Tuesdays with Claymore

| April 23, 2013

Murder and mayhem as media events

Supermaxi Pad

Going for the throat

Perhaps the only good use for gangsta rap.

What the truck, Ashley Judd???

Sic Semper Tyrannis

Got the fever for a fervor

Bump and grind

…and yet MTV is still on the air.

Mother Earth/Gaia/Great Spirit/God/Allah…covering the bases?

Lighten up, Francis.

“Those who would give up essential liberty….”

But don’t call them communists.

Weekend At Bernie’s.

…then ask them why banana splits have cherries on top. Hey, it makes as much sense as this bullshit.

Georgia on my mind.

Uncle Tsarni = oil lawyer

Trick shooting

Bill Maher Memorial Koolaid Fountain

VA is for Gun Lovers!

Needs more cowbell.

Munchkin Guild leader says we need to spend more to help the unemployed. Maybe a shovel ready yellow brick road?

Wake and bake for breakfast!

Fertilizer plant explosion = corporate terrorism

Dear Everyone Else: Go fuck yourself

One from PavePusher

Category: Tuesdays with Claymore

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I never thought I would say this, but I agree with some of them on the “yet MTV is still on the air” thread. There are a lot of dumb ass shows on TV. The other night I fell asleep with my TV on and woke up to a show about four guys in the Bayou shooting rats.


IRT one of the responses in the “Lighten up, Francis” column; since when is a 9mm a Hand Cannon? Maybe in their dainty lil’ smooth palms.

And for “Supermaxi”…. Solitary confinement is torture? John McCain’s cell had more fresh air and sunlight? WTF?

If DU wasn’t a satire site, I’d be shaking my head that those idiots are running around loose in the real world. Wait, what? *shaking head*


To quote Michael Z. Williamson: “Their hate… it keeps me warm.”

And the best part is: If you hold a mirror up to their bigotry, they will ban you. No, don’t ask. But it is now my mission to help expose them to sunshine. Preferably in a convenient piece of Arizona desert over an ant hill….