So, turns out they bumped me from 20/20 to Nightline

| June 9, 2012

Can you do that? I guess so.

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Category: Politics

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Old Trooper

I noticed a little lint on that hat, TSO. 😛

Great job!! I guess the first, second, and third round are on me when you’re up here next time.


What a blubbering fool.

An absolute disgrace.


yuck. I dispise all that uncontrolled crying and stuff. Jeez. a few tears, a minute to get control…. and a genuine sorry. But, no. loser. to girlfriend: They never stop lying. EVER.


Well done.

NS Webster

Good work. Even in a brief segment, you made the important points.


You do a great service and bring much credibility to the American Legion by your professionalism and preparedness. I was involved with my local VFW post for a little while, but for whatever reason kind of lost the motivation to participate.

Poe sounds just like many of these other criminals who whine about their own plight after having been caught rather than truly manning up. It’s still all about him and how sorry he is that he was caught…


I have always found people will honor your service no matter what MOS you had, rank you achieved, or where you were stationed or deployed. Simply tell the truth.


Bingo, dnice. But for some folks, that’s just not enough. They have to be thought of as a “hero”, even if they served honorably.


I hadn’t watched any of the videos about this yet; Crying Poe looks like a parody. I keep expecting to see a logo from The Onion appear.


Got your fancy hat on TSO, lookin like a PRO!

Zero Ponsdorf

Stayed up til 2:45 to catch the West Coast feed.


That B-Roll footage made ya look real official and all.


Thanks for posting, I DVR’d 20-20 so I missed this. This jagoff if pathetic, not only is he a damn fraud, he is a shitty singer! So what’s next, is he going to show a war wound from Vietnam next?


Well done. That guy has no place to hide from the pile of steaming ridicule he’s gonna take for the rest of his life. And he deserves every stinking heap of it.


Jonn, I was hoping for a favor. Over the course of my deployment here to the lovely nation of Afghanistan I’ve spent about 5 months as the 3-2 SBCT BDE Battle captain. Winter in Zabul province was as savage as anything I’d seen at Fort Drum, so there were weeks that would go by without SIGACTS. To kill the time during otherwise silent 12 hr shifts I tried my hand at writing. What started out as a short story written for cathartic purposes eventually grew into a full blown novel. I self-published it and loaded it onto Amazon for Kindle and in Paperback using Createspace.(link in the website box) Now I’m trying to get the word out about the book, and wouldn’t feel write just posting on here in reply to someone else’s article with a shameless plug. I’m working with Amazon to offer the kindle ebook for free during the 4th of July weekend. Sites like yours reach exactly the kind of audience I wrote my story for. Those who’ve served, or are still in the military. I’m not trying to make money off of anyone, which is why I’m offering it for free. (it’s listed for a charge now because free promotions only last up to 5 days) I’d just like to see if I can get any kind of audience base for my writing, and if so continue to produce fiction while I transition out of the Army. Just so you know I’m not talking out of my ass, I’d like to ask if you’d be interested in a copy of the paperback, free of course. All I’d ask is that you look at it, and if you decide it’s not total crap, throw a mention on here during the 4th of July weekend when the promotion starts. If you don’t feel right using the blog for that purpose, or just plain don’t want to then I understand, and would hope I’d still be welcome on the site regardless. All the best. You can reach my on my AKO, it should forward to my NIPR address over… Read more »


Nice job, TSO. I know a lot of people who are woefully ignorant of the Stolen Valor Act, and, without thinking much, shrug and say, “Who cares? Nobody gets hurt – it’s free speech.” I’ve already seen this whole fiasco change a few minds, though, and I hope it changes more before it runs its course.

That may be doubly important depending on how the SC rules.


Yo, you there! #14! CPT Burgess! Send me a copy of that book, streetsweeper95b at gmail. I’ll be plenty happy to read it and let you know what I think.


LC’s on to something here, TSO…Oh wait. I am slightly biased. Where’s Sparky, LOL!


Like I said elsewhere, guys, he poked himself in the eye to get those crocodilian tears going. And frankly, I don’t see anything trickling down his chubby little cheeks, not even sweat.

If you’re gonna cry on camera, for pete’s sake, peel and sniff an onion or stare at a white computer screen for five minutes. That’ll make your eyes water like faucets.


CPT Burgess, send me a copy of your book. I’ll do a review for you. I write books, too. e-mail me at

Happy to help.