Guess which cities prosecuted the fewest federal gun crimes
Paul sends us a link to the article by US News which reports that Syracuse University’s Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse has determined that the cities which are calling for more Federal gun laws the loudest, are the cities where Federal gun crimes are least often prosecuted;
Federal gun crimes include illegal possession of a firearm in a school zone, illegal sale of a firearm to a juvenile, felon, or drug addict, and illegal transport of a firearm across state lines. In Chicago, the majority of gun charges last year were for firearms violations.
The districts of Eastern New York, Central California, and Northern Illinois ranked 88th, 89th and 90th, respectively, out of 90 districts, in prosecutions of federal weapons crimes per capita last year….
I guess that reinforces the claim that we don’t need more laws, just prosecutors who are more willing to do their jobs.
D.C., which also has tough gun laws, was in the lower half of the list in 2012, coming in at 78th. In 2011, D.C. prosecuted a higher number of gun crimes, coming in at number 49.
Shining examples of Leftist gun-grabbing wackos all. The article also highlights the fact that all of the mayors of those cities are members of Nanny Bloomberg’s “Mayors Against Illegal Guns” including Nanny Bloomberg himself. They should change the name to Mayors Against Gun Owners so that it’s more in line with their actual goals – or Hypocrites Against Gun Owners, as the case maybe.
Category: Gun Grabbing Fascists
Same article links to a DHS rebuttal of the “massive DHS” ammo purchases. They say they buy in bulk to get it cheaper, in essence, because they have 100,000 armed agents to train. 750,000,000 HP rounds for 100,000 agents over 5 years works out to 1500 rounds per agent per year… 30 full boxes of high-end hollowpoints each every year. Any LEO want to comment on their annual usage? When I lived on the border, most of the feds ran through a box or so in qualifying and another box or so practicing. Apparently they shoot much, much more now.
No surprises here, these same cities are also among the most violent. When you don’t prosecute crimes, criminals get bolder. No need for a PhD to figure that out.
Maybe instead of worrying about some law abiding fatties getting an extra 8 ounces of soda pop he should be more concerned with the high number of gun criminals they don’t prosecute. Since we know the criminals are actually a problem dealing with that first would seem to be a priority. But I guess I just don’t understand the complexities of running a large city with a high crime rate….obesity is root cause of all evil in New York City, not gangs filled with murderers…guess I learned something new today.
Ahhh. . . . And . . so . . . more (anti)gun laws will help . . exactly . . HOW??
David, my biggest question is why in the hell is DHS practicing with the more expensive HOLLOW POINT round??? That’s the part that doesn’t add up to me. Why hollow point rounds at all????
The rest of this doesn’t surprise me. Any gun law is only as good as the enforcement… But the libtard way of thinking is that if there are more laws, the bad guys will follow them. That’s what they already do now, right?
David and Rob, in 27 years, I only used JHP for training twice. Every month that we fired, it was with wadcutter ammo. Because my department recycled the brass and loaded their own. And, the JHP was too expensive, comparatively, to fire up 12-15K rounds a month.
Rock climing Joe will be along any second now.
(There sense a disturbance in the force.)
And they wonder why normal folks laugh at them and their misguided nonsense. Pass a law to feel good about yourself but never prosecute those who violate the law?
Guess they are saving jail space for the day that they finally criminalize everyone who is not today violating any laws.
WTF good are laws if they’re not enforced? But hey, I’m “Preaching to the choir” about that on this site, one of the reasons I like it here!!
Just more proof ‘they’ want to turn the rest of the country into replications of their crap-hole cities…
Disarm the law abiding because they are…law abiding…but refuse to disarm the criminals because so many of them look like Barry’s son (if he had one).
These laws are only to create more criminals, not to prosecute the poor, disadvantaged current criminals who only do what they do because it’s someone else’s fault.