Student suspended for wrestling gun away from shooter

| March 2, 2013

Dominick sends us a link to a local Fox news station’s article about an unidentified student who was suspended from school because he wrestled a loaded .22 caliber revolver away from a 15-year-old who threatened to shoot another student and brandished the handgun;

The student says he wrestled the .22 caliber RG-14 Revolver away from the suspect, a football player, who witnesses say threatened to shoot a teammate because he had been arguing with his friend.

“No doubt,” the student said, “he was going to shoot him point blank.”

The teen we spoke to and authorities both confirm the Revolver was loaded. According to the arrest report the suspect, who Fox 4 is not naming because he is a minor, was “pointing the gun directly” at another student and “threatening to shoot him.”

That’s when the student we spoke with says he and two others tackled the teen and wrestled away the gun. The next day the school slapped him with a three day suspension.

“It’s dumb,” he said. “How they going to suspend me for doing the right thing?”

Apparently, he was suspended for not cooperating with the investigation, which is still no reason to suspend him. What kind of message does that send? Are they upset that the kid didn’t get to kill four other people so it would count for Mother Jones’ arbitrary statistics?

Category: Guns

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Dumb? In the 1960s, a boy whose hair touched his collar was handcuffed and thrown out of school by the school principle.

The kid did the right thing. I hope his parents complain loudly to the media. This is just plain stupid.


We’re supposed to be sheep. Fighting back in any way is forbidden.

Eagle Keeper

“And all the time—such is the tragi-comedy of our situation—we continue to clamour for those very qualities we are rendering impossible. You can hardly open a periodical without coming across the statement that what our civilization needs is more ‘drive’, or dynamism, or self-sacrifice, or ‘creativity’. In a sort of ghastly simplicity we remove the organ and demand the function. We make men without chests and expect of them virtue and enterprise. We laugh at honour and are shocked to find traitors in our midst. We castrate and bid the geldings be fruitful.”

~ C.S. Lewis, The Abolition of Man

Eagle Keeper

Public Schools = Statism Indoctrination Camps. Get your kids out now, like it’s on fire.


For not cooperating with the investigation?

YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN SILENT unless some dipwad school admin decides you don’t.


Our public schools have become “no judgment zones.” It starts at the top. If it were my kid, I’d be after that principal’s job.


Schools are part of the Prognazi machine. Either the student was bullying by taking the loaded weapon away, or the school wanted Columbine II, Revenge of the Jocks. “Doing the right thing”… what a farce!


If killing four children saves just one child, then it will be worth it, /sarc


A High School football player brandishing a pistol?! Threatening to shoot a teammate?! Must be trying to get the NFL’s attention. 😐


After 16 years as a high school History teacher, I’d come to the conclusion that the majority of school administrators have no common sense and can’t even maintain a copying machine.

I hold the schools’ janitorial staffs in higher regard because they provide a necessary service in a difficult situation.

Just an Old Dog

Not sure exactly what the hell they mean by “not cooperating with the investigation”. Sounds like either school administration are complete idiots or the kid was involved in some misbehavior ( example he could have instigated, provoked or had knowledge beforehand of the incident, then had a change of heart at the last minute)


Sounds pretty bizarre. He successfully disarmed an armed guy with no one being shot. What else do you need to know??


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CI Roller Dude

If the gun was really an RG, it more often than not would have not fired…or fell apart.

Joe Williams

The RG .22 revolver I carried while bank fishing.Always fired when I pulled the trigger. The little pistol accounted for a lot of Cottonmouths snakes. Gave it to my Brother before going to Boot Camp.


Ah majmike a history teacher. Explaibs his common knowledge on the secesh. 😉

As for the ot, thats some of the most rerarded shit ive read today, and I read a lot of tarded shit.