Mixed feelings post for Friday

| August 10, 2012

AmyJ sends us an article from Houston about Vic Stacy who stopped murderous Charles Ronald Conner who went on a rampage in his neighborhood, killing his two neighbors and their dogs for allowing the dogs to crap on his lawn in their trailer park. Connor had the first police officer on the scene pinned down with what the reporter calls an assault rifle when Stacy got involved;

Stacy came out of his trailer and saw the officer was pinned down and wouldn’t have a clear shot. But Stacy felt he had a good angle and might be able to help with a lucky shot from his .357 magnum pistol.

“And I thought he’s fixin’ to kill that boy,” said Stacy. “And that’s why I squared off and hit him in the leg and knocked him down.”

Police estimate Stacy was shooting from as much as 150 feet away.

“I saw him turn the gun around toward my direction and I saw him throw another one in the chamber and he took another shot at me. And that’s when I put three more in him,” said Stacy.

Although I’m glad that Connor is no longer on this Earth to harm others, I’m sorrowful for the two neighbors and their dogs who are gone, too. I know how frustrated I get when I find dog crap on my lawn, but I can’t imagine being so mad that I’d kill anyone over it. And Connor meant to kill those people, because after David Michael House went down after the first shot, Connor stood over him and fired twice more.

But congratulations to Mr. Stacy for hitting Connor even once from 150 feet – that’s good shooting by any standard with a handgun.

Category: Guns

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I think I owe that gentleman a beer.


I just watched a program on our Seattle PBS that had a forum with Allen Gottlieb (sp)? and the guy from Wash. CeaseFire along with some libs and conservative pols and radio folk. The anti gun guy said the NRA exaggerates the number of folks that are saved by armed citizens. I think that police officer would disagree with that dipshit! Damn good shooting from 50 yards. Our deputies are now doing PPC from the 50 yards on in!


At 50 yards with a .357, especially single-action? The first shot is nothing to get excited about and especially if he was trying for a body shot, an almost miss. The second three, however, while taking fire? THAT’s great shooting.


For certain, a hot steaming pile of dogshit isn’t anything to get THAT pissed about but, nonetheless, it’s aggravating as hell when a neighbor looks straight at you and smiles after he damned poodle dumps in your yard, then proceeds to walk away.

I grabbed a paper towel, went to the pile, picked it up and bounced (kinda) it off her head.

Never happened again.


That happened at my cousins RV Park in Early, Texas