Questions That Don’t Get Asked Enough?

| June 3, 2012

Defense Secretary Leon Panetta has been talking about re-tasking our Navy towards the Pacific by 2020 AND he’s taking active steps in that direction.

In Singapore and in Vietnam.

Although he couches his words carefully China appears to be the focus.  Offshore petroleum  (which doesn’t apparently interest many in DC) and freedom of the seas are mentioned.

I have little problem with the notion in general, but would like to understand where these assets will come from?

Will the Navy be downsized as a “peace dividend”? Do we have warships somewhere currently they aren’t needed?

And while I’m certainly no expert in geopolitics it seems that China could painfully swat the US economy without firing a shot if needs be?

So the question seems to be – Why now, and why there?

Category: Geezer Alert!, Navy

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PACOM is actually a logical choice. Though many argue that HOA and the Trans-Sahel is the next ridgeline for terrorist center of gravity……the PACOM AOR has nations that are closer to succumbing to internal revolt. Outside of the AF-PAK theater, India has the highest rate of IED events, and LeT is reaching farther eastward [while LH does likewise westward].

This is a strategic shift that I can see the value in.


I’m glad to see that I’m not the only one wondering about this shift. Last I checked, the entire Middle East is still on fire, and Africa remains the breeding ground of a slew of issues. There are certainly issues in Asia. However, to focus on this region and relocate assets at such an uncertain time (IMHO) would be a huge mistake. But then again, what do I know?


Don’t have enough info to profer an opinion here, but do agree that the questions are good. And need desperately to be explored.


Just build at minimum ONE HUNDRED MORE U.S. NAVY WARSHIPS (including more MISSILE DEFENSE) and send them out into the Pacific. We have friends, Formosa, Philippines, Australia, etc.

“Just” my own rational judgment — we should ARM OURSELVES TO THE TEETH .


The answer from this administration is to simply transfer the assets from the Atlantic. That way the press will show how strong we are becoming in the Pacific & ignore how we’re wide open in the rest of the world.


“While Panetta suggested the U.S. may want to send more ships to Cam Ranh Bay in the future, he and other defense officials did not detail what requests he may make in meetings with Vietnamese leaders.”

Interesting thing about this comment is this: Vietnam wants to/is/has (not sure on progress) expand the facilities at Cam Ranh Bay to accommodate larger ships. When the Vietnamese announced that they specifically made mention of making the port big/deep enough so that aircraft carriers could dock there.

We’re pretty much the only people operating big deck carriers in the Pacific. So the comment was directed at us (dock a CVN here someday please) and China (look what we told the US, you guys lol).


From a Jennifer Griffin FOX television report and Pan. interview, it sounded like McNamara/Johnson making friends with the GOV’T (of SOUTH Vietnam — Cam Ranh is south) there, planning to send troops, U.S. NAVY, etc., etc.,–


[…] this story brings back some memories,  although a bit unlike those associated with Danang and Cam Ranh Bay AND I have found my PI […]