Jane Fonda: Limbaugh is offensive

| March 10, 2012

Fonda at gun

Jane Fonda, pictured above during a vacation in North Vietnam a few years back, takes to the internet to pretend that she cares about the troops and the the fact that Rush Limbaugh’s program is on the Armed Forces Network;

[Jane Fonda, Robin Morgan, and Gloria Steinem] state, “Our entire military depends on troops respecting each other — women and men. There simply can be no place on military airwaves for sentiments that would undermine that respect.”

From POW Network;

In a speech to Duke University students in 1970, Fonda told the gathering, “If you understood what Communism was, you would hope and
pray on your knees that we would someday become Communist.”

After her trip to Hanoi: …..Fonda told the world press that U.S. prisoners of war were being well treated and not tortured. Her outrageous claims were later exposed when American POWs were finally freed and told of years of agonizing tortures and inhuman treatment. Fonda responded, not with an apology, but with an accusation calling our returned POWs “liars and hypocrites.”

But, yeah, Limbaugh on AFN is dangerous to our troops’ morale.

But the real snot blower in Fonda’s little rant is this;

This isn’t political. While we disagree with Limbaugh’s politics, what’s at stake is the fallout of a society tolerating toxic, hate-inciting speech.

Yeah, it’s not the politics, even though they’re not calling for the same reaction to Ed Schultz or Bill Maher for using the same word, but talking about Republican women.

Category: I hate hippies, Shitbags

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FYL Jane Fonda.

Just Plain Jason

Jane Fonda commenting on anything troop related…hey maybe she can go entertain some Taliban. I wonder how well that would go over for her.


Hey, Jane. STFU. And, yeah, the hypocrisy of not mentioning Schultz and Maher, and the rest, is just mind-numbing.


Why is that fucking whore not dead?


I agree with ROS, why is this POS whore not dead yet, someone sjould have put her out of her misery years ago, skank ho that she is


Curse thee Rush Limbo! You’ve resurrected the Undead!


That’s all I needed to hear. If she thinks he’s offensive, then he moves into hero status for me.

These lame brains really are making themselves just look ridiculous. It’s getting very difficult to ignore their lunacy.


@DaveA: Better yet, put her out of our misery.

Zero Ponsdorf

Neener, Neener, Neener… I hated her long before most of you!


You also had a dinosaur-skin rug before the rest of us. 😀


Ohhhhh….quit bragging Zero. lmao!


Geeezz, just when you thought it was safe…

DaveO (#6) said something about the Undead; that about says it all.

Old Trooper

I can get as salty as the next person, with my language, but for this thing, I would even shock and offend some of you with my words; so I will keep quiet.

Yat Yas 1833

When is she gonna die?


Hanoi Jane Fonda can go STRAIGHT to the Hot Place, do not pass go, do not collect two hundred dollars, just go to your master. For this one, I would pee all over her grave, an annual pilgrimage.


@4–Why is that fucking whore not dead?

Jane Fonda is prima facie evidence that some people breathe only because killing them at the present time is illegal.

And for the record, first keg after her funeral is on me.


I’ll bring the red Solo cups.


Hell, I’ll see if Toby’ll be willing to play the “after party”, so to speak.

Yat Yas 1833

Chips n salsa are on me


Jane Fonda can smoke a turd in Hell.


In that casae Sparky, I’d better round up the barricades and get them set up for anybody that wants to relieve themselves on her grave. Bet that’s going to one hell of a huge number…


street…about the only hope she’d have is being buried about 40 feet above ground, otherwise half the cemetery will float away with her.


It could only be made better if the party started while she still drew breath so that she cold fully absorb how worthless she’s believed to be.



Just Plain Jason

Maybe there could be some kind of fundraiser. Have tickets to piss on her grave all proceeds go to a Vietnam Veterans charities.


The funds raised from that would come damn near to paying off the national debt. Hell, imagine if the “rights” to be first to christen her grave was put up on EBay? You’d have to start the bidding in the high six-figure range.


Maybe we could get a corporate entity to buy the “rights” and donate them to those living Viet Nam POW’s, and let them have first turn at the bitch?
And, I like ROS’s idea, start it while she’s still alive, so a few of them could tell her, in person, what they thought of her as she crosses the River Styx.


In the words uttered in eternally funny SNL, “Jane, you ignorant slut”.
Why doesn’t she just shut up and die?
BTW, even when my VFW post moved to a newly renovated building, we still put hanoi jane target stickers in the urinals, finding that it improves accuracy and makes cleanup easier.


Yeah, Hanoi Jane– You can kiss my ass. You and Eve Ensler and your wanting to make the “C” word beautiful, again. And you want to call Rush offensive?
That is fucking rich isn’t it? You have z-ro cred in these here parts. You and Gloria Allred should get together over coffee and find some more men to bash…start with Bill Maher, Olberman, Schulltz and then get back to me on “offensive,” won’t you?


Funny you should mention Allred, Defend. She’s already positioned herself to take down Rush via a defamation suit.


Before there even was a “Hanoi Jane” she was Miss Army Recruiting 1962!

Barry Leonard

I am a Vietnam vet and to my dying day I will feel that Hanoi Jane is guilty of High Treason and should be shot. what she did was unexcusable.The only reason she wasn’t brought up on charges was the respect the nation had for Henry Fonda and now the bitch is at it again.


My instructor in the Navy was a former Prisoner of war in Hanoi. He told me all about Hanoi Jane, what she did to make them suffer more. How she told the enemy what the blinking of the eyes code meant. This woman should have been convicted of High Treason and should be sitting in Jail. She is a disgusting being, not human being though. Go to Hanoi Hell, Jane Fonda.


Enough said….

In a speech to Duke University students in 1970, Fonda told the gathering, “If you understood what Communism was, you would hope and pray on your knees that we would someday become Communist.”

After her trip to Hanoi: …..Fonda told the world press that U.S. prisoners of war were being well treated and not tortured. Her outrageous claims were later exposed when American POWs were finally freed and told of years of agonizing tortures and inhuman treatment. Fonda responded, not with an apology, but with an accusation calling our returned POWs “liars and hypocrites.”


I bet this whore’s death will become an unofficial military holiday. I’m a Marine and I know I’m gonna get f–ked up.


No. 35: Don’t forget the U.S. ARMY — “me too” !!


She was on some stupid talk show on AFN news yesterday. I changed the channel. I’ts amazing she doesn’t seem to realize how much she is hated and how worthless she actually is.