Staff Sgt. Ryan Cross; saving the world one person at a time

| August 15, 2012

The Stars & Stripes tells the story of Staff Sgt. Ryan Cross (2nd Squadron, 2nd Cavalry Regiment in Vilseck) who on his way home from work in Germany when he came across an accident between a car and a motorcycle. The medics were treating the motorcyclist, but an elderly woman behind the wheel of the car looked to be in shock and stuck in her car while the engine was in flames;

With the other driver who stopped to help, Fabian Schrödl, a 19-year-old German from the city of Creußen, Cross helped pull the woman out through the passenger door, as the driver-side door was damaged and would not open. The car was engulfed a minute or two later, Cross said.

[German police officer Martin] Hasler said he arrived on the scene to find Cross tending to the woman while Schrödl stayed with the motorcyclist, a 17-year-old, who was taken from the scene with life-threatening injuries. Flames from the car were several feet high, he said.

Category: Real Soldiers

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B Woodman

How recent (or not) is this? I thought the 2ACR was out of Germany years (decades) ago?

B Woodman

In any case, good work, SSG Cross.

Yat Yas 1833

Good on you, SSgt Cross.


Well done, SSG Cross. Well done.


@1: When the 172nd SBCT redeployed in 2006 it became 1/25 SBCT at Ft Wainwright AK. The former 1/25 SBCT that was at JBLM moved to Germany and became 2nd ACR which is also a Stryker Brigade.

J Parker

@ B Woodman, 2 ACR is still in Vilseck. Unfortunately I am currently stationed with them.


@ 5 right on the money. It is now 2 CR. 2 ACR packed bags and closed down in 1992 although the guidon has gone from Lewis, to Polk, back to Lewis, and the to Vilseck.

There are no real ACRs in terms of capabilities and mission profile in the Army anymore. 3 ACR was the last to go when they converted to Strykers at Hood.

IMO, the Army gutted the most combat capable independent permanently task organized (and trained) heavy units in the Army. The loss of the aviation squadron and various intel capabilities to the MI Brigades has left us no heavy recon and security force and the institutional knowledge to effectively employ it.

Anyway, SSG Cross- Toujours pret!


I would like to say it’s nice to see something very positive posted about active duty people, especially when they do something like this.

It more than makes up for the do-nothing jerks in the world.