This is almost as gruesome as service in Southeast Asia, I mean DC

| October 1, 2008

Cindy McKinney has lost her mind.

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Word on the street is that this guy is going to run against her for Emperor Emeritus of the Mental Midgets.

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Category: Politics

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You say that like it’s a recent thing…

Larry Sheldon

God help us.


Mental illness is a terrible disease. This is a huge cry for help. Sadly this is one of her more lucid moments.

509th Bob

How can you “lose your mind” when you never had one to begin with?

Yes, mental illness is a terrible disease, as Martino states, but what does that mean for the “people” who elected her to Congress in the First Place? She lost her last election, so does that mean that lucid people finally actually NOTICED that she was insane? Perhaps. I would certainly “Hope” so (not associated with the Obamamessiah’s campaign of “hope”).

So, the unmedicated insane lunatic is left to roam free in the American public. How does this differ from the unmedicated homeless insane idiots I have to fend off every morning walking the ONE block from the Metro exit to my office building? Just this morning, I had one guy screaming at me for more than half-a-block to give him a cigarette. Simply another day in Washington, D.C. I’m sure that he was in on the JOOOOOOISH and American Government conspiracy to bring down the Twin Towers. Hmmph!

Martino, this isn’t a cry for “Help,” it’s a cry for euthanasia of the criminally insane. The Supreme Court, of course, would never agree … right up to the point the lunatics were sent by Government to LIVE with them.

509th Bob

BTW, if I had “listened” to my Inner-Evil-Republican-Tendencies (a.k.a. Rovian beliefs), then I doesn’t that mean that I SHOULD have given him my entire PACK of cigarettes, so that he could die of cancer Sooner!

Unfortunately, I generally disregard my Rovian beliefs. So I didn’t give him a cigarette. Shouldn’t THAT give me Absolute Moral Superiority (AMS)? If I have AMS, doesn’t THAT give me the AMS Right to require Liberals to require Liberal Democrats to adopt unmedicated homeless persons into their families, thereby becoming financially responsible for them?

I am conflicted on this point, TSO, what do you recommend?


Ahhh, but it’s all stored on that computer at the Pentagon. Uh-huh.

And don’t forget the confirmation by the anonymous sources. Again, uh-huh.

Was she wanting these 5,000 (nice round number) people to vote for her, so is that the problem?


Have you ever wanted to just turn around to one of these people and just start screaming at them? You know, clutch at your shirt and speak about the galaxy you’re really from, far, far away? And how cigarettes and coins all belong to the cosmos and the leaders are coming to collect?

You’d probably get arrested, but, hey, what the hell, right?

509th Bob


No, like I said, I disregard my Rovian beliefs. Otherwise, I wouldn’t start screaming at them, I would simply pull out a (still-unlawful in D.C.) firearm and shoot them. It is not lawful in Washington, D.C., to cull dangerously (less than 50% taking their mental-illness medications) deranged lunatics from the public teat. I happen to be a federal prosecutor. Can you imagine what the “public response” would be if I submitted to my inner Rovian beliefs?

As to screaming at them, I don’t do that because it would actually require me to expend more energy than merely shaking my head “no.” I’m incredibly lazy. I work for the Federal Government. I’m NOT supposed to expend any personal energy expressing any particular belief. I’m the PERFECT bureaucrat, notwithstanding my not-so-deeply concealed belief in Rovian-style-Inner-Evil-Republican-beliefs in such horrible things as the U.S. Constitution, or other decrees of the Bushitler Conspiracy. If Obi wins, I’m sure to become an endangered species.

As for the potential for being arrested, it certainly depends upon the particular law enforcement (LEA) agency involved. There are at least 14 different LEAs in D.C. Since the matter involved being harangued for cigarettes, the Bureau of Alcohol (I drink beer, btw), Tobacco (a WINNER!), Firearms (yes, I do HAVE those, but I don’t carry one into D.C.), and Explosives (nope, none there!) would probably have jurisdiction. But, in D.C., legal jurisdiction tends to be decided on what sidewalk, or perhaps street, that the incident occurs upon (not an exaggeration).

I must admit, for the sake of full disclosure, that I DO occasionally give bumming-vagrants a cigarette. I am probably submitting to my super-secret Rovian tendencies by doing so. Does this undercut my Absolute Moral Superiority? Help me, Obi-wan-Obama, I want to know!


BOB!! Dude!! I happen to do work for Federal prosecutors! No sh**. That is too funny.
I also used to work in D.C. — in the neighborhood of 16th and K, then grab a taxi over to certain courthouses.

Still do work for you guys, just not in D.C.
(Don’t tell TSO ANY of this, ok?)

Yes, very, very familiar with the 87 different law enforcement agencies in D.C.


Jonn, Sorry, I said poo* and I said I wouldn’t use bad language on your blog.

509th Bob


The triple-nickle? I used to work there before going to “Main Justice.”


Yep, 555 Third.


Wow, that was painful. I think I lost a few points on my IQ after listening to that nut. I am reminded of the “Billy Madison” quote: ‘Mr. Madison, what you’ve just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.’


Guys… be gentle, Cindy’s tinfoil hat is just chafing her a bit. Seriously, I live in Georgia and we all wish she’d go back on her meds. She’s more embarrassing than interesting.

Frankly Opinionated

5,000 bodies, eh? In the swamps? Those sure be some well fed Gators over there in Looooozianny. Maybe that is what the stench is that I hear about in New Awwleeanns. She is a bunch of french fries short of a Mickey D happy meal. Suppose she was smoking a doobie with Zack?
nuf sed

The Sniper

What? No H/T? Bad form.


Not trying to defend her or anything, but I don’t see how the comments here are related to the video.

TSO: I’m with you on that one, but I think this is an effort to make the impoverished TSO jealous since he has a law degree and makes roughly minimum wage. I find about 30% of the comments generally are directed at slighting me, which is a good site better than on my other blog.