Idiotic Cabal trying to figure out Stolen Valor Vulture Command Structure

| April 23, 2013

So, despite our not discussing Wittgenfeld around here lately, he’s been a busy little bee. ShOrTbUsPaTrOl 41 is deep behind our lines, ferreting out information that many Bothans died to keep quiet. We don’t know how he got it, he’s just crazy good like that. In Viet Nam he would fire his AK to draw the “gooks” in, and then sky dive down on them in a clown costume and assault them with candy, and presumably they would all die of gun decay or something, but with him so close, we figured it was time to come clean.

Now that he’s teamed up with fellow short bus rider Combat Internet Stalking he’s on a roll, including having stolen what he presumes is our graphic command strructure:

Command Structure

Alas, that is only our phone tree in case we have a snow day.

We can not hide ourselves any longer, and thus I share with you for the first time, our ACTUAL command structure:

Command Structure real

Apparently according to his theory, because I interviewed Ollie, than Ollie must be our #3 guy.  Yeah right.  Like I am going to write monthly counseling statements on that guy.

Everyone should go follow the “Combat Internet Stalking” guy though.  He’s hella-crazy.

(BTW- How did they find out about Sniper?  He was our best agent.)

UPDATE: Confirming he is N-V-T-S nuts, Wittgenfeld responds:

Dallas Wittgenfeld

8:38 AM – Public

This is LoNgE RaNgE PaTrOL 41….. over…! Oh, Yah… I love to visit this shit-hole … Soooo when the news media begins asking “Ol’ Ollie” if he really knows the people I have found on his lists..? This pictured echelon structure hereon.. He will say: “Why, yes. I know all those Marines and the Army Dog-Robbers too”. THEN the real-deal Airborne Ranger LRRP Vietnam War Veteran who used to shoot his AK-47 to signal the enemy to their doom… will be on a roll then.

Don’t try to attach me to your other valor vulture victims… I am NOT THEM… Only me. Focus On me…. THE LRRP 41 COMETH..!

Yeah, dude, focus down. You keep promising media front page coverage of us harrassing you, but all we get are your dopey updates read by like 8 people, 7 of whom are our guys. Do, or do not, there is no try.

UPDATE: Dude just can’t help himself. I wonder if he even realizes when he is lying.
Air show cancelled

Yeah, see that Air Show was cancelled back in February.

So which of you Valor Vultures invited this man to a cancelled air show? Because he couldn’t possibly just make things up to be an implied threat, right?

Category: Politics

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Adam Morehouse

I hope you guys don’t sell t-shirts. He seems to be focusing on them for some reason today. 🙁


Who the hell put post #86 in here?

Adam Morehouse

I’m guessing its Dallas?


I would have to say someons meds need adjusting again.


@ 102, I am guessing he is still being moderated… but the delay does throw things off a little. Though where witlessone is involved, everything tends to be a little off.

Adam Morehouse

@ 105 – lmao!

Green Thumb

Can I name my own rank?


Well son of a bitch.. I am in the command structure? Thats out standing.. so.. do I get a secret decoder ring?? Is there a secret handshake?? Wait.. DO I GET PAID??? I am #7.. so is that like a Major Pain or something?? This shit just made my day….

Widowmaker 502

Roger Hondo

Ex-PH2 in Kill Bill

I was a Drell. I was a Coaster. I was a Drifter. I was a BarKay. I was part of The Gang. If they come through Texas I played with ’em. I played with all of ’em.

And Pai Mei taught me the Five-Point Palm Exploding Heart Technique, because I asked that old fart to teach me.

Ex-PH2 in Kill Bill

I’m one of the Inglorious Basterds, too.

Oh, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes!!!

Adam Morehouse

@112- those posts are incredible, as they suggest Billy Blake to be involved in some sort of national news exposé centered around TAH’s use of a slinky as an administrator.


Widomaker 502: e-mail enroute.


So.. about my secret decoder ring…..


[…] Idiotic Cabal trying to figure out Stolen Valor Vulture Command Structure […]

LoNg RaNgE PaTrOL 41

Well, its time to go report to the Daytona V.A. Medidcaal Chief my expose’ results in this shit-hole of “Stolen Valor Vultures”. Thanks for all your participations Marine JarHeads and their iliterate Army Truckles..

squirt… squirt… squirt..!


@117: Cruisin’ down to the Vet Center again, short-round? Maybe you ought to take a road trip and try the one in Tulsa instead. You could go there and hook up with Billy-boy Blake. You two might like each other.

Oh, and remember to pick up all of your meds this time, WittlessOne. Remember to take them when you get home, too.


A fart in a wind tunnel? Geez, TSO – you gave up the secret!

Chemtrails, man – chemtrails. (smile)


Ah! I KNEW there was a reason for creating a two-way paranoid schizo online conversation between Dooougie and dullass Witlessgelding von Whipitnflogit.

I’m warning you, Whipitout Fuxd-up phone-eee LURP-person, I have STOLEN everything you say and am using it for personal gain, including your self-inflicted titillating title of ARchSlayer WarrIor of God. That’s right, boy. You are TOAST! I’m seeing to it personally! I will be bouncing your sorry butt off the underside surface of the Mediterranean pulled by a Naircraft carrier full speed ahead.

Hey, you know what, guys? It isn’t as hard to create loony-tune dialog as I thought it would be. Just takes practice.


As a retired Marine “JarHead”, does that still qualify me to meet illiterate Army “Truckles”. Cause I have a case of beer here and it is going to go bad if the Truckles don’t get here soon.


@122, if the truckles don’t show up, may I join you?

Seems like a good day for a hog roast.


hey Dillwad, when you go see your shrink be sure to tell them about the harrassing messages you send to people. You know, those people you insist are harrassing you, but in reality (the place the rest of us live) it is you who are doing it. You just keep begging for attention…. Guess you never did figure out the 1st point of contact is not your head.
I just found the “other” category on facebook messages, and there is one from dullas wittlessone from back in December. Pretty funny stuff. It was back before I was replaced in the “chain of command” here. Good stuff. Make sure you show that to your shrink Dallass. You know, along with all the harrassing messages I have ever sent to you that is. Oh, wait that’s right, you cannot do that because I never have. Dumbfuck.


Ex-PH2 a hog roast sounds good, as long as you don’t “hog” the beer. I have it on good authority from the voices in my head that the Truckles will be here in their silver space ship during the next full moon…..


Hey, guys – WittlessOne has a music video! I found it!

(It’s actually the late Frank Zappa – and it’s absolutely NSFW/NSFChildren (language). But IMO it fits WitlessOne pretty well . . . . )


TSO, that clown has been up my ass since September of 2011… He is certifiably batshit crazy. No idea how he has avoided a Section 12 (involuntary commitment) is beyond me.
Schizo? Quite possible, definite manic tendencies as well as border line personality disorder. (Not a shrink myself, but have seen enough to spot some of it)
Reminds me a lot of my ex wife, who had all those diagnosis (except schizophrenia). Totally nutbags who would say anything to avoid responsibility for their own shitstorms they start. They live in their own little reality, and if you challenge it…. watch out.


@ TSO … rather than looking at his Google and Facebook pages … I am opting for the following: oral surgery without numbing agent; watching lesbian porn starring Rosie O’Donnell; and/or elective proctology exam!


“Bragging rights: Commercial Rated Pilot, airplanes and hot-air-balloons”

The part about the hot-air-balloons rating is true. He even flies them cheap…he doesn’t need the heating unit or fuel to pump up the balloon, he’s so full of hot air that he can do it all by himself.


I’ve had to deal with Wagitnflogit’s mindlessness personally when he contacted the State IG office and they in turn contacted the C.O. of my NG Unit. Unfortunately for him the only thing that happened was I was informed that I had to learn to phrase my Blog as if I was looking at it from a lawyers perspective. Instead of being the judge, jury and executioner I had to learn to use the word ALLEGEDLY more. He and his merry gang of goat f*ckers tried to get me shot down and instead I got the approval to continue on with my mission. The only thing Dullass and company are good at is failing.


Whittleturd is in need of an intense examination from a big-fingered, sadistic proctologist with piss-poor depth perception sans anasthesia!!


@132 – Yes, and followed by a massive catheter invading his urinary track, all the way to his teenyweeny bladder. Personally, I’d wish kidney stones on him, too. 🙂