General: now is not the time for revenge

| February 24, 2012

Someone wrote us from Afghanistan yesterday to warn us that it’s Friday, the traditional weekly holy day, so we should expect increases in the riot there after morning prayers over the Koran burning thing. Luckily that hasn’t materialized. They must’ve all gone home to the tradition chicken and biscuit meal, or something.

However, the commander of coalition forces in Afghanistan went to the sight where two US soldiers were killed yesterday by someone in an Afghanistan National Army uniform and told the US troops that “now is not the time for revenge” (Associated Press link);

U.S. Gen. John Allen traveled late Thursday to Nangarhar province to calm U.S. troops at the forward operating base where the incident occurred earlier in the day.

He told them to resist whatever urge they might have to strike back after an Afghan soldier killed the two American troops. His comments were released Friday.

Afghan National Army Gen. Sher Mohammed Karimi, who traveled to the base with Allen, told the U.S. troops that their sacrifice is not wasted.

Karimi says the Americans and Afghans together are “fighting an enemy of humanity.”

Yeah, we certainly are. I don’t know what Karimi is saying to the protesters, though. It seems like they need to be lectured more than the US troops need a lecture on keeping their calm.

Our man in Afghanistan also reports that the war is wearing on the POGs, too. He writes that they’re complaining that they have to eat an MRE for lunch and they’ve had to go a couple of days without ice cream. So the war will be ending any day now.

Category: Terror War

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Wait, the disciplined men and women of the American military are being told that now is not the time for revenge? Wow, that must have taken him a couple of days to think up. However, you will notice that the coward is not speaking at the mosques that now is not the time for revenge. He is not telling them that their brothers are the ones who defaced the holy books. He is not telling them that they wre being burned IN ACCORDANCE WITH ISLAMIC LAW!!!

No, he’s telling the sheepdogs to not get twitchy when a wolf wearing sheeps clothing clothing pops up and caps one or two of them. Don’t do anything rash or there could be an international incident… as if war isn’t already an international incident.

El Marco

if not now, when? Wolves understand strength and payback.

tabula rasa

Now is not the time for revenge.

Thank you, General Allen.

Placate an irredeemably corrupt, misogynistic culture steeped in stultifying ignorance in order to do what? COIN indeed.

The Fort Hood massacre…multiple and continuing killings of American soldiers by our neolithic “allies.” When, General Allen, is the appropriate time for a bit of anger?

Hopefully, sir, you resign soon.