20 years after the WTC bombing

| February 26, 2013

MCPO NYC USN (Ret.) reminds us that six people were killed when jihadists first attacked the World Trade Center 20 years ago today;

The news reader says that the attack was “unsuccessful” but if some folks died and the nation was terrorized, I’m thinking it was successful.

The victims, according to ABC News;

Four of the six killed — Robert Kirkpatrick, 61, Stephen A. Knapp, 47, William Macko, 57, and Monica Rodriguez Smith, 35 — were employees of the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, which owned the buildings. John DiGiovanni, 45, a dental-supply salesman visiting the World Trade Center, and Wilfredo Mercado, 37, a purchasing agent for Windows on the World restaurant, also died.

A news report from the period;

Category: Terror War

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Thanks for posting this. The “Blind Sheikh” who is in the news recently had his hand in the plot. Apparently everyone from Egyptian President Morrissey and the country of Qatar (gutter) wants him released! Yeah … we will get on that release thing right away! Wiki Blind Sheikh: Sheikh Omar Abdel-Rahman (Arabic: ??? ??? ???????, ‘Umar ‘Abd ar-Ra?man; born 3 May 1938), commonly known in the United States as “The Blind Sheikh”, is a blind Egyptian Muslim leader who is currently serving a life sentence at the Butner Medical Center which is part of the Butner Federal Correctional Institution in Butner, North Carolina, United States. Formerly a resident of New York City, Abdel-Rahman and nine others were convicted of seditious conspiracy,[1] which requires only that a crime be planned, not that it necessarily be attempted. His prosecution grew out of investigations of the World Trade Center 1993 bombings. 1993 WTC Terrorist Attack Wiki: The World Trade Center bombing occurred on February 26, 1993, when a truck bomb was detonated below the North Tower of the World Trade Center in New York, NY. The 1,336 lb (606 kg) urea nitrate–hydrogen gas enhanced device[1] was intended to knock the North Tower (Tower One) into the South Tower (Tower Two), bringing both towers down and killing thousands of people.[2][3] It failed to do so, but did kill six people and injured more than a thousand.[4] The attack was planned by a group of conspirators including Ramzi Yousef, Mahmud Abouhalima, Mohammad Salameh, Nidal A. Ayyad, Abdul Rahman Yasin and Ahmad Ajaj. They received financing from Khaled Sheikh Mohammed, Yousef’s uncle. In March 1994, four men were convicted of carrying out the bombing: Abouhalima, Ajaj, Ayyad and Salameh. The charges included conspiracy, explosive destruction of property and interstate transportation of explosives. In November 1997, two more were convicted: Ramzi Yousef, the mastermind behind the bombings, and Eyad Ismoil, who drove the truck carrying the bomb. On Friday, February 26, 1993, Ramzi Yousef and a Jordanian friend, Eyad Ismoil, drove a yellow Ryder van into Lower Manhattan, and pulled into the public parking garage beneath the… Read more »


Yes, Adbel-Rahman is warning that the US will suffer more attacks and more Americans will be killed.

Ted Koppel, when he was reporting on this first attack, went into the parking garage and stood near the hole formed by the blast. The scale of that explosion was enormous.

From a news article this morning: Emad Salem is urging the U.S. to keep the ailing 74-year-old sheik Omar Abdel Rahman, often known as the Blind Sheik, behind bars and to not transfer him, even as governments overseas continue to press for his release.

“He will kill Americans,” said Salem. “He will kill anyone who disputes what he says with a fatwa.”
Salem was also able to link the sheik to the 1993 World Trade Center bombers. Six people were killed and more than 1,000 injured in that first attack. Now Salem is concerned about the mounting pressure on the U.S. from Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi and other Mideastern government leaders to get Rahman out of American custody

Link to the article: http://usnews.nbcnews.com/_news/2013/02/26/17098139-fbi-informant-warns-so-called-blind-sheik-will-kill-americans?lite&gt1=43001

Abdel-Rahman makes a reference to the Benghazi attack on Sept. 11, 2012, also.

B Woodman

At a medical center, eh? Then how’s about we give this nice man a great big air embolism with his next injection?

Common Sense

Not successful? Clearly that reporter is not from NYC.

I was there in 1998, the company I worked for was headquartered in Building 2 of the World Trade Center. Even 5 years later, people were quite jumpy about it. There were still many false bomb threats throughout the city and everyone talked about it – our co-workers, the waitress in the Marriott Hotel, etc.

We had a meeting uptown and right before we got there, they had a threat called in. We arrived as the police and the dogs were leaving. The folks in charge of the meeting left it up to us whether to stay or not. I was fine with it, but my co-worker was wreck, he should have just left.

Fortunately, on 9/11, everyone in the company got out safely. Most people hadn’t arrived yet and the few that were there remembered the bombing, disregarded the instructions, and evacuated immediately.



Libtards always Libtarding. Parking garages just always explode randomly!


It is strange to see the press hesitate to call it a bombing, let alone terrorism.

What a much simpler time.


Rick Rescorla warned of a second attack..God rest his soul.



Not a bombing, eh? Well, what was it? Was it Bigfoot?