2013 Stolen Valor Seeding Committee
Am I missing anyone?
Doc Bailey
Sam from the Corn
Average NCO
Green Thumb
Old Trooper
All of you should have received an email with teh info. If you did not, or if someone out there also wants to be on teh committee, just leave a comment here, be sure to include your email in the block that asks for it.
Category: Politics
You left out Green Thumb.
So happy to see Green Thumb on there, even though part of me is worried TSO is going to get an EXCEL spreadsheet that simply lists them all as TURD instead of actual seeding numbers.
So you didn’t need me after all?
OT, just sent.
Cool! Thanks!
Please please do the multiple awards thing. There are too many losers here to have a solitary winner.
I know that did’t sound right but the rampant ass-hattery of the top 10 should be recognized. Since they want to act this should be more like the Oscars.
I got mine, and it’s in my to-do basket. I should have it for you by Thursday COB if not earlier. 🙂
Fear not, fine folks.
I will dig deep and rank them based on their relative turdidity, turd bagginess, constitution, smell and general turdship.
I have great faith in all of you to choose wisely, and often.
These mugs would do better than the currect Cabinet!
can i be on the committee?
Please do not forget Larry Sims!
I has emailed you my picks. Holy shit, there are a lot of shitbags! I was having a hard time!