Hasan’s beard delays pre-trial motions

| June 9, 2012

Fort Drum Fort Hood murderer, Nidal Hasan showed up for his pre-trial in a beard, which caused a “disruption” in the court according to Stars & Stripes;

Judge Col. Gregory Gross ordered the motions delayed “until the near future,” when Hasan meets Army grooming standards or “a closed circuit feed can be set up for the accused to watch the hearings from outside the court room.”

Defense attorneys said they will file a request for a religious accommodation exemption to the grooming standards. Hasan is a Muslim.

Yeah, dude is still getting his paycheck, right? So hes still in the Army and he should abide by the Army’s grooming standards. He doesn’t need a “religious accommodation” because no other Muslim in the Army gets an exemption. Let’s hurry this thing up and get to the part where the needle punctures his arm. Or the part where I get a “religious accommodation” to serve on the firing squad. I’ll shave my beard for that.

Category: Military issues

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I think you were stationed at Ft. Drum, but please correct to “Ft. Hood” Murderer as this shitbag must own it, every.time.


WE all know this is *bullshit*. Fry this punk ass bastage. Oh wait, we are discussing Big Army, right?


They could always forcibly shave him, then wheel his ass into court.


Why would he be getting paid? He’s getting three squares and a bed. That is all we owe him. For now.


Suffering from FFS. Fat Finger syndrome.


Really hope the brass tells him and his beard to pound sand. Really hope in the decade of dumbing down the army and/or making the army friendly and Pc that they don’t let him have a beard. He should be warned, counciled, then failure to adhear to grooming policies and failure to adapt added to his charges in the court martial.

This guy is a joke and would raise my hand to get his blood on it in memory of my fallen brothers and sisters. God damnable terrorists in our military should have less rights than the terrorists we capture (which should be none.)


Burn his beard off.


For him to get a religious exemption to shaving he would have to show that not shaving is an integral component of his faith, in the way it is for Sikh. I do know that until an exemption is approved (at least even chances, since it’s DA level approval), he is required to follow regs. If he refuses, add charges of failure to follow a direct order and conduct unbecoming an officer.

CI Roller Dude

Now wait. We all fought for America’s Freedoms. This guy should get a fair trial-after he fucking shaves, then be properly exicuted.


Interesting defense strategy: going for the photo-op as soon-to-be-Muslim-martyr.

The defense isn’t going to fight this as a straight up legal defense with the usual goal of acquittal or so many years in jail.

It’s going for political points in the Middle East, and Hasan’s death is now the goal of the defense.

As far as his pay goes – regardless, he gets due process and he is still a major in the US Army unless convicted and that status is changed. I’d rather have due process, even for POS, than the Left’s version of Lubyanka Square.

wink windsor

I’m disgusted with whoever in the Army let this p.o.s. grow a beard in the first place. He is a Major yet he gets by with this stunt?


I think Hasan’s lawyer has reverted to classic lawyer technique:
If the law is against you, argue the facts.
If the facts are against you, argue the law.
If the facts AND the law are against you, pound the table.

Personally I think a Snickers and half a pack of smokes to Donny Dirtbag in lock-up with Nidal could solve the whole problem Jefferey Dahmer style.


Remove the beard for him as necessary for his court appearance – take a few of the underlying layers of skin with the beard if need be.


He’s paralyzed is he not? Let’s save some tax dollars and drop the charges, chapter him out for being a PT failure, drop him off on a street corner and let his muslim kin take care of him for the rest of his pitiful life.


The only religion who really has a shot at getting a beard exemption are the Shikhs, and they tend to keep theirs trimmed very neatly so it’s a far cry from that Osama beard Hasan is hankering to grow. One the plus side maybe when they cut it off they can glue it to his head so he’s not channeling Homer Simpson quite so much.


Do not ever forget (this admonition does NOT include regular commenters here, at This Ain’t Hell), Fox News’ Headline describing U.S. ARMY MAJ HASSAN, as, a:


(yes, Fox may have employed sarcasm)

Yat Yas 1833

Isn’t Marvin the muslim still in the Army? As such isn’t he still under the jurisdiction of Army Regs and the UCMJ? Put his terrorist @$$ in a ‘restraint chair’ and shave his traitorous face.


Are there restrictions on bears at Gitmo?

Yat Yas 1833

I didn’t know there were bears in Cuba?!


Yat, I’m going to refrain from making the reference to Cuban gay subculture or Stephen Colbert.

Correction: beards instead of bears!

Yat Yas 1833

Ann, LOL! This loser has to follow the rules just like everyone else. He’s still in the Army and must adhere to Army grooming standards, however lax they are!? Give him his fair trial, find him guilty then give him a .45 cal enema.


Rip his beard off and put it on trial separately. Ass Bandit…


Ann: yes, but the inmates awaiting military trial there aren’t also members of the US military.

I agree with Yat Yas 1833. Have a superior officer order him to comply with uniform regs while he’s awaiting decision on his application for religious exception. If he refuses, document that fact, add a charge of disobedience to direct orders to his charge sheet – then restrain him and shave him.

Using Nair or “Magic Shave” (or one of the other bladeless shave products) might also be good option, since this asshole might try to deliberately cause wounds while being forcibly shaved for propaganda purposes.

Bubblehead Ray

Maybe we could borrow that French beard trimmer…. You know, like the one they used on Marie Antonette.


Should be like it used to be, stand the bastard in front of a firing squad. And use hollow points filled with pigs blood.

Yat Yas 1833

@ 23 Hondo, man you know I hold you in very high regard but “Nair” or “Magic Shave” to remove his beard?! How about a ‘weed eater’ or a ‘hedge trimmer’ to shave his nasty @$$ bead?! I got a ‘K-Bar’ I’ll be happy to shave this rat bastard with it.


Yat Yas,

Rat bastard….rat….Good idea! Let’s let RATS chew it off!


Yat Yas 1833: In my heart I agree. IMO, sandpaper or a Zippo would work quite well, too.

But even a safety razor or an electric would give him the opportunity to squirm around enough to get nicked/cut up. That would allow him to claim mistreatment. I don’t want to give him that opening.

As DaveO observed above, Nidal and his attorney are now playing this up for propaganda vice making a legal defense. I’d prefer we not help them. A chem hair remover forcibly imposes compliance with regs without giving him a propaganda tool.

And, though we’d not do so, it would also allow us to make a public statement that: “He was such a wuss that a blade was too harsh for his tender face, so we just used Nair instead.” (smile)