Tell Me Again Why We Should Support the Syrian Opposition . . .

| August 6, 2012

. . . when some of the major players are our enemies?

Why do I say that? The Muslim Brotherhood has apparently set up shop there and raised a militia to fight against the Assad regime. They aren’t exactly friends to the West or western culture. And al Qaeda is apparently also there working behind the scenes with the Syrian opposition. I just don’t get it.

And if the way Libya and Egypt have turned out are any indication, apparently neither does the Obama administration.

Category: Foreign Policy, Military issues

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I think every time there is a conflict in the Middle East that doesnt involve Israel, we should arm both sides, and let them kill each other as fast as possible. Heck, we could make it known we’re about to air drop a crapload of weapons into the middle of the desert somewhere, and then let them line up and fight over it. Keep them fighting each other for decades.


Why? Oct. 23, 1983 does it for me.


What baffles me is the concept that this administration (ANY US administration) should be taking sides, given the players on every side all hating our guts.

I’m almost of the mind we should do like eagledavey–let them kill each other until none of them are worth a shit.

Problem solved.


The only side we should be taking in the middle east is the side of Israel, our only true ally in the region. Everyone else claims to be our ally until they attack us… then they apologize for the fringe group that did the attack and attack us again. More apologies and then some dumbass in the US says it is our fault and we should send them aid… that only funds more attacks against us.

When is the government going to wise up as to who our enemies are? Hell, Iran has been provoking us for how long? We recently sunk one of their fastboats that was doing a dead-run at a carrier, and the administration is still negotiating!

If we don’t do something soon, and get someone who is actually pro-American in the White House, we are going to be negotiated right into a Caliphate… all the while Obama is telling us it is what is best for America.

Common Sense

Not to mention that the Russians are reportedly sending in 360 Marines to help Assad. By backing the opposition, that plops us right back into the Cold War, fighting by proxy.

In all of these cases – Egypt, Libya, and Syria, I’d much rather have the secular dictator running the country than the rabid Islamist. Although I really prefer the ‘let them kill each other’ idea. Isn’t it interesting how Obama is always on the rabid Islamist side?


Assad’s government still has control of Syria’s very large store of chemical weapons. Syria is one of Russia’s biggest weapons customers. You can speculate about these things, and what effect Al Qaeda and the Tallygangbangers will have on the rest of the world if they should manage to get their hands on the very things they’ve been itching to have for years. These are not people who want to negotiate anything with us.

No man escapes when freedom fails,
the best men rot in filthy jails.
And those who cried,”appease appease”
are hung by those they tried to please.