (up to now at least) one of the most respected institutions in this country.
I am tired of these douchebags getting soft landings, and eroding the capital we have gained as an institution with their beyond hypocritical behaviors, while young troops are dying every day, trying to do the right thing with their last dying breath.
The rest of us will now have to sit through more Sexual Assault and Ethics briefings, because no one has the balls to hang any of these assholes from a lamp post.
Is that why they call it- “Ft. Action Jackson”?
“The higher up you go…the higher the standards.”
That was the Army that I lived and longed for. End of story!
Another one bites the dust for letting his tool do his thinking for him, and everyone else is gonna have to pay for it, too!
Look, anyone who thinks that officers started extra-marital boinking recently is mistaken. The difference between today and, say, WW II, is that the bad behavior is broadcast publicly. If there’s more screwing around now than occurred many decades ago, it’s probably owing as much, if not more, to the discovery of penicillin than to any other factor.
2/17 Air Cav:
What you sya is absolutely true, but it felt good to get it off my chest!
When I was an instructor at Fort Gordon, we had quarterly briefings from a JAG officer telling us how long we would be in Leavenworth if we fooled around with the students. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to realize that boinking a Pvt just wasn’t worth it.
A reference to bronze statues with feet of clay, comes to mind. Except in cases like this, I think more than the feet are mushy.
The only thing is when officers get in trouble the panel of officers at art 32 alway let them get out of jail because they know it could be them and they know each other and know dirt on each other. But let it be a enlisted soldier the same officer make sure they go to jail . And if you think the star don’t have imput you have your head in the ground .that sfc will go to jail no matter what he will not get a officer trail
2/17 Air Cav (23): that was simply a good PAO doing his/her job. Best to get on top of the wave and ride it vice letting it break on top of you and drive you into the rocks.
Sustainer: agree completely, amigo. With higher rank come both perks and responsibilities – and higher standards. Violate those higher standards, and the fall should be correspondingly longer and harder.
The Johnson case royally pissed me off; he deserved dismissal and a couple of years at Leavenworth. What happens here and with Sinclair (assuming they’re convicted) will IMO be indicative of how far the institutional rot has spread.
Except the lip biting wasn’t done while fighting…
“While making up, Roberts allegedly bit the woman’s lip, causing her to seek medical help.”
Congress cheat all the time look at how many of them have done the same but made rules to punish solders wow look at that cheating is not a crime it’s something that family have deal with for ever I know this man if his wife deal with it who are we to say something of course u going to have people say thing but if you look into them hard you find they not what they say if you have never done anything wrong go for it but I don’t think it will be a lot of people saying anything
I Had this guy as the BDE CDR of the higher-headquarters my RTSA Squadron fell under when we rotated-in for the Surge in 07; 2BCT 1st Cav – they called that the ‘morale brigade’ because (then Col) Roberts valued things for his Troopers like… the pool…salsa night…dance contests… They also had an incredibly high rate of female pregnancy downrange and there were plenty of RUMINT regarding the Col and several of his female staff officers. I laughed for hours when I saw this story. “Dead Giveaway!”
Dont quite understand why Robert’s demotion was quietly brushed under radar. It was never reported in news or any SC paper that he was demoted nor the fact there were multiple women. one particular one not made to testify agst him or he agst her. Hisdemotion qquietly buried in a 2 pg wash post article abt MGen Harrison’s disgusting behavior in Japan. For some reason Army and media gone great links to protect the golden boy. cracks me up, in viewing multiple pics of him, u can tell he has had surgery on his eyes, nose and teeth. Guess to keep his youthful appearance to get those younger women.