Tuesdays with Claymore

| April 10, 2012

Claymore returns from his weekly recon of the Left and their memes;

Painting by numbers.

So I guess you won’t be attending the funeral?

Obama, governing as a conservative since 2008.

Flocking sheep.

Love you, man…no homo.

Defining racism, DU style.

800,000 potential murderers.

You mean sort of like the word of God?

Booze and booty calls.

And yet another call for Limbaugh to be taken off AFR.

DUers are too effin’ lazy to even make up their own memes.

Obama takes a Constitutional.

Sick of climate change.

Tournament of stupid.

The whoa on women.

If only he were a rapper…

“My view from the trough”

…when they came for the Jews, I did nothing.

Debbie Wasserman Shitz.

Obama; only adult in the room?

…then everyone applauded; office edition.

The wages of liberalism.

Sunday skool.

Like what, more ironing and sandwich making?

Fox News is racist…of course it is.

English! Do you speak it muthaf*cka?

Zimmerman walks? Hunting blacks will be a new sport.

Funny how they didn’t mind it as long as they were picking who sat “unelected” on those benches.

Tebow is a ‘xtian fundy homeschooled moron’.

Category: Tuesdays with Claymore

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I forgot this one…it should send a few people off the deep end. At least this one particular leftist shitbag is honest about how he feels regarding the military. Put your coffee down for this one, gang…and prep to wipe the blood off the monitor that shoots from your eyes. You’ve been warned.


MAJ Arkay

Reference Tebow and the “xtian fundy homeschooled moron” theme: Wonder why so many liberals have issues with home schooling? Aren’t all those rich libbies who engage private tutors for their little precious ones in fact home schooling?

It’s fact that home schooled kids score higher in all subjects on those oh so vaunted standardized tests than do the public school kiddies being taught by the liberals’ favorite union folk.

Yeah, I know. “Fact” has nothing to do with the liberal meme.


I think it has to do with the fact that home-schooling involves personal effort, MAJ – while sending the kid to an expensive private school means you’re paying someone else to do it for you. Plus it give you something to bitch/bragg about with your friends.

But that’s just IMO.


MAJ, that’s why the left hates home schooling, the children don’t get indoctrinated. What good is schooling if you can’t turn out future DU’ers?

Old Tanker

Claymore, you’re my hero…..for wading through the DUmpster every week. I love the comments on the last one you mentioned

used to be we didn’t have to import sanity from across the pond”

What bitter people with low self esteem. They might as well say “I’m not as good as they are so I have to tear them down to my level” Sheesh….