Navy recruiter charged for wearing DFC

| June 27, 2012

Art sends us a link to The Tennessean which reports that a Navy recruiter, Aviation Ordnanceman 1st Class (NAC) Grady Wayne Nations, has been charged by the Navy for wearing an unauthorized medal, the Distinguished Flying Cross, presenting forged orders for the medal and then lying about whether he was authorized to wear the DFC;

Sources tell the Navy Times that Nations could face from 2 to 12 years in prison if convicted.

Nations was notified of the charges June 8, said Cmdr. Alvin Plexico, spokesman for Navy Recruiting Command. No trial date has been set.

“While I do not want to speak to this specific case, I can tell you that any sailor who would wear a medal he did not earn brings discredit upon himself and dishonors his fellow shipmates,” Plexico said.

The Navy Times says;

Not only did Nations allegedly submit the forged DFC certificate to his superiors, they apparently approved it and sent it on to Navy Personnel Command, where it was included in his permanent service record.

That’s why I question some people’s stuff in their FOIAs. Sometimes it just doesn’t sound right. *cough*Whittgenfeld*cough*

Category: Phony soldiers

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And just one question, Wave–why would he take off the DFC if in fact he was authorized to wear it?

Actually, two–if the award he showed says he was awarded the DFC in 1991 (and frankly, I’ve NEVER heard of an award being given that quickly, even a NAM) why is he claiming they weren’t awarded until 1995 after his first enlistment?

Inquring mind, shit like that.


Wasn’t this statement in Navy Wave’s response a red flag?

“Without getting into to much information after that incident VRC-40 decided to train with the Navy Special Ops forces.

There is “classified” information that no one will ever know about that happened in VRC-40 from 1990 on.”

I often wonder why mention crap like this. Just because I PT’d with SF for a few months does it legitimize anything?

We’ve all been there, we’ve all done that. We don’t need to measure our belt sizes to determine who is the best. We proved that when we volunteered.





I can settle this nonsense.

Navy Wave, where did you go to boot camp, and when? What school did you qualify for, if any? Or did you get OJT?


@ Navy Wave: You say, “AO1 Nations is an exemplary Sailor!”

Wrong: He is disgraceful, he has been found guilty, and he is gone … end of story!


Anyone take a guess as to who posted Navy Waves comment?? The first paragraph exudes self arrogance!


OK lets be clear on one thing Miss Navy Wave, the issue of BULLSHIT:

Navy Wave says,

“After arriving at VRC-40 and before Desert Shield started, the squadron started doing “experiments”, training exercises with the Air Force, Army Paratroopers, and other various members of the military. (This is the classified information that has been mentioned)”.


“On one of the exercises, a paratrooper jumped from the C2, his parachute opened too soon and got caught on the Cargo door ramp”.

BULLSHIT – Anyone who has jumped knows better! Where were the load and jump masters?

“PO Nations risked his own life, without a moments hesitation, to go out onto the cargo door, where he grabbed the parachute and pulled the paratrooper back on board the aircraft”.

BULLSHIT – Cut away is the norm. Easier and safer exit the aicraft. The jumper, load and or jump master would have cut away in a NY minute.

“His award for saving the live of another military member at the time, was a BZ and “Atta Boy” given by the Skipper during Quarters”.

BULLSHIT – Award was not in his record!

“Without getting into to much information after that incident VRC-40 decided to train with the Navy Special Ops forces”.

BULLSHIT – I served in NSW for ten years and VRC-40 was not one of the preferred methods of transport, unless needing a ride to an aircraft carrier.

“There is “classified” information that no one will ever know about that happened in VRC-40 from 1990 on.”

REALLY – so you are violating your non-disclosure agreement? WAIT – how would you know?


VRC-40 is a Fleet Logistics Unit. Period. They are not ceritifed and or qulaified to operate with SPECIAL OPERATIONS Units.

The units that do and have operated with SPECIAL OPERATIONS units are well known to most senior military memebers. US ARMY 160th SOAR and various USAF SPE OPS units are the primary platforms of choice and have been for many years!


@ EX-PH 2 … Nice … I want to hear the answer from a genuine NAVY Wave ….


Thank you, Master Chief. I did not include the following:

What serial number were you issued?
Who was your company commander?
Were you a striker? For what rating?
What are the countermelody and its lyrics to “Anchors Aweigh”?
Where was the first Wave boot camp?

and last, but certainly not least:

What does the Waves designation mean?

Let’s see if Navy Wave answers by 0800 tomorrow. If not, I’ll post those answers.
I’ve met Waves from World War II and the Korean War, and 50-some years later, they all still know these things.


And no explanation for that certificate that was made out to A01 instead of AO3, signed by dignataries from the ’60’s? That bogus certificate by itself makes him look guilty as sin.

Navy Chief Retired (SW/AW)

Navy Wave? Sounds as if this could have been written by the master bullshit artist himself. Maybe even a girlfriend or mistress. Wow. Thanks for throwing the BULLSHIT card MCPO NYC USN (Ret.).

Better yet, this could be someone off the infamous Nations trained funeral detail that drank the Kool-Aid. Some advice for you…. DON’T DRINK THE KOOL-AID.

GUILTY! (Sorry Master Chief, that’s the best one word description)


Ladies, listen up!

Since Navy Wave did not respond to my questions, I will answer them as I said I would do, and here are the answers:

Boot camp: RTC(W) Bainbridge, MD – 10 weeks, and I was on the drill team
School: Photographer’s Mate “A” School, NATTU, NAS, Pensacola, FL June 1967 to September 1967; I had OJT (on the job training in medical photography before I enlisted at the hospital where my mother worked)
Serial number: B52 01 97W issued on enlistment
RCC (recuit company commander) PNC Hunter, USNR Korean War vet
I graduated RTC(W) Bainbridge as a PHAN striker, with the striker badge on my left sleeve about my green AN stripes.
The counter melody to “Anchors Aweigh” is “WAVES of the Navy”. The lyrics are:
WAVES of the Navy,
There’s a ship sailing down the bay,
And she won’t sail into port again
Until that victory day,
So carry on for those gallant ships
And for every sailor brave
Who will find once more
His job ashore
Was done by a Navy WAVE.
The first WAVES boot camp was at Hunter College in Brooklyn, NY, during World War II. The last WAVES boot camp was RTC Orlando, FL, a combined recruit training facility. I was stationed there as a boot pusher. All recruits are now trained at NS Great Lakes, IL.

The WAVES designation means Women Accepted for Volunteer Emergency Service. That was changed to WIN (Women In the Navy) in 1975.

Any questions?


And thank you, AW/SW Chief Retire and MCPO for your service and your support.


Oh, crap, something got in my eye.

Navy Chief Retired (SW/AW)

Thanks to the “real” Navy Wave (Ex-PH2)for the education, I was at Orlando myself as a young 17 year old.

Thor, Milpride and Navy Wave – Don’t read the latest Navy Times (the electronic version is already on line)if you are still drinking the Kool-Aid. Your digging and contacts apparently didn’t uncover the truth.

I agree that this should have been handled on a much lower level but it seems as if the con artist had the full support of his CO. Just because he pulled off the ultimate snow job on his CO (and a lot of those posting on here)still doesn’t justify him being a walking, talking FRAUD (and I’m being nice – don’t want to hurt the feelings of anyone). This P.O.S. deserved to be exposed, so sad that he may have destroyed the career of someone else just to make himself look like a hero. This lowlife has a wonderful career ahead of him as a used car salesman.

I’m certain that some are still going to say that a Marine General and seven Officer’s got this all wrong. I say BULLSHIT! They are spot-on!

GUILTY. GUILTY. GUILTY. This wannabe wouldn’t know the truth if it strangled him.


@ 66 … He won’t have a career as a used car salesman. In most states you need a state or local issued consumer affairs license to sell cars. As a convicted felon (military/federal equilavent) he won’t even be able to do that.

Here are examples of possible careers: assistance to fish monger; empty can and bottle collection agent; sidewalk newspapaer salesman; or janitor at the “Grand Ole’ Opry” where he can use his counrty singer skills.

Navy Chief Retired (SW/AW)

@ 67… I stand corrected, thank you. Mea Culpa, Mea Culpa.

I also apologize to all the honest hard working used car salesmen (and women)that I might have offended. I did not mean to put you in the same category as this lowlife.


[…] stole his father’s valor September 13th, 2012 We first discussed Grady Wayne Nations back in June, and today the Navy Times updates the story in a link sent to us by Kevin. Unfortunately, […]

Fallout Dad

To all my brothers and sisters wo have seved this great nation honorably I can only say that I know this phoney and he caused my son his naval career and his marriage. I am a retired AEC and my son served with Nations at the NOSC in Nashville. His affair with my sons wife and his questionable relationship with their CO created an unbelievably unprofessional command environment. I may sound like a bitter father but my son ended up being an expendable fallout from this modern day Navy Peyton Place. I can only say that I am relieved tat the truth about this POS and this command is finally coming out.


Bumping this up for some commentors in another topic.


To #70 Hello, Mr. Gordon. First AO1 Nations is not the cause of your son’s marriage or career. My oh My how we have forgotten all the other circumstances that surrounded the demise of this marriage and career. I know both your son and his ex and your son is a nice guy however, I believe you have totaly forgotten the things that your son did and the type of person his ex-wife was, way before they moved to TN. From what I remember your son wasn’t faithful either. Both he and his ex were immature and played games to get each other jealous. I know that AO1 Nations and his girlfriend took your son into their house for months, rent free, to help him while his no good for nothing ex-wife and her live in girlfriend was screwing him over. In fact you came with your wife to visit him there and spent time socializing with AO1, his girlfriend and their daughter. AO1 Nations didn’t have an affair with your son’s wife, in fact when confronted by his girlfriend, your son’s ex said she made it up to get a reaction from your son cause she thought he was having an affair. You know that his ex is a liar, always has been. From what I heard your son lost his job at the Navy because he couldn’t seperate his personal life from his job at the Navy and started making a lot of mistakes. When you report for duty, you have to leave your personal business at the door. I think your son got a raw deal but AO1 Nations is not responsible for the breakup of your son’s marriage or his career. I guess it’s easier to blame someone else instead of making the responsible parties take responsibility for their actions.


I think your son got a raw deal

So basically you just ranted and raved on, yet negated it all with that one statement at the end. Hoooo-kayyyyy…

WTF kind of command is it where this shit not only goes on, not only is tolerated, but seems to be de rigueur? I know if I was any sort of a leader in that command, from the XO, CMC, on down, I’d be raising pure holy hell about this shit.

And the fact that the CO in question was not only apparently devoid of all manner of integrity or honor, but worse yet, looking at a promotion to full-bird Captain AND an IG slot tells me that something is SERIOUSLY fucked up with Big Navy’s investigation/vetting/selection process.

And bottom line, AO1 is still a shitbag and got what he deserved. Period.


Knowing Ms. Tannahill, it comes as no surprise that this NOSC had a command climate that was in a shambles. When I saw the article I was astonished to see that she made 0-5; I almost fell out of my chair when I saw she was an 0-6 selectee. Thank God they put the brakes on that!

I wonder why the stout Petty Officer Nations opted for a court martial instead of NJP.


@ 74 “I wonder why the stout Petty Officer Nations opted for a court martial instead of NJP.”

The answer is simple: He is arrogant and not that smart.

The rule of thumb is: if you are wrong; apologize and ask for forgiveness in advance (project sincere shame); and go to Captain Mast and plead GUILTY.

It is the concept of taking a beating like a man. You measure the man, not by how badly he messed things up, but by how he apologizes, learns from his mistake, and bounces back.

Nations would not and did not want any of that!


Fmp-a person saying they made something up when confronted? Seems to me that many people tend to lie about an affair when confronted by a partner that they know about! Guess thats like saying an award is yours when it’s your fathers. I’m also going to guess that with the way you’re defending Nations that you are either the live in girlfriend or one of the ones on the side at the NOSC. Either way I truely don’t understand how anyone can defend such a person as this. I also believe that when it comes to Falloutdad that you obviously new something was up because not only have you given a name you have described the situation and are hidding behind “FMP”. To most of my “real” brothers in uniform we don’t hang-out with co-workers wives on a steady basis. We definitely don’t spend time with there wives when their not around and call it “normal or being a good friend”, and we don’t take their wives to bar without their husbands. I know my wife and shipmates wouldn’t approve. I believe I would be pleading the case of an innocent before a lying playboy. To lie about about a medal he never earned is extremely low and I truely hope they make an example out of him to show everyone that this will not be tolerated.

2-17 AirCav

And so goes…The Day of Our Lives.


New CO should check into the not so up to par photos taken in the command of a LS2 with uniform pants dropped to the ground bent over the desk. There is so much cover up at the NOSC. This is a disgrace that this sailor is more worried about showing her *** off than her job!!! She was so far up Nation’s and Tannahill’s ***. Followed them around like a lost puppy, wonder how she feels not to have them there to protect her, she looks rather lost.


@78 – Link please?


@78…. you mentioned something for the new CO to review then vanished… information to that affect would be helpful… I do have influence there..


Someone that has a higher influence than the CO, will defiently find the pictures interesting. It’s a disgrace what she did at the Command behind closed doors. She’s not very smart to allow pictues to be taken and to think she is now a LS1. If you have any influence then I am sure you will see them.