Since I’ve been banned there, OPEN LETTER to DUmmy “mod mom”…

| October 1, 2008

The GOP is at it again, falsely maligning the Democrats in Ohio. Or, at least that is mod mom’s contention.


S/he is referring to this article, where in the GOP Chair for Ohio claims that

“We are already receiving reports from around the state of Democrats and Obama supporters offering everything from alcohol to concert tickets for voter registration and even votes.”

The Ohio Secretary of State’s office says they have received no reports of such activity. Ohio’s Obama campaign spokesman Isaac Baker completely dismissed the accusation.

Of course that isn’t happening? Seriously, who would use alcohol and concert tickets to entice people to register and vote?

Certainly not Chad Staton, he requires crack.

Mary Poppins. Jeffrey Dahmer. Janet Jackson. Chad Staton.

Defiance County elections officials were confident the first three hadn’t moved to their small community. But the fourth one lived there, and – in exchange for crack cocaine – tried to falsely submit the first three names and more than 100 others onto the county’s voter registration rolls, police said….

Defiance County Sheriff David Westrick said that Mr. Staton was working on behalf of a Toledo woman, Georgianne Pitts, to register new voters. She, in turn, was working on behalf of the NAACP National Voter Fund, which was formed by the NAACP in 2000 to register new voters.


Sheriff Westrick said that Pitts, 41, of Toledo, admitted she gave Mr. Staton crack cocaine in lieu of cash for supplying her with completed voter registration forms. The sheriff declined to say how much crack cocaine Pitts supplied Mr. Staton, or to say whether Pitts knew that the forms Mr. Staton gave her were falsified.

Stop acting like the GOP Chair is just making stuff up, it’s not like there isn’t a precedent.

Category: Politics

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I work across the street from the Franklin County (Columbus) Ohio Board of Elections. I’ll take a little stroll to see what turns up.

TSO: Truth be told, I knew you were in Franklin County, so I thought of you when I saw this which is why I decided to post. If you hear anything, would love to know what it is.


After further review, there are two people canvassing for registration. Without too much detail they are clearly Obama supporters. I didn’t see any booze or free pizzas. But it’s early — for Obama supporters.


It only makes sense that members of a political party would push for you to register — and register to be affliated with that party. And I can see not being able to offer stuff — but what if they (either side) wants to set up a free hot dog stand? And have a registration drive at said free hot dog stand? Is that ok? No, I’m asking honestly.

(And, TSO and Jonn, you have both been kicked off way better and eveidently more stuff than I have, I’m upset. But maybe there’s hope for me yet, what has C0B6 been banned from?)

Jonn wrote: Heh! I got banned from DU back in 1999 on my first post.

LT Nixon

Hey, I registered to vote and didn’t get a beer, just a sideways glance from the lady at the drivers license place. Damn the stupid state of WA!


Wake up, it’s not a crime if a democrat does it. I have family in Ohio and thank god they retired before the democrats and unions ran all the industry out of the state. Now they can sit back and laugh at the democrat welfare riding fools who vote the democrat fools into office. Soon the feds won’t have the funds to provide the welfare for democrats and they will become what they deserve, beggars on the street.


[…] my scan of the blogs gave me this from the Toledo Blade (through This Ain’t Hell): Mary Poppins. Jeffrey Dahmer. Janet Jackson. Chad […]


Here is a thorough summary of just one liberal voting-fraud machine from the boys over at
Liberty Peak Lodge


Why aren’t they in JAIL for fraud and illegal drugs?? Oh I forgot they’re dhimocrats.

richard wheeler

It appears as Obama gains in polls,up 5-7% nationally,taken lead in Ohio and Fla, 348-190 in electoral college,pushback from right wing as evidenced here will get increasingly mean spirited.Sarah Palin,in boot camp in Arizona,will be sent out tomorrow night to save the election that daddy Mac is in danger of getting blown out of.GOOD LUCK

TSO: Thanks for the complete non sequitur genius. Lord knows that what is important to me is polling, polling and more polling! Which is why I was For the Iraq War, then against it, and starting to be for it again.


Dick,Dick,Dick…enough said, Wheeler. .

Frankly Opinionated

Hello COB6:
I can see why Richard Wheeler is so intent on getting you to vote on the election. He knows that Nobama is hedging his chances with the ACORN voter fraud effort. Any sane person can see that he is an empty suit, but knowing that he has this one thing going for him minimizes Richards risk.
The low to no income minority wants desperately to have a black president. Nobama isn’t one. He is a fake. Yes he has nappy hair, and yes his skin is a darker tone; but he was raised by his single white momma as a rich white kid. He hasn’t changed his style in his adulthood either. He does not hobnob with the ‘hood folks, but rather white elitists such as George Soros, William Ayers, and their ilk. Don’t take him up on the bet as it is off balance.
nuf sed

Jonn Lilyea

I noticed Wheeler doesn’t come around when McCain closes the gap in the polls.

richard wheeler

TSO I agree only poll that counts is 11/04.Kath I forgot to mention I was kicked off COB’s website which I consider a badge of honor.

richard wheeler

Jonn If true means you’ll be hearing alot from me in next 34 days.Would still like to hear reasons for your vile portrayal of Navy Cross V.N. hero Sen.Jim Webb.

Jonn wrote: Vile? I was just quoting from his novel.


Hey Rich, can you list the reasons for the vile portrayal of the random Vietnam Vet by John Kerry and his merry band of communist boot-lickers?

As for Webb, apparantly he’s too smug and self-important to even shake hands with the CiC. I recall Benedict Arnold was once a great patriot and soldier. Times change……

richard wheeler

Jonn My sincere apologies.I misunderstood.Glad to hear you consider him an American hero and a great Senator from the Commonwealth of Virginia.

Jonn wrote: You heard wrong. I consider him a whiny pussy. He may have been a hero at one time (not being one, I’m in no position to judge either way), but now he’s just an opportunistic back-biting slug.

richard wheeler

Martino As a I don’t condone negative statements made by Kerry re V.N. soldiers and marines.However, both Kerry and Webb volunteerd to go and served honorably while “W” chose safer quarters in Texas and Georgia.When Webb declined a picture shoot with Bush he had just been elected after Sen Allen had run an incredibly negative,personal and Karl Rove assisted campaign against him.Nerves were raw.Webb says they now have “a more cordial relatioship” Hey Jonn Tell me what you really think.


The worst part of this fraud is that there are no poll watchers at the polling places. They are turning away Republican Poll watchers because of the SOC

And Bill Clinton went to England and smoked pot and protested the war. And Kerry serves Honorably???? Huh ask the Swift Boat Veterans about that one.

509th Bob

Jonn, what did you say about Senator Webb (now-D.Va)?

As for President Bush (W.) serving in the United States during the Vietnam War, is your lurking troll so absolutely stupid that he (1) does not understand/or simply refuses to accept reality that W. actually VOLUNTEERED to go to Vietnam?; or (2) that flying the F-102 Delta Dart was actually MORE dangerous than flying combat missions in Vietnam? Probably both.

Troll, if you actually served in Vietnam, as your post at Number 17 suggests, then I salute you. Perhaps you would like to inform us of the exact role you performed in Vietnam? I did not serve in Vietnam (Army, Airborne Infantry, volunteered, 1976-1980), but just about every E-6 and above that I served with had served. From what they told me, I think that I have a decent background (as Jonn does, only far more qualified) to separate truth from bullshit. Even if you served in some totally REMF-role, it doesn’t mean that your service was meaningless, or insufficient to be noted of worth. It would truly help your position if you established your bona fides.


Webb was a Marine in the Nam killing gooks! GOOD on him.

Now Webb is married to and breeding the very same Gooks. BAD on him

richard wheeler

BOB Jonn, Cob and Gramps know my history.I served in V.N. 11/67-II/68 Marine Platoon then Company Commander 13th Eng. Bat.Headquarterd in Dong Ha.Was in Hue and Khe Sanh early part of tour and during Tet Offensive 2/68.I salute your service.Honorable men can disagree.That satd I’d belive the men on Kerry’s boat who vouched for him before the swifties.


I’ve not yet met RW, but I intend to,just as soon as I’ kick this cancer like a bad habit.

I’ve talked to RW both hear and off net and I have no reason to not believe what he says. If I find out I’ve been had you all will be the first to know after myself.

Regarding Webb. When Reagan made him SecNav the vet community especially the Nam Vet community was ecstatic with what they thought was good news. NOW we had one of US in a position to help with the POW/MIA CRAP that Kerry McCain etc and others were trying to shove off as over. Well take a small look back at history and see what happens. Webb learned how to be a typical politician real fast, and I have no respect for him over that issue alone. MAN, It ain’t over till I’m dead, and that will be a long time from now.

richard wheeler

Gramps Good to see you up and at em and feisty as ever.I will e-mail you my phone number and address in S.C. When you’re ready call and come down Semper Fi RICHARD


RW Speaks:
Gramps Good to see you up and at em and feisty as ever.

Yeah Skipper won’t be long now. The 9th is the last Chemo treatment and the 20th is the last Radiation treatment. They said give it couple weeks after that for the damage to the good cells to heal up a bit and i”ll be ready to go

I raed here evry day, jus don’t feel that up to posting