Thursday feel good story

| May 9, 2013

Chief Tango sends us a link to the story which unfolded in Warrenton, Oregon when a woman’s estranged husband broke into her house where she lived with her three kids. The ex- was armed, and unfortunately for him, so was she;

Police say the suspect walked into the upstairs apartment armed with a gun, prompting the family to barricade themselves in a back bedroom and call 911.

For several tense minutes, police say the victims, a 43-year-old woman and three teenagers, stayed on the line with 911 dispatchers while they waited for help to arrive.


As officers surrounded the home and assumed their tactical positions, neighbors say they were told to take cover.


But before police could make their way into the home, the intruder busted down the door and that’s when police say one of the victims shot the suspect.

After hearing gunfire, police ran inside and tried to revive the suspect, but he was pronounced dead at the scene.

Even when the police are right outside your house, you might still need a gun. According to the Daily Astorian, the dead fella, Bruce Ross Rogers, 39, has been arrested for domestic violence in the recent past;

He was arrested in April by Clatsop County Sheriff’s deputies following an incident on Lyngstad Heights Lane in Astoria. A woman called 911 around 3:30 p.m. to report her boyfriend had attacked her and was refusing to leave. Rogers was arrested around 7 p.m., charged with fourth-degree assault, coercion, second-degree criminal mischief, interfering with making a police report and strangulation. He was booked into the Clatsop County Jail.

Category: Crime, Feel Good Stories, Guns

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Do you think now he understands that ‘no’ means NO!?

Veritas Omnia Vincit

@1 I bet he doesn’t, but he no longer matters because he is all done hurting folks….that’s the best possible outcome.

A piece of garbage wife beater is dead, and the world already smells a little fresher and the sky seems brighter.


Do you think they used their toe or side of the foot to try and revive him?

NR Pax

@3: They probably just stood over the body and asked if he was OK.


Good job.


my morning coffee always goes down better after i read stories like this

B Woodman

Good for the vics.
And for those libtards who still believe that only LEOs and military should posess and use guns:
When seconds count, the po-po are only minutes away. Even when they’re right outside your door.
As for the perp, better to bury ’em then to have to pay (out of the taxpayers pockets) for clothing, feeding & housing.


Good, another waste of skin is DRT(Dead Right There). Couldn’t have happened to a more deserving guy.


You know the cops had to be going “ohshitohshitohshit” when they heard the gunshots inside the house. Glad it was the shitbag, and not the lady or kids, on the floor.


Ex-PH2: maybe he finally “got it” before he lost consciousness the final time. But I doubt it.

2/17 Air Cav

This was an unnecessary killing. I bet there was a ‘stay away’ or protection order on the guy. That should have been enough to stop him cold. What could have gone wrong? You know, just like gun laws–the more laws we have, the fewer the number of bad guys with guns.