IVAW vandalism

| September 15, 2008

A reader sent me a link to Adam Kokesh’s blog in which he rants about, of all things, car magnets;

A lot of vets get really pissed off when they see yellow ribbons because it’s not even a message of support, it’s a directive, an order, telling someone else to support the troops. One of my veteran friends hates them so much that whenever he sees one he takes it. He’s got quite the collection on his fridge now.

Now, Kokesh is careful to not name his friend “the veteran” who vandalizes well-meaning Americans’ cars and steals their property, but the photo is tagged “evans_fridge” and the first person whose name jumps into my mind is Evan Knappenberger, the same derelict who threatened Michelle Malkin and the entire Gathering of Eagles organization. The same Evan Knappenberger whose name was just brought up the other day in our comments section as someone who was permanently removed from the rolls of IVAW.

Yet, here he is, hangin’ with Kokesh and still involved in juvenile behavior one would think a man of his years might have outgrown by now. Who are Kokesh and Knappenberger to decide what we can and can’t have on our private vehicles?

You clowns need to grow up and stop acting like you’re the only people in the entire country who’ve been to a war. You’re a couple of loser pogues who wouldn’t know honorable military service if it bit your pink, pimpled asses.

Oh, and a lot more veterans DON’T get pissed off at “support the troops” magnets than that miniscule number of rejects and retards in the IVAW.

Category: Politics

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Thus Spake Ortner

More importantly to me is I would like to hear how Kokesh resolves his libertarian bent with his obvious disagreement with property rights? Or is he pro-property rights unless he disagrees with the political statement thereof.

Don Carl

I can’t help but wonder, if this is what we get for offering so many incentives for people to join the military. My main reason for joining was to serve my country, but, just about every article we see about deserters and other asses, they seem motivated by money for college, cash bonuses, etc.

Frankly Opinionated

Just another sorry, slimy thief. Not a bit better than a neighborhood crackwhore. Knappenberger, Kokesh, MacBeth, Army Sergeant; all cut from the same cloth. And this nations heroes fight for their right to be idiots.
nuf sed

Raoul Deming

I kid you not, the last person who confessed to doing this on theweb was a gay waiter working at Cracker Barrel while going to school at UMass.

Thus Spake Ortner

“Knappenberger, Kokesh, MacBeth, Army Sergeant; all cut from the same cloth.”

I probably know AS better than anyone here, and I would take serious umbrage with her inclusion. AS may be a bit of a dreamer, but I don’t find her to be a thief or any other such thing. Sure, I find her misguided, but not malicious.

LT Nixon

I didn’t know we could still act like mischievous teenagers! Time to go knock over some mailboxes.

Thus Spake Ortner

Nixon, did you RSVP to Blackfive?
I get in at 8:33 Am on Friday (local time)

Raoul Deming


Kokesh’s political beliefs can be summed up with the phrase, “spoiled child of priviledge”.

It explains a lot.

David M

The Thunder Run has linked to this post in the – Web Reconnaissance for 09/15/2008 A short recon of what’s out there that might draw your attention, updated throughout the day…so check back often.

Purple Raider

I personally don’t like yellow ribbons:

A.) Ribbons impart victim status to our soldiers, and our soldiers are not victims, they are heroes.

B.) The song “Tie a Yellow Ribbon” was about a man getting out of prison, not a soldier.

Support my troops, OH HELL YEAH.

Give to PVA, Project-IT, Soldier’s Angels, certainly.

Wear a yellow ribbon, naah.

These guys, and the IVAW, heh.

Rope, tree, traitors. Some assembly required.


I’m with Purple Raider on this one. I don’t like ribbons. Especially yellow ones. Yellow – the color of the IVAW backbone, and the stains in their shorts. If a ribbon must be displayed, it appears best tied around the neck of a Code Pink protester, tied tightly enough that she has turned blue.

Thus Spake Ortner

I’m entirely apathetic about yellow ribbons. Theft of private property to make a political point really gives me a case of the monkey ass though.

Frankly Opinionated

“Sure, I find her misguided, but not malicious.”
Point taken. You surely know her better than I, so I will defer to you on that. thanks.
nuf sed


I’m a veteran, and the father of a veteran, and the son of a veteran, and also the grandson of a veteran. Shit I’m the great grandson of a veteran too. I like the ribbons, I hate thieves. If I walked up on somebody screwing around with my car they’d better have some really good health insurance.


Purple Raider : The symobolism of the yellow ribbon goes back to at least 1949. “She Wore A Yellow Ribbon” was a John Wayne movie about the cavalry in the old west. It got it’s title from a cadence song.

Yellow Ribbon

Around her hair she wore a yellow ribbon
She wore it in the spring time, in the early month of May
And if you asked her why the heck she wore it
She’d say she wore it for her soldier who was far, far away
Far away
Far away
She wore it for her soldier who was far, far away
Around the block she pushed a baby carriage
She pushed it in the spring time, in the early month of May
And if you asked her why the heck she pushed it
She’d say she pushed it for her soldier who was far, far away
Far away
Far away
She pushed it for her soldier who was far, far away
Behind the door, her father kept a shotgun
She kept it in the spring time, in the early month of May
And if you asked her why the heck she kept it
She’d say she kept it for her soldier who was far, far away
Far away
Far away
She kept it for her soldier who was far, far away
Around his grave she laid the pretty flowers
She laid them in the spring time, in the early month of May
And if you asked her why the heck she laid them
She’d say she laid them for her soldier who was far, far away
Far away
Far away
She laid them for her soldier who was far, far away



Purple Raider

Dang, did the room get dusty all of a sudden.

Good job, digital.

LT Nixon


Yes I did RSVP. I plan on showing up high on Angel Dust to keep things interesting. Email me your cell dude.

Jonn wrote: Can you fellas keep your gay marriage planning quiet, please?

Mike  "Maytag" Bradley

This is probaly the same scum that stole my Vietnam Veteran magnet. They also stole my support the troops magnet. All I can say is you can ruin a good health record messing with some Vets I know’s cars!

Mike “Maytag” Bradley
US Navy Vietnam

Junior AG

Newsflash Kokesh, us real Libertarians respect private property & freedom of expression, asshat.