David Canterbury; phony soldier survivalist

I don’t watch those survival reality shows, mostly because every three seconds, I’d be having someone file a FOIA on prospective phonies. For example, there’s David Canterbury who left, Discovery Channel’s “Dual Survival” last year. He claimed to be a a sniper, airborne, and a “scout”, whatever he thinks that is. Here’s his resume`.

Turns out, he was an MP, not that there’s anything wrong with that, but a 2-week Army Special Reaction Team sniper course at Fort McClellan, is not Sniper School at Fort Benning. His assignments were as an MP in Korea and Fort Carson, which means he arrested grunts out after curfew (in Korea) and wrote tickets for California stops at stop signs (at Ft Carson). And, oh yeah, no basic airborne school. It appears that he was let go from the show because of the lies.

Canterbury has admitted he was less than truthful about his military career which probably led to his release from the show. Now he runs his Pathfinder School, LLC in Jackson, Ohio.
Category: Phony soldiers
@49, I know, I just thought it was funny. At least he didn’t drink his own pee on that episode.
I can say that Scout is a real thing, at least in Marine Coprs. Granted there are only three platoons platoons of them, and one of those is a reserve unit. We are nothing special, just some 03’s assigned to Tank Battalions that conduct Bn reconnaissance. Also, all LAV-25’s have a fireteam of Scouts that ride in the back.
How hard is it for the producers of these shows to ask for some proof?
What the hell is wrong with these jackasses? He did alright as an MP. Why all the extra bullshit? You know, I’m just proud of what I did. Twenty four years, 11 months and three weeks. In the (please don’t laugh too hard) Band. Yup, I was an Army Musician. I got my star when stationed at Ft. Bragg. I did my time and am proud of it. I just can’t wrap my head about idiots like this. Someone please help me out here…….Oh yeah by the way I have too many classified Change of Command Ceremonies to mention here.
(comment removed from here, because Teti doesn’t apparently understand the use of a link and quotation marks. So, just go read what Den had passed on by going to the link above. FWIW, I think it is horseshit, and highly doubt it ever happened, especially since the commenter over there seems to have run away. Either way, allowing a comment to stand, especially when it cites to a source, is not the same as saying something.)
Call these guys.
Fucking Turds.
[…] few weeks ago, we wrote about David Canterbury, a member of the cast of a survival show on the Discovery Channel’s “Dual […]
[…] It appears he's referring to this comment. A comment which explicitely states "Here’s some info regarding Joe Teti from a forum called […]
such the nonsense i read here on this post as well as others. Those who post an those who read all of this, really must not have a life of any value nor substance to full fill their delusional mind warps.
I read these post with a great smile on my face as well as great wonderment as to why such grandiose personalities would even bother to waste monies, and your time into exposing such dumb asses that you expose.
Furthermore the profanity, the judgement of others on this forum just is further proof of why this country is ran by muslim, who was not even born of this country. (ie. yes i am a conspiracy theorist at heart, all those black suv’s running around oopppppppppps did i say that)
So why don’t you spend your valuable time on those endeavors rather than some minuscule pea brained faker and poser who does not warrant the efforts nor time it takes to even write this.
i will not do battle of wits with an unarmed person.
chance favors the prepared mind
profanity is indicative of a small mind
psyops motto: we fuck with your mind why? cause i can 🙂
finally i will actually wonder how many will come after me for these comments and attack me with their verbal abuse hum go figure
@60 Rabbi
Fuck you
“full fill”
“i will not do battle of wits with an unarmed person.”
RABBI: by any chance, do you happen to be related to a guy named “Frederick Georges”?
Rabbi…your proctologist called…he found your head
“i will not do battle of wits with an unarmed person.”
Obviously this guy never debates himself.
mr. hondo: no i am not related to any person of the name that you reference in your missive.
just by the very nature of these posts and others that i have been reading, i could predict with near certainty that i would be attacked. just as the handle “small mind” has done.
All they have is limited low information voter syndrome symptoms, which there is proper treatment for such a mental illness, such as L.I.V.S., of course those with such a mental illness have to come out of denial first.
RABBI: unwillingness to evaluate data that calls into question preconceived notions is quite consistent with being “low information”, as is the lack of proper English syntax, word choice, and spelling. Your comments above exhibit both.
How is south-central KS today, by the way?
such mental deprivation of the small minds on this forum, actually is quite predictable when looking at totality of all elements in the equation
@69 Lighten up Francis….
Remember most of us are former or active military and many of us are veterans as well. That being said, your attempts to incite a response are childish at best. Now I am going to put it as my old CSM would, pound sand sideways chuckles.
I’d be willing to bet that small mind and RABBI are the same person like we see so much of here.
if you actually believe that you are able to trace my location best of luck to a rank amateur.
your own writing skills leave to be desired for you have no construction of the ACTUAL english sentence structure. Of course that is the par for L.I.V. personality types.
You surely must be a student of saul alinsky?
I know that it has been quite some time since the troglodyte known as “RABBI” has commented here but this shit is seriously funny. How can you lay claim to having a mind any more advanced, educated, knowledgeable and etcetera (that’s a word which actually has meaning and most persons of your mental stature just abbreviate as etc.) when you are clearly uneducated yourself? You’re use of grammar and vocabulary are not even that of what I would expect from a junior high student. None of the incomprehensible (that’s an exaggeration (another word which I’m sure you have no grasp of)) crap that you’ve said was profound or provoked any thought. Furthermore, all of it has been said before. HONDO was correct in his evaluation of you.
Some people are entertained by things which others are not. Your judgement of simple mindedness is more than simple just by virtue of your judgement of those who enjoy the same things that you do. Oh, no you don’t. That’s right. It wasn’t you who commented on how people that made comments in forums such as these were simple minded.
“(ie. yes i am a conspiracy theorist at heart, all those black suv’s running around oopppppppppps did i say that)”
Are you fucking serious?!
“ie.” – used incorrectly
“Yes,” – notice the comma?
“i” – used incorrectly twice
“heart” -ends the sentence
“oopppppppppps” – I get that you intended to spell this incorrectly but wouldn’t more O’s have been more appropriate? Are we running black “ops” here?
I’ve got better things to do than continue my rant on why you are such a fucktard.
@72, At least he knows how to capitalize the first word in a sentence there smart guy.
Well, well, i have been monitoring your site for numerous months now, your work is quite commendable. It is the tone, the vulgarity, and being judgmental of others that i find amusing..
I am NOT here to incite discord, nor cause harm, just mere mentioning my observations as i perceive them
observe and report.
What i am doing is finalizing my thesis for abnormal behaviors on military style forums.
so do not take my observations too personally.
I commend those who have served this great country, both in and out of combat zones.
“If” capitalization helps, especially at the beginning of a post.
“your own writing skills leave to be..” I do believe you left out the word something. Leave to be desired doesn’t work grammatically.
Try harder.
@72. “You surely must be a student of saul alinsky?” Close. Twist and I taught alinsky. He was our student. As I recall, he was quite the conservative young fellow when he came to us. He remains our best product to date!
RABBI: if you’re going to lecture people about proper use of English, you really should capitalize the word. It’s a proper noun. Ditto the name “Saul Alinsky”.
And no, I haven’t bothered to study that leftist POS.
H*********, KS. Static address. Accuweather gives the forcast high for your location as 72F and predicts “Decreasing Clouds”.
Join the military. You will find our behavior is anything but abnormal.
“I am NOT here to incite discord…”
Thing is the tone of your post incite discord. You come across as judgmental and elitist. Should I give examples of said discord inciting comments?
“such the nonsense i read here on this post as well as others Those who post an those who read all of this, really must not have a life of any value nor substance to full fill their delusional mind warps.”
“such mental deprivation of the small minds on this forum, actually is quite predictable when looking at totality of all elements in the equation.”
So if you are not here to incite discord, why did you post statements that are disparaging to the people that post here?
I do believe you are lying through your teeth Rabbi.
Mr. Hondo, After reading your bio on the “about us” page, My respect for you just has risen.
The purpose of my posting here was to a degree to get a rise out of others, to see what the reaction is or would be. And to see how true my predictions would be with certain dialogues.
I beleive that you would agree to that it is a fair statement; that if i posted my intentions, then i would not get the responses that I have received.
So Mr. Hondo; you spoke of another “evil” as to your fight these days. If i may inquire: what is this evil that you are now fighting?
Well if you actually did in fact “teach” Saul Alinsky that would put your age in the bracket of about 90 or so?
BTW: your intel on my location is so far off, say about 1800 miles.
The wonderment of software
A thesis huh? Good luck with that.
My MS thesis concerned the reproductive habits of the Lynx rufus
Yours sounds about as interesting and useful as mine
INteresting that he’s using the JPFO as his homepage URL. Having worked with them in the past, I wonder what they would think.
Is Gottlieb with them? I spent a few minutes talking to him in Vegas at a warrior event a few months ago at SHOT show.
Dude, please tell me you aren’t Rabbi Dovid Bendory.
Refresh my memory, RABBI. The information about me at the “About Us” page on this site consists of precisely 3 sentences, none of which mention “fighting evil”. That phrase appears earlier on the page, in a different context. Are you referring to another “bio” somewhere, perhaps?
If you’re indeed referring to the “About Us” page on this site, perhaps you should re-read it – because you evidently missed a few things. The “fighting evil” comment you mention clearly references the 3 persons who founded the site: Jonn Lilyea, COB6, and TSO. If you’re at all familiar with this site and of normal intellect, what that “evil” is should be quite obvious.
I’m happy to assist those 3 individuals from time to time, and to post an occasional article. That’s all.
To answer the origonal question in post #60, why do people here attack phonies, because its funny! people make asses of themselves pretending to be what many of us are/were and to have done things that there is no record ever happened. so we mock them and enjoy a good laugh at tehri expense
Blah, blah, blah.
Dude is a clown.
Order something from the shop and ask for a discount; made in China and all.
[…] reason why I put this here has to do with this post, this post, and a trip backwards to this post. The short version is, a reality TV show I had never heard of had one of the people on it busted […]
Twenty four years, 11 months and three weeks. In the (please don’t laugh too hard) Band.
Hey, at least you EARNED your tab.
I did PLDC at Fort Ord, CA. We had two Rangers in our squad, while one of the other squads had a guy from the 6th Army Band out of Presidio, S.F., complete with the Army band shoulder tab on his BDUs. They used to joke about the guy having “tabbed out” on the tuba.
What i am doing is finalizing my thesis for abnormal behaviors on military style forums.
Oh, you’re THAT kind of bullshit artist. It figures. Educated to the point of stupidity.
I liked the barefoot hippie.
I think maybe everybody should just “crawl down from the cross” for a minute—long enough to realize the fact that ANYONE at ANY TIME—ANYWHERE that wears or has worn the military uniform of any US Branch of Service, and takes the Oath of Service should be commended, respected, and most importantly appreciated for ANY length or aspect of Service.
The latest attacks at FT. Hood prove to us all that when some nut “pops the hood”, your discharge/retirement etc. can come sooner than you think…
Thank You all for all you have done for our Country.
Firstly, who is the man or woman, who shall ‘verify’ these documents are true in open court ‘under oath or affirmation’?! If there is no man or woman, who can provide such a testimony, all of these paper are frivolous and possibly forged!
Secondly, U.S. Government is a Corporation, chartered to operate on the land [people] or nation [people] known as United States of America, by the U.S. Constitution, meaning the U.S. military is merely a Corporate Agency; this is why there is no ‘conscription’ army for the U.S.A., and is all voluntary. A U.S. military draft, is also voluntary. There’s nothing to be proud of, for serving any entity or ideology, that doesn’t benefit humankind as a whole! All you yanky-doodle morons can keep believing the non-sense you hold in your gullible and ignorant minds, because that’s how you persons will find yourselves dead due to your stupidity, even after years of good people have come out to explain the insanity and craziness of warfare!
Thirdly, who is this ‘faceless’ person, men or entity, that wrote all of this nonsense here on this blog?! Show us who you are, because for all i know, you are but a whining troll defaming others to satisfy your pathetic egotism. A true man or woman, doesn’t give a damn what others do in their personal lives or past, so long as he or she has done no wrong to any other human; apparently, most people aren’t a man nor woman, they’re persons or men or women, a mere bunch of complaining morons only!
Lastly, most of you persons here, couldn’t do 1/10 of what Dave Canterbury has done to guide people! Go apply for Darwin Awards A.S.A.P., you nagging losers; what have any of you lames contributed to human society?! Hmph, let me answer: puke and crap!
*Note to repliers*, don’t bother.