Naomi Wolf still flapping her gums about Katy Perry

| April 17, 2012

Earlier this month, I wrote about Naomi Wolf’s idiot complaint that Katy Perry’s latest video (at the link above) “Part of Me” glorified military service. The video does nothing of the sort. It shows how tough training for the military is and would scare away most of the kids today who think that the military is all fun and games.

Daniel sends us a link to Naomi’s latest complaint that Fox News picked on her and asks why Katy won’t divulge whether or not the Marines paid her to make the video at Camp Pendleton;

The creepy parts of the video, in my mind, are many: girl power is represented as what Perry accomplishes in the rigors of basic training. Feminine impulses toward romantic revenge are depicted as rightly channeled into getting armed and being shipped to some mystery Afghanistan-like set overseas, locked and loaded. Trade in your bad boyfriend for a hot AK-47!

For one thing, you ditz, there are no AK47s in the video. Katy is carrying an M4, our enemies carry AK47s like all of our enemies have for fifty years. If you want to sound like you have a valid, informed opinion, learn the nomenclatures. And it seems to me that a feminist would revel in the fact that Katy depicts a woman who immerses herself in a traditionally male world and emerges as an equal to men. But, no, because Naomi doesn’t approve of the military and the job they do;

The whole videography of the scenes at Camp Pendleton – in which Perry crawls through an imaginary minefield, trains underwater, learns she can do the impossible, etc – is straight out of Leni Riefenstahl: the same angled, heroizing upward shots, the same fetishization of physical power, of gleaming armaments, and of the rigor and mechanism of human beings cohering into living militarized units.

Yeah, because the Marines are Nazis, or at least make her feel like she’s watching Nazi propaganda, or something. I guess the shots of a woman keeping up with men during the most grueling part of their preparation for defending their country is somehow frightening to the woman who defended Bill Clinton daily from accusations that he objectified young, impressionable women.

There is something else about the video: it feels … like an ad; specifically, a focus-grouped, consumer-tested ad to attract more women to join the Marines.

Yeah, because every woman who saw the video wants to do log PT in the surf, crawl through mud and climb log walls, get yelled at by Marine sergeant who has spent most of her adult life perfecting that craft, roadmarch in the California sun laden with full gear…and what teenage girl doesn’t want to slather on some camouflage face paint?

So I wrote that I felt that this was a piece of “war propaganda” and that, if Perry had received money or message guidance directly from the military to make the video, she should disclose that information. […] Now, to be fair, while journalists are expected to disclose any such conflicts, I have absolutely no evidence of any such transaction, and artists are subject to no such expectation.

Then why even bring it up, you ditz?

A more realistic portrayal of military life might note that no one threw them a parade after the end of the Iraq war, and no one bothered to thank them for their service. It might show how the military machine chews up patriotic young men and women and spits them out. What men and women in the army and navy today tell me directly is that they know they are fighting for corporate interests, not their country’s true defense. They say they tell themselves, “I am fighting for my colleagues” – because they know they can’t say that they are truly fighting for their country.

You boneheaded, silly moron. The military doesn’t chew us up and spit us out. The members of this forum are representative of that. We’re all out here in the real world, most of have finished our military service and we’re better people for having served – in contrast to you. We say we’re fighting for our buddies, because of the relationships that are forged in the military, the relationships that carry on after the rifles are silent. Our experiences bind us together with people we’ve never met like those of us on this forum. And our relationships exclude idiots like you who do your damned best to tear us apart. That’s probably why you despise us and our culture, because you’ll never understand it…and you’ll never be a part of our culture.

You know, Naomi, you sound like those white liberals who tell us that they know about black culture because they have a black friend. Don’t patronize us with stories about your imaginary veteran friends. It’s obvious from your idiot observations in this piece alone that you don’t like us, that you don’t appreciate what we’ve done for you and you wouldn’t walk across the street to spit on one of us if we were on fire.

A glossy, seductive “war is fun when you can’t get a date” pop video is over in three minutes. The truth about the darker side of military experience – trauma, injury, and the loss of loved ones – endures for ever.

I know it’s hard for a Yale grad and Rhodes scholar to understand, Naomi, but it’s called a sacrifice for something greater than oneself. And the military experience has been good to me and my family. Maybe you’re the one who needs to be exposed to the truth about military service instead of wallowing in your outdated and worn cliches.

Category: Shitbags

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Just Plain Jason

I wonder if she has a comment on Tim Kennedy’s video?

Poohbah, Lord High Everything Else

How tall is Naomi Wolf, anyway?


I’m surprised Jonn found so many words to write about Wolf….I would have stopped at ‘f**king oxygen thief’.


You were right, Jonn. She eventually opened her mouth and killed the mood. (smile)

Poohbah, Lord High Everything Else

Naomi Wolf hasn’t even earned the right to be called a grabasstic piece of amphibian shit by R. Lee Ermey.


“It might show how the military machine chews up patriotic young men and women and spits them out.” Sounds like she’s buying into the bullshit of putting vets into a special victim class. You nailed it Jonh, we ARE better people for serving.

Also, maybe someone ought to tell her the reason we fight for each other is because such sentiment is lost on fucking commies like her, so why should I walk around and say I fought for her? Although I do get a sick sense of satisfaction to tell morons like her that I fought so she could run her mouth like an idiot.

Old Tanker

FFS, as I veteran, I watched the video and thought “it’s just a video” Naomi, pull that corn cobb out of your ass and STFU…. Now that you feel empowered to speak for veterans, I feel empowered to speak for sandal wearing, hairy legged, patchouli smelling, carpet munching, feminazi’s…..fuck off!!!


Wow, I want an apology from that retarded mouth breather!!!!!


Poobah–about waist high. Not really “doable” though.

CI Roller Dude

You mean to tell me that the military ain’t like the video games…where you can sit on your ass with a coke in one hand and kill hundreds of the enemy?

Most tards’ don’t know the difference between an AK and a BAR.


All I know….is Naomi is a retard….and two weeks after first seeing this video I still can’t get this song out of my head….though its tim kennedy dancing and singing with Katy Perrys voice….i wonder if that means something…lol


Ah I really would have to try very hard not to slap this woman if I ever had the displeasure of meeting her in person.


The new standard from the left, we learned this week, is that if you have not lived something, your opinion is not only of no value, you are not even allowed to speak on the topic.

So we should listen to her opinion why exactly?? She didn’t get the memo?

Bah Bodenkurk

When I first saw this video (and mind you, I’m an Army recruiter), my first thought was, “Damn Katy Perry is hot with short hair too!” My second thought was, “Shit, we need a hot chick to make a video for the Army now too!” And my third thought was, “Why did she tape her boobs down?”


Bah–cause if she didn’t, she’d knock herself out doing PT.

Bah Bodenkurk



It’s okay… She’s talking about war propaganda, a subject she knows nothing of… oh no, wait, she supports the likes of propaganda artist Matthis, who’s never been to war and yet claims he’s a war veteran suffering from dreams of death by ice cream consumption. Wolf is howling her own hypocrisy.

Country Singer

Naomi was evidently consulting the Journalist’s Guide to Firearms Identification:


No one thanked them for their service? Maybe none of your liberal elitest friends you twat. You must have missed the clapping as our men and women de-barked from planes or the meals paid for by grateful citizens or the care packages sent overseas. Most of all you must have missed the many Americans like the Patriot Guard Riders of whom I am a part standing an Honor Guard for those that gave their lives in service to our nation.
You just suck on so many levels you should throw yourself off a bridge. Jack Ass shit bag.


@14: how ya gong to low crawl under barbed wire?


“A more realistic portrayal of military life might note that no one threw them a parade after the end of the Iraq war, and no one bothered to thank them for their service.”

And WHO was in charge at that time? WHO refuses to say the word victory And WHICH party is it that keeps NOT saying “Thank you” but supports ANSWER and Code Pink

Yeah..that’s right. STFU.


Naomi is jealous that Katy Perry is just hotter as a Marine than she is every day.


Her incessant babbling makes me think she didn’t even watch the friggin video. Too many of her “details” are inaccurate. And she does sound suspiciously like Matthis with all the dramatic ranting and bullshit rhetoric. Wolf=Matthis? Wouldn’t surprise me.


Poor Naomi, she just hasn’t been the same since Bernard Kerik dumped her.


Yeah, just googled an image of Naomi….HOLY CRAP!

She would be a three bagger. A bag for her, a bag for me, and a bag for whoever walked in on us.

Old Trooper

Anyone that is interested in a semi-recent picture of lil’ Naomi can see it on this link. BTW The photo shows her being arrested at an Occutard event (go figure).


Damnit, I had to go watch the actual video, now I have this visual of a bunch of you silverbacks sitiing in traffic singing this song…my chimp ass is going to have the tune stuck for for a while. Btw the video wasn’t that bad.


Hell, I’d hit it…I’ve seen far uglier liberal chicks, she’s actually probably on the upper end of the scale for that group.

Old Trooper

Hell, CI, you’d hit Janet Reno if you had enough aiming fluid in ya 😛


Damn Janet Reno…there ain’t enough paint thinner and brake fluid in the Russian army…


Your missing the whole point, which is: her legs are really hot.
BTW, who were the grabbastic amphibious turds who gave women the
vote? Women put there weak asses in positions that require strength, i.e. the military, police and fire departments so that they can jepeordise their own safety as well as everyone else’s.
It’s a sad day when you look up and realize your back up can’t even defend against a 15 year old boy. To her credit though, Naomi is nice though totally messed up upstairs.


As a proud card carrying Liberal, a supporter of all things equal for all things, AND a military vet of 22 years (And counting…) I approve of Katy Perry and her video. But I also cant stand most Liberal writers. Get over yourself Naomi, its a video that depicts a girls transformation into woamn via trial by fire. She (The character…)could have easily gotten over the break up by going shopping or jumping into another relationship…but that would have been a boring vid. (BTW, my wife made me watch the vid. Honest!)