Gimme Yer Worst – Update

| March 29, 2013

Decided I’d post an update here regarding the “Gimme Yer Worst” article and my request for reader input.

Cutoff will be 2000 EDT (8PM US Eastern Time) today.  I’ll look at whatever is posted by then.  Please post your suggestions in the comments to the original article – not here.  (I’ll also consider any suggestions posted in the comments to  TSO’s original USO non-update update article.)

I won’t be doing a “1-to-whatever” ranking of the suggestions.  The only way I could do that reasonably would be to run a poll like TSO does for the SVT.  I frankly don’t yet know how to do that, he’s out of pocket, and I don’t have enough time to figure it out on my own this weekend.

So what I plan to do is to “bin” the suggestions myself into categories.  As of now, I’m going to “bin” your suggestions into 4 categories:

  1. Non-qualifying entries  (if any)
  2. Bad, but just not bad enough
  3. Really bad, but have some value (humor, etc . . . . )
  4. Spectacularly bad – the Playlist from Hell

I might come up with another category or two, but these are the 4 I’m leaning towards now.

We can argue about the lists after they are posted.  Make a good argument to move an entry and I might change my mind.

I’m shooting for early Monday AM to have the entries binned and the lists posted.  That will mean I have a chance to spoil your breakfast twice.  (smile)

Again: please post your suggestions in the comments to the original articlenot in the comments here.

Category: Pointless blather, Who knows

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Hondo … way too much time on your hands.

I know … me too!


Any results? If not, I’m going to upload ten episodes of “Tour of Duty” right here on this spot.

I still question your man card claims. All that ghey stuff? Hidden message there? Hmmm…..

Oh, well, back to crop circles and sundogs.