Vermont Senate confused about it’s job

| April 20, 2007

AP is reporting that the Vermont Senate, while the Republican Lt. Governor was off one day, has voted to impeach President Bush and Vice President Cheney;

The non-binding resolution was approved 16-9 without debate — all six Republicans in the chamber at the time and three Democrats voted against it.

As if there wasn’t enough evidence that the hard working dairy farmers in Vermont are being held hostage by slow-witted flatlanders, the vermont Senate thinks this vote will actually have an effect on the war in Iraq;

“I think it’s going to have a tremendous political effect, a tremendous political effect on public discourse about what to do about this president,” said James Leas, a vocal advocate of withdrawing troops from Iraq and impeaching Bush and Cheney.

I’m not sure how it is now, but when I lived in Vermont two decades ago, the legislature was part-time. It’s probably full-time now because a search hasn’t turned up any information to the contrary, and this a perfect example of what you get when politicians have too much time and not enough State on their hands.

UPDATE: More whacky quotes from the self-important flatlanders who have seized Vermont, courtesy of the Burlington Free Press;

“I don’t think Bush will get impeached, but it is an important statement,” [Richard] McCormack said. “The president has wrapped himself in the flag and there are a lot of good people who think it is more patriotic to support Bush than oppose him.”

McCormack said impeachment resolutions are “an assertion of patriotism.” He said, “Many people oppose Bush because of his contempt for our national institutions.”

I guess contempt for national institutions might include waiting for the President of the Vermont Senate to take a day off and rabble seizing power just long enough to pass an idiot, unConstitutional nonbinding resolution to appease other idiots and morons who don’t understand that legislating is not just making empty, pointless gestures as if you were players in “Lord of the Flies”.

And it ain’t over yet;

Rep. David Zuckerman, P-Burlington, began gathering signatures on a House impeachment resolution Friday afternoon. He expected to file the resolution with the clerk of the House on Tuesday afternoon, so it would be up for consideration Wednesday.

It’s not the Vermont that I fell in love with anymore. There is hope for Vermont’s future in the comments on the BFP article, though. I’m pullin’ for ya, guys.

Category: Politics

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