RWN interviews Hermann Cain

| April 10, 2012

Our buddy, John Hawkins at Right Wing News, famous for doing the interviews no one else does, has posted the interview he did last week with Hermann Cain, former presidential candidate, CEO and founder of Godfather’s Pizza and former talk radio host;

Would you accept a position in a Republican administration — including possibly the VP slot?

I never say never…

Category: Bloggers

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You forgot sexual preditor on his list of exploits


Anon–and where are those accusers now that Cain dropped out of the race?

Curious, no?


“You better put some ice on that.” -Bill Clinton


Yep, amazing how the controversy surrounding Cain went away as soon as he pulled his campaign. Seems it was less about the legalities of any alleged behavior and more about getting the evil black conservative out of the news.

It just wouldn’t have done to have a successful African American running against the Bumbler in Chief with a message diametrically opposed to his, now would it? 😉

“Your opponent can’t talk when your fist is in his mouth.” – Bill Clinton


I still find it funny that three of the accusers worked directly or indirectly for the Obama Administration. But, the lamestream media never made mention of that, only that he was paying a woman’s rent.


Have always wondered how those on the left manage to justify their apparent position that rape is OK if it is one of your own performing the rape, but that suggestive speech among those on the right is a high crime. How do they ever hook up anyway if neither party is allowed to make an overture?

Which really has nothing whatever to do with Cain having been the best (imho) candidate in the field, which is exactly why he had to be taken out early.

Best wishes for Mr. Cain in whatever he does next with his life. A good man, from whom many have a LOT to learn.


Flagwaver, what you saw was good old fashioned Chicago politics at it’s worst. With the examples of the Mayors Daley and Rahm Emanuel to look back on, one really shouldn’t be too surprised.

“Politics gives guys so much power that they tend to behave badly around women. And I hope I never get into that.”
Bill Clinton to a woman friend while he was a Rhodes scholar at Oxford.


It’s “predator”, and you’re a flaming idiot, Anonymous.


Have to admit, the Progs pulled “The Black Man as Rapist” shtick out of the bag – hell, straight from that old Democrat campaign movie “Birth of a Nation” – and it worked like a charm.


Now if he ran Domino’s or Pizza Hut maybe, but we don’t want a Vice President from a 2nd tier pizza company….


Seeing as how we as a nation are now running a deficit greater than the combined debt of Europe and the UK, I’d be happy to accept a successful second tier CEO helping run our finances over the failed policies of our current ‘community organizer’ with no track record of financial ability.