The Code Pink scandal

| September 9, 2008

Last week, a This Ain’t Hell reader emailed me some of his research on the Code Pink insurgency into Sarah Palin’s speech at the Republican National Convention. I emailed the story to Jim Hoft at Gateway Pundit, who has been a great friend and a big part of our growth here, and the story went around the net. Now Jim writes that the story has made the local news in Indiana.

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From Indiana’s News Center;

The story has gotten national attention on several political blogs.

One of those blogs has displayed a picture of a simple badge with Eckrich’s name on it that was used by members of a group called “Code Pink” to get into one of the prime time convention speeches.

Eckrich says a badge was left for her at a National Realtors Association reception that she never attended.

Instead, it appears the “Code Pink” members got their hands on it, and got in the convention to make a scene.

This is the picture that’s making it’s rounds…right out of my own media archives.

Thanks to everyone involved

Category: Politics

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