It’s the Jackass Party’s Way, My Boys…

| August 6, 2012

With sincere apologies to Mr. Kipling

We registered in precincts, so’s to have a place to vote,
When we served in far off Afghan, or somewhere’s far afloat.
We asked ’em for a few more days to ensure we made the count,
But Democrats tryin’ to block us, a lawsuit did they mount.

Yeah it’s heroes this, an’ heroes that, we hear it every day,
But it’s keep their votes from countin’ boys* when the heroes are away,
When the heroes are away, my boys, when the heroes are away,
They’ll keep our votes from countin’ boys, the Democratic way.

We vote mostly God n’ country, an’ our right to bear an’ arm;
We vote our founding fathers’ will to protect the weak from harm.
We mainly vote Republican an’ the reason’s good for that:
‘Cause we seldom find our views upheld by any Democrat.

So it’s heroes this, an’ heroes that, them Democrats do say,
But it’s take our votes away now, boys, when we’re off so far away;
When we’re off so far away, my boys, when we’re off so far away,
They’ll keep the troops from countin’ boys, the good ol’ liberal way.

The Democrats do love us, boys, when we’re off a’ fightin’ wars,
But it’s cut our budgets to the bone behind their damned closed doors.
Some even say that we should pay for wounds our service earned;
No wonder they discount us so an’ want our ballots spurned.

Yeah it’s heroes this, an’ heroes that, boys, all the livelong day,
But it’s sue to kill our votes, boys, when we’re servin’ far away,
When we’re servin’ far away, my boys, when we’re servin’ far away,
It’s our precious vote denied us, boys, the Jackass Party’s way.

* The author made a sincere effort to work the feminine gender into this poem and still honor Kipling’s original construct and tenor, a task he found beyond his meager poetic skills. There is no intent to disrespect or dishonor our female troops and their essential role in our nation’s defense.

Category: 2012 election

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B Woodman

Too too funny, and too too true to the original.
I’m sure Tommy and Tammy won’t mind the lack of inclusion.

AW1 Tim

Well done, my friend. It should be quoted and posted far and wide.


Pure genius. The best part is when libtards read poetrooper’s work and subsequently blow a gasket. Then again that’s how they react whenever facts are presented to counter their opinions.


Love it!




Said it before, say it again–there is nothing democratic about Democrats.


It works better when you substitute “Demon Rats” for “democrats.”

Bubblehead Ray

Bravo Zulu Poetrooper. That is a freaking work of art. .


The Ohio lawsuit only covers in person voting the 3 days before an election. It has nothing to do with those serving far away. Once again it only covers in person voting. The suit itself only seeks to restore that 3 day period for all voters, not stop military voters. That weekend used to be available for all voters until it was recently restricted to only overseas/military in person voters. Take a look at the actual lawsuit if you don’t believe me.

Dai Uy

We asked ‘em for a few more days to ensure we made the count,
But Democrats tryin’ to block us, a lawsuit did they mount.

That is not even close to being true.

Why, when by now, everyone knows the truth about this lawsuit, it sticks in their craw to say it? I just fired off a comment to VoteVets, who this morning are saying that Romney is denying 900,000 Ohio veterans the right to vote early, which while partially true, is intentionally misleading. I asked that they simply post the unvarnished truth. The Dems are not seeking to prevent active military from voting early, they want everyone, including firemen, police, teachers, rich, and poor, to be able to vote early. One the other hand, the Republicans want to prevent everyone, with the narrow exception of active military from voting early.

vet's mom

Here’s a good link to an article about this case.