Brady Center sues Nelson, GA

| May 18, 2013

Fox News reports that the Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence has filed a Federal lawsuit against Nelson, GA, where the city council recently passed an ordinance requiring heads of households to own a fire arm with certain exceptions – like people who oppose firearms, criminals and people with mental or physical problems which preclude gun ownership or operation. But that won’t stop the gun grabbers at the Brady Center from this needless law suit;

“Forcing residents to buy guns they do not want or need won’t make the city of Nelson or its people any safer, and only serves to increase gun sales and gun industry profits,” Jonathan Lowy of the Brady Center said in a statement.

City manager Brandy Edwards said town leaders had not seen the lawsuit and had no immediate comment.

Council members passed the ordinance April 1 requiring every head of household in the town of 1,300 to have a gun and ammunition, but there are exceptions. The law exempts anyone who opposes gun ownership or has certain disabilities.

City leaders said the law was mostly symbolic, isn’t being enforced and includes no penalty.

So, the Brady Center applauded New York, Colorado and Maryland when they passed gun-restrictive laws that won’t make anyone safer, but they oppose laws that they claim won’t make anyone safer when if puts guns in the hands of law-abiding citizens. I think they’re just afraid that this particular social experiment in Nelson will only support the contention that allowing law abiding citizens to own gun reduces crime and make them look foolish. Why else would anyone at the Brady Center care what happens in Nelson, GA, with it’s population of 1314 souls (in the 2010 census)?

Category: Gun Grabbing Fascists

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Country Singer

I wonder if they named Kennesaw, GA in the suit as well, since they’ve had the same ordinance for a several years. And a precipitous drop in crime.


I’m sure it’s a calculated move. They probably figure Nelson has a higher probability to loosing in court, or settling due to legal costs…

Roger in Republic

I would think that any federal judge with a pulse would throw this out because of standing. Unless Brady can find one or more brain dead residents of Nelson to act as plaintiff, no one at Brady has suffered under this ordinance. The fact that a law does not work is no reason to overturn it. IE, Obamacare.

A Proud Infidel

I wonder just how much the Brady Foundation takes in every year, and how generous of a “salary’ the Bradys treat themselves to for administering it? If I’m right, Kennesaw, GA passed their law in the early 80’s, it’s been there for a while. But hey, that’s not going to keep chickenshit snot-spined commies from pushing their agenda! I also wonder how many lawyers drool at the thought of getting to do silly lawsuits like this, can’t we have a Lawyer Hunting Season?


Hmmm, I detect the hand of Michael Doomberg, D-Idiocy, behind this waste of time and paper. They’ll be happy to bankrupt Nelson, Ga, just because they can.

Just an Old Dog

What part of “people who oppose firearms” don’t the idiots understand. It’s a symbolic gesture supporting the second ammendment. Instead of going after criminals they go after citizens,,, fuggtards.


Why is a lawsuit against a city ordinance being filed in federal court? Shouldn’t it be filed in a municipal or state court?



It doesn’t take a great deal of brain power to understand that a better case can be made for forcibly arming law abiding citizens than can be made for forcibly disarming law abiding citizens. Neither extreme is very satisfying for those of us who value personal choice.


Funny, I don’t recall the Brady Center ever suing Kennesaw. I’m guessing they wouldn’t like those inconvenient statistics which would have come about in court. And why would they sue a town which by their own admission passing an ordinance they can’t enforce for which there will be no penalty?

Oh, right…publicity. Nevermind.


I see that the Brady Center has not been getting enough attention, again. The “look at ME” center in their collective brains stopped working overtime, otherwise they wouldn’t do this.

If I’m not mistaken, people are allowed to opt out of that ordinance, if they choose to do so.

Some day, this kind of lawsuit will be considered frivolous. The Brady bunch needs to learn to mind its own freak-show business and stick to compiling statistics. It’s about all they’re good for.


Brady and Kokesh must work from the same office space…


Brady has an excuse to act brain-damaged, he was shot in the head. Kokesh has no excuse, he’s just another attention-whoring’tard!


There is a up side to this silly lawsuit. It shows once again how extreme these nuts really are and that they have, with a fair degree of success, erroneously defined the debate as themselves and what is in reality the middle of the road between the extremes.

This is the first time in my memory that those who advocate extreme limitation of gun ownership have acknowledged that the true opposite of their position is the required ownership of guns. Most of us fall squarely in the middle between those extremes and have consistently been portrayed as extremists at the opposite end of the spectrum from the “gun control” crowd.

Not so. Never has been so, but truth has not been very well publicized. Way to go Brady bunch! Nice of you to put the actual truth out there for contemplation.

We need to take this opportunity to educate some folks.


The prize quote from the organization formerly known as “Handgun Control, Inc.” (or some such thing) is “we oppose this law as it is against the 2nd Amendment.”

In answer to one question, yes, they did find a resident stooge to act as plaintiff.

As to Brady’s involvement in the organization, it’s just using his name, just as the Gifford’s organization is using her image for theirs. Neither Brady or Gifford have the mental capacity remaining to logically form an argument for their “current positions” on the matter. They are simply being used by those who are in charge of their affairs.

B Woodman

Too bad there hasn’t been tort reform, i.e., “loser pays”. That would stop a lot of this obviously silly court-jamming shit.


“Forcing residents to buy guns they do not want or need won’t make the city of Nelson or its people any safer, and only serves to increase gun sales and gun industry profits”

Change guns to Obamacare and gun industry profits to health insurance companies profits..hmmm…..