Monday Morning Meltdown over MSNBC at DU
I like the alliteration of that. I read it, so you don’t have to. And lord knows these mental midgets do make me laugh.
1corona4u (1000+ posts) Mon Sep-15-08 12:04 PM
Original message
DO NOT turn them on for ANYTHING but those 2 shows. This is the ONLY way they will learn. Coontact their advertisers too!F[udgesicles] this rightwing bull[ivaw] media!!
Wait, you’re boycotting MSNBC? Um, that makes no sense.
1corona4u (1000+ posts) Mon Sep-15-08 12:12 PM
7. Yes, it’s ENOUGH!!
We need to REALLY do this. If we watch NOTHING but Keith & Rachel, maybe they will GET IT. I know we are a small amount in the grand scheme of things, but WHY dignify them with watching their OTHER BULLS[emen] RIGHT WING CRAP. There are a LOT of people who watch the other shows, supposedly for recon, but THAT boost their ratings, and I don’t think we should be giving them that satisfaction!!!If people don’t think this will matter, then keep on doing it, but I will NOT watch them other than for Keith and Rachel, and the rest of the people who DO, can sit and BITCH about the biased reporting and comments, and know that they are helping to keep that going.
GodlessBiker (1000+ posts) Mon Sep-15-08 12:12 PM
5. Doesn’t this only matter for registered Nielson viewers? No one is going to know what I watched.
GodlessBiker, did you come to school on the shortbus without your tin foil hat again? /scolding voice
1corona4u (1000+ posts) Mon Sep-15-08 12:14 PM
Response to Reply #5
8. That’s where you are wrong…
Edited on Mon Sep-15-08 12:15 PM by 1corona4u
cable companies report viewers, and so do the satellite companies. Dish does it, and so does Direct. Oh, and they also report on who records what.
If only we had someone with the tactical expertise to plan this out… Absent that, let’s fall back on nihilism…
TooBigaTent (1000+ posts) Mon Sep-15-08 12:12 PM
6. Unfortunately, we the people do not have enough power or influence to bring about any change
in the way the media spew for the pukes.Even IF every Democrat swore off the tube and contacted every advertiser, the boycott would not be enough to prevent the corporations that own our airwaves and cable access from shilling for the party that owns them. And considering that it is impossible to get a boycott with anything approaching 10% participation, that is not the way to go.
IF you really want to influence what is aired, you have to make the costs of that higher for the individuals involved. Do you really think the talking heads care about what they say? As long as their paycheck clears, they are willing to do what they are told.
The system cannot be changed without attacking its weak point – that being the people who bring you the message. Anything else is just feel-good rationalization that you are doing “something” and totally ineffective.
I look forward to the day that using all the weapons at their disposal, including but not limited to profligate (and possibly excessive) exclamation point usage, the DUmmies remake the world.
Category: Politics
So, Olberman has a cooking showing with Rachel Ray, now? They don’t even explain what they’re upset about. Talk about going off half-cocked. All this time I thought Olberman’s audience was all conservative bloggers.