Mayor Against Illegal Guns arrested in gun crime

| March 29, 2013

The Inquisitor reports that James Schiliro, a.k.a. Jay Schiliro, the mayor of Marcus Hook, PA and a member of Nanny Bloomberg’s Mayors Against Illegal Guns organization, was arrested on gun charges;

Schiliro, 38, allegedly ordered a local police officer to bring a 20-year-old male friend to his home, where the mayor plied him with alcohol, and made sexual advances which the man refused. Schiliro allegedly brandished several handguns and fired one of them into the floor in an apparent attempt to intimidate the young man, who reportedly was in fear of his life.

The mayor was freed on $50,000 bail and told to stay away from the alleged victim and give up his stash of firearms.

For the record, Schiliro is a Republican, apparently in name only if he freely associates himself with Nanny Bloomberg, but I guess he’s also a huge hypocrite. The Nanny Bloomberg club dropped his name from it’s list of supporters according to the article.

Category: Gun Grabbing Fascists

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It’s Friday. Can we name this week Official Full-blown Batshit Crazies Week?


Yep, his membership in Mayors Against Illegal Guns would definitely make him a RINO.
The story gets better, the Mayor’s 13yr old daughter was sleeping upstairs at the time.
Anyone who doesn’t think that the lead in the story, if the LSM even bothers, will be that the Mayor has an R after his name, rather than he tried to get a 20yr old drunk and give him a blowjob, or that his daughter was sleeping upstairs?

B Woodman

It’s PAST official. We are living in the middle of Robert Heinlein’s “The Crazy Years.”


But, but, but, I thought gay men were inherently non-violent, and would never attempt to persuade, co-erce, intimidate, or use violence to convince another man to have sex with them.

OTOH, in his defense, his weapons probably weren’t illegal, yet. When he’s convicted of a felony, such as attempted rape, endangerment, use of a firearm in the commission of a crime, firing a firearm within the city limits, corruption, misuse of a police officer, etc., his possession of a firearm will become illegal.

And it would be interesting to know if any of those firearms in his “stash,” would become illegal if Nanny Bloomers gets his way.


#4, you misunderstand the way Bloomyberg thinks. This man was one of the righteous aristocracy. They know the difference between right and wrong that we simple commoners and serfs do not. They are allowed to keep their magical boomsticks to protect themselves and show off for their friends. It is the way things work under Emperor Obama and the fifty kingdoms of Imperial America.

And with that said, I believe that the big story will be regarding the R after the man’s name, as UpNorth said.

And B Woodman, if these are the Crazy Years, then I hope we don’t have to wait long for the Veterans’ Uprising.

NR Pax

then I hope we don’t have to wait long for the Veterans’ Uprising.

Agreed. We’re long past due for a housecleaning.

2/17 Air Cav

Bloombucks was a Republican too when he was first elected Generalissimo of New Yawk. He switched after he won. He’s that way. He was also one of those Wall Streeters his ilk rail against. As a matter of fact, he was a Salomon Brothers guy and his severance parachute was a cool 10 million. He used that as his stake to launch a business which made him billions.


does that make Fred Phelps from Westboro the Nehemiah Scudder?

Veritas Omnia Vincit

I have to say that this story has really made Friday very nice. It’s always refreshing to see hypocrites step in their sh1t and dance the night away as it were….

A disgusting fat body hypocrite who wants to use his weapons to intimidate men into gay sex acts, but doesn’t feel the people who have never used a weapon illegally should not have the right as indicated under the Bill of Rights to own a weapon getting arrested for the very thing he purports to prevent….delicious.


Time has not been kind to him if he’s only 38.


So, the leading advocates of removing guns from the hands of the people include Finestain, a prior concealed carry permit holder, Kelly, who illegally attempted to buy an AR-15 and lied, either on the form, or to media when caught, Michael Bloomerpanties, who is being told to butt out of Arkansas political affairs, *by Democrats,* Canadian Jim Carrey, double barrel Joe, who advises people to blow all their loaded ammo up in the air off their porches.

All of whom are probably (and most of whom are demonstrably) protected by ARMED body guards.

These same uppity elitists are also opposed to armed security in schools, though their children are protected by the same.

They wish to “progressively” erode the 2nd Amendment, and the Bill of Rights. They wish to “progressively” grow the Nanny State. While the rank and file may not understand that “Progressive” does not mean “progess,” the elitists of the movement DO know that it is a “progressive” erosion of the Constitution, towards what the common man would consider unsavory.


The Nanny Bloomberg club dropped his name from it’s list of supporters according to the article.

Uh, no, Bloomy–he’s all yours. And no amount of scrubbing will get him off your hands.

A Proud Infidel

Liberals and the left will never be happy until our Country has been infected with the same cradle-to-grave Government bureaucratic control that was forced on those in the USSR. And if they DO get it, they’ll simply screech for more and more!
Liberalism IS a Mental Disorder, liberals prove it all the time with their deeds and words!


Nanny Bloomberg dropping this guy from the group is the political equivalent of a rape shower – scrub all you want, it’s not going to change what happened here.