“Living With Honor, A Memoir” by SSG Salvatore Giunta; a book review

| December 3, 2012

Our buddy, Parachute Cutie was lucky enough to get an advanced copy of Sal Giunta’s book “Living With Honor, A Memoir”. I’ve got it advance ordered at Amazon, but it’s due out tomorrow. PC reviews the book at her place;

When my advance copy of Living with Honor, A Memoir arrived it took me a few hours before I finally sat down to read it. Since I know Sal and many of the men he served with I was anxious as to what stories he had shared in the book. I wasn’t sure I wanted to revisit most, if not all, of those stories. By the time I had finished the book it was clear that, while he certainly addresses the experiences of joining the Army and of being deployed in war, this is not a typical blood and guts war story.

She also interviews Sal;

Aside from the obvious (the events of October 25, 2007) what else can we expect to learn from the book?

Sal: I hope the take away from reading this book is how plain and average I am just as are most Soldiers who fight for our nation. I also hope the readers learn that service isn’t just for those in uniform; that anyone can get involved at the community level and make a difference. While those I served with and I may be professional Soldiers we really aren’t any different from any American citizen. We just all “gave back” in our way.

So you should go read the whole post, and then buy the book.

Category: Book Review

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2-17 Air Cav

I can think of only two civilian professions in which “giving back” includes following orders at the risk of life and limb. (The operative words there are ‘following orders’ because I don’t want some troll or ex af saying that taxi drivers and highway maintenance employees die every year while doing their service jobs.) I agree that everyone can contribute to the good of all, but when it comes down to it, only the military service makes the other endeavors possible. I look forward to reading the book.


Definition of a warrior there…humble

Common Sense

Sal Guinta will be at Buckley for a book signing Friday. My son is currently doing his seasoning there and will try to get me a signed copy if he has time in his schedule.

I look forward to reading it.

I believe he’s a student up at CSU, hence the start of his book tour in CO. Luckily for us!

SFC Holland

I was honored to have dinner and beers with Sal while he was at Benning during the unveiling of the Sky Soldiers memorial. We talked for hours, and it was a moving experience. I was humbled. I haven’t read the book and don’t know how it was captured, but if it was anything like he shared with me that weekend, it will be worth the price. He is a good man.