Back in The Philippines Again?

| June 9, 2012









Me and a friend in Alongapo, PI circa 1966.
Philippine government gives OK for US to use old bases, newspaper reports

The Philippine government said this week that the United States military is again welcome to use Subic Bay and the sprawling Clark Air Base, two decades after the installations were abandoned due to political friction with Manila, according to media reports.

I always thought that Mount Pinatubo blowing its top had much to do with our leaving?

Regardless, this story brings back some memories,  although a bit unlike those associated with Danang and Cam Ranh Bay AND I have found my PI pix.

Category: Geezer Alert!, Navy

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I had the same rating badge, only with wings on it 😀

Yeah, I remember them kicking us out and then right after we turned it all over (I think the Philippine Govt thought they would turn Clark into a civilian airport) it all kind of fell in with the volcano blowing it’s top.

The only reason they want us back is the same as before – our money.


They only reason they and the Vietnamese want us back is China

Hack Stone

According to my wife’s friends, part of the Filippina Mafia, we never left Clark AFB. There are a bunch of USAF personnel hiding/working in anunderground bunker. Don’t know how often they come out of the hole for a bit of liberty, though.

As for why/when we left, the base renewals were up for extension, and some of their politicians were flexing their “sovereign rights” BS. When the volcano erupted, the US did the math and decided that with the increased bribes, what it would take to clear out the ash, and a few other factors, they decided it wasn’t worth it. And as the USAF was departing Clark, the local military/politicians rolled in right behind them, stripping anything of value out of the buildings (air conditioners, doors, toilets, etc)


Talk about memories….Cam Ranh Bay, it was Nov. 1967 went there to recover from malaria and met a couple of fantastic Aussies. I remember being in the chow line in our blue hospital pj’s weak as hell and watched in amazement as about a dozen ROK soldiers (also recovering from malaria) double-timed in formation to join us on the line. They were led by a senior NCO that looked like he could star in a kung fu movie.

One of our guys decided to lay out on the beach and got a sun burn so bad he was threatened with an article 15….not sure if he was punished or not.

Bill R.

Yeah, now they want us back. And me, well I’m too old to… serve.

Actually, Clark and Angeles City is a tourist zone now. Still much of the same goings on we all remember. Some of Clark was abandoned but much has been refurbished and is in use.

Hack Stone

It sucks having sun burn on your ankles when you have to wear combat boots.


My wife, who is from the province of Zambales and used to work in one of the mess halls at Subic, says she is happy to hear that things might revitalize there. Lots of jobs lost for Filipinos when those bases closed; and it would be good to get some of them back.

Hack Stone

Dutch, don’t forge that would mean scheduled MAC/AMC flights, too. Haven’t tried Space A since I’ve been retired. Anyone have any tips for catching a Space A out of Andrews AFB?


Dang, Zero…You was handsome!! 🙂


I think I’ve seen that face on a post office bulletin board somewhere.


When I last saw Subic Bay, it was from the bridge wing of the USS Arkansas (CGN-41) the morning after the eruption. Most of the buildings on base were collapsed or sagging from the ash and rain, a small jet had popped a wheelie across the bay, and we left the gangplank dipping in the water. It would take a lot to get it back up to speed, I’m sure a lot is done by now though.


Hack, you can fly out of Andrews easily, as long as your last name is Obama or Panetta.


Zero, I take back my comment about Justin Timberlake. YOU are the fabulous one! When did the Navy ban that much hair anyhow?


Never been there… heard the stories (best friend(s)/roommate(s) was/were… one an A-4 Marine pilot another a Marine platoon ldr)…

My take… fuck them- Special Forces Nick Rowe… ASSASSINATED! The killer(s) were sent free years later… NEVER FORGET! NOT ONE FUCKING DIME to the Phillipines!

RIP- Nick… 5 years as a POW and to get killed by a bunch of punks who were sent free years later by an ungrateful country that we liberated from the Japanese.



My wife’s uncle always tells stories about when he was stationed in the Philippines (my wife’s entire family is Filipino). I’d like to be able to take my wife there since she’s never been.


David, the only stories I’ve heard about the Philippines involved Marines on liberty, ladyboys, and the resulting awkward itchy discharge from places best not mentioned in polite company.


[…] posted here: Back in The Philippines Again? – This Ain't Hell Posted in […]


Shit River Bridge, turn right and go a block to fill up on tacos and Lumpia, the play PI bar dice. I don’t know anyone who won that game. Or you could hop the jeepneys to Bo. Baretto where a retired submariner owned several bars and boat crews drank for free first night in at Island Girls.


The – then. Damn fat fingers on phone.


[…] here: Back in The Philippines Again? – This Ain't Hell Posted in […]


I was with H&MS 15 MCAS Iwakuni and flew into the PI with VMFA 451 (F-4’s). They put up a fence at “shit river” bridge so we couldn’t throw peso’s to the kids swimming in it anymore. Down Magsaysay Drive to “Apple Rock” or “Brown Fox” for ice cold San Miguels, a girl named Milay, and ponsett. I didn’t know the volcano screwed up Subic, I thought it only took out Angeles. There was always free samples (with or without ice) at one place in Subic that held the title,”Service to the 7th Fleet”.


What happened was that we couldn’t get a straight answer out of the Filipino government as to whether they wanted more money or more sovereignty. Finally, in disgust, one high-ranking US official said we wouldn’t be negotiating base-rights standing next to a cash register. Then the volcano blew and everything became moot.

I left Clark about a month before it blew.


No. 22 “. . . ice cold San Miguels,” —

SAN MIGUEL Beer — of The World’s Best !!
(I like the Dark)


Well seems the only reason they wekcme GI’s again is because the Chinese have decided they are gonna bully everyone in the region over the possibility of oil in the Spratly reefs. Was there from 94 to 96 , working on Mindanoa Island for an Australian Minning company when they landed an Amphib Group on the Spratlys. By the time the Phillipinos could respond , they had a runway and a Brigade of Marines on the biggest island. They were still in the infancy of becoming an economic superpower , so they bowed to International Pressure to leave. This time around i doubt they’ll leave if they repeat what they did in 95.


I don’ know
I don’ know
I don’ know where I’m a gonna go
When the volcano blow . . .

Hey, it just seemed apropos. (smile)

Never made it to the PI, but watched both situations (base negotiations and Pinatubo) unfold from CONUS with interest. Between Clark and Subic, IMO Subic was probably strategically much more important. Good large natural harbors in that area of the world are not that easy to come by.

IMO, US use of either Subic or Cam Rahn Bay would shore up our strategic position in that part of the world nicely.


San Miguel–24 flavors per case. At least I can still remember the taste of Mojo and Bullfrog. I just don’t remember much after that.


Shit .. I retired one year too soon!


Ah memories… Olongapo – 1966, heading back to the U.S.S Tripoli, hanging out the side of a jeepney, in the pouring rain, barfing my guts out onto the muddy street, making our way towards Shit River. Those were the days all right!