Hamilton gets early release; vets angry

| June 18, 2012


We talked about Michael Delos Hamilton when he was first arrested and again when he was sent to jail for 18 months and now they’re letting him out early, despite the fact that he bilked the VA out of tens of thousands of dollars for PTSD disability benefits from his single year of service in the early 60s. Benefits that should have gone to a legitimate recipient.

Local veterans are more than a little angry at Hamilton’s early release according to the Jacksonville, North Carolina Daily News;

“I am not pleased to hear that he’s getting out early,” said retired Master Sgt. John Cooney, adjutant for the MOPH Beirut Chapter who testified against Hamilton in his September trial. “I don’t know that he has learned his lesson and I don’t even know if he would have learned his lesson if he’d stayed in there the whole (16 months).”

Maybe he wouldn’t have learned his lesson, but serving the whole term would have given others food for thought. I still can’t figure out why these phonies have no problem getting VA benefits while real injured veterans wait forever.

Category: Phony soldiers, Veterans' Affairs Department

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Please SCOTUS…do the right thing.

taco bell

I wrote about this too…pisses me off to no end the amount of fraud that is going on in the VA by these losers. Fake DD214’s and no questions asked. Crazy!!


What really frosts my gonads is that he pulled this shit over and over and over again, including one occasion where he impersonated a colonel (again) and another when he paraded around wearing LtGen rank insignia. He got a plea deal on that last one. No wonder he figured he could keep getting away with it.

How much ya wanna bet he tries it again? I can almost imagine him moving someplace where no one knows him, and convincing some funeral home director who doesn’t know better that he should be buried in dress blues and tennis shoes with a light coat of oil.

Taco, if that happens and I can get the coordinates for his grave, would you be able to get a Harvest Hawk-equipped Herc fragged to render his grave a smoking hole? Maybe it could be written off as a T&R syllabus hop?

Sgt K

Well John, we at the VA purposely grant benefits to fakers before real vets who need them. It’s policy. Getting a little tired of your slams against the VA. Walk a mile in my shoes etc….


“Getting a little tired of your slams against the VA. Walk a mile in my shoes etc….” sixteen months and counting, so if the shoe fits…


The VA was duped. Yes, there are good ones and bad ones. The fact is that the poser in the thread is the one who committed a crime, and is at fault.

These cons are charmers, and know how to sweet talk to get what they want. Not what they need — what they WANT. Not like an actual vet who NEEDS something. The cons can afford to wait, because whatever they get is gravy.


Claim Received: 02/25/2011
Claim Type: Compensation
Estimated Claim Completion Date: 01/05/2012 to 04/17/2013

Straight from my VA ebenefits webpage…04/17/2013…wtf? That would be 26 months. Tell us again why we should not slam the VA.


And instead of processing legitimate claims, we have VA folks out trolling the streets, signing up people who have never served or only marginally served for benefits which were never earned. I know of one local fellow who was coerced into signing for VA benefits which he knew he was not due. He had the honor to at least not lie. His injuries were from before his military service and he so stated that on the application shoved under his nose to sign. Within 2 weeks he was given an apartment and a week after that got his first disability check.

Not an isolated case. Just the one I happen to know the fellow involved.

It is utterly disgusting. While real vets who have earned benefits sit and wait.


“I still can’t figure out why these phonies have no problem getting VA benefits while real injured veterans wait forever.”

Perhaps the DIPLOMATIC, SMOOTH, NEVER OFFENSIVE fraud cons — are easier on the “ears” of certain bureau-critters,
than I am .


It is I
(my error) .

Yat Yas 1833

Ok guys, this just my thought. I’m on a leave of absence until Feb ’13 with a rather large savings account. I have offered to go find these posers and introduce them to the wall to wall counseling I received at MCRD San Diego. Everyone keeps talking me out of it, well I’m getting tired of it. The old rat bastard has been caught multiple times yet he’s being released early. I’ll bet if some young guy, relatively speaking, were to rattle him a bit or more, he might reconsider his nonsense. Gunny Pimples in Kingman, Thunder Chicken, and countless others, who have not been prosecuted, were to have to answer for their crimes they might stop.


Makes sense. But I am wondering just what percentage of the VA folks on the payroll are not processing claims at all becuase they are out loooking for buisness. Evidently the “vets” that they sign up on the street get priority processing and those who manage to get to the VA are put at the bottom of the pile.

We all know some good people at the VA. Not even sure that the bureaunumbskulls who are out trolling would ever see them. But they do exist and with some sort of superhuman ability to get their forms processed immediately.


It’s DR_BRETT who’s the problem —
You see, he ADMITTED — IT’S H I S FAULT !!


errr, #12 was aimed at #9/10.

But Yas, I DO kinda like your idea. We could do variations on the good cop/bad cop routine, but might have trouble filling the good cop roll. So might have to settle for bad cop/badder cop/baddest cop instead.


Heck, I was just kidding .


Well, since we’re discussing the VA how about they stopped sending me the same pointless brochures over and over? I’ve been out for a little over a year now and I’m pretty sure I’ve received at least 3 copies of every brochure the VA currently prints. Then Sgt K could use all that saved money to give me a dump truck worth of money I can swim in Scrooge McDuck style.


Praise God that Jesus still loves this man…

Cause I’d straight up whip his ass.


A total Oxygen thief.

Joe Williams

Sgt.K, you are talking out of your ass or the VA party line! Forty years it took me to get the VA to raise my rating. I could work in my trained Mos.Work or deprive my family. If you were working a five dollar an hour job,then the VA would deny any increase in rating. Even though my medical record book was thicker each. Why has the VA refused to compare the list of POWs they are paying to to the DOD list of POWs? Hint VA’s list is three times greater than DOD. This is the begining. What about paperwork errors,VA file 13s it and not tell the Vet anything. VA leaves the Vet wondering why his paperwork is taking so long. I have been in the VA system since 72.

Joe Williams

My apology for the thread thief. My feelings full sentence to be served for VA fraud. Only time counts when in Federal lockup.


I can live with him getting an early release; all sorts of prisoners are released early all the time.

But an early release after serving less than 7% of his sentence (1 month out of 16)??? Unless he’s terminally ill, that’s absolute bullshit. And maybe even then. Time off for good behavior normally requires serving way more than that.

Outrage over this one is fully justified.


To all y’all that are upset with Sgt K…I read this the first time and think that he was talking through SARCASM.

Hope I’m right, because if he is, it’s funny…if not…


@22 I also thought it was sarcasm, but I’ve never been able to resist the opportunity to take potshots at the VA!

by now you know who

jonn lilyea is a pathological liar and is harboring military impostors here as anonymous cowardly users.. but never fear. he has the comment “spelling schoolmarm/ goat molester” dude keeping the watch, monitoring IP addresses of posters, etc. and defending the rights of chickenf**ers to live free or die. preferably die.

how’s my spelling you walking t**rd?

total POS.

and an enemy of the constitution.


I heard a rumor some critter commented here,
but who would be so SELF-suicidal as to contemplate that ??


by now you know who: Actually, jackass, we don’t know who you are. You’re posting anonymously.

Which also makes you a freaking hypocrite. But that’s another matter entirely.


I’m guessing Grandpa Shitbag bought a computer after he got released. Gramps: go do something useful for a change by impersonating an Inuit and marooning yourself on a melting ice flow.


Re: 24 – at least he spelled Jonn’s name right.

Didn’t know that mental wards allowed their patients to have internet access.