Farmer is sorry he was caught

| February 2, 2013

Matt Farmer

Preston sends us a link from Fox News announcing that Matthew Farmer has admitted that he lied on the American Idol program where he’s tried to tell everyone that he had been injured in Iraq by something other than the substances he’d abused;

In a rambling statement to the website, Farmer apologized for claiming he had suffered a traumatic brain injury after being injured in an IED explosion in Iraq.

“It was ALL lies,” Farmer wrote. “I in fact HAVE lied since a younger age and had a problem with it. I am coming out and making a statement (even though I was instructed not to) because I DO want to come clean.”

No, you don’t REALLY want to come clean, Tim, you just want it to look like you DO. If you wanted to come clean, you wouldn’t have told the lies in the first place. What he’s really trying to say is that he’s sorry he was caught. Who knew that someone who knows the truth would watch the show and start rolling that snowball down the hill? Dingus.

Category: Phony soldiers

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Don’t clam to be what your not. Just be who you are, that should be more then enough.


Short translation: “I’ve been a lying sack of excrement all my life. This time I got caught.”

Well now . . . isn’t that “special”.


I would like to appologize to the members of TAH and admit I have lied to you, even though I was advised not to, and come clean that I am not 5’7″, I am more like 5’6 1/2′. I am sorry if my lies have hurt anyone.


He might have got away with it, but he did another video for a church claiming the exact same story(they have removed it since this came out), but there was no way he could claim that one was chopped up, it was a straight camera in his face, as he spoke video.


Now he gets to be on Dr. Phil and maybe on Oprah, too.


Only sorry he got caught… Piece of shit


Fuck that guy right in his ass.


I’m sick of pieces of shit like this dude. There are plenty of people who actually are suffering with brain injuries who have to have people question it because of stooges like this dude.

SFC Holland

wow. every guy like this takes the credit and recognition away from a true wounded warrior. shame on him.

A Proud Infidel

Another one bites the dust!!!