TAH on the radio

| February 21, 2012

Tomorrow morning I’ll be on the radio once again around 6am while TSO is standing in line with VTWoody at the Supreme Court. Here’s the producer’s explanation of the show;

I am a producer for the nationally aired public radio morning news show “The Takeaway” with host John Hockenberry. We are a joint production of The New York Times, BBC World Service and PRI – Public Radio International.

On tomorrow’s show we are interested in discussing the Supreme Court case US v Alvarez. We’re particularly interested in hearing why lying about a military record is so egregious to you and to other members of the military. The interview would take place from 6:07-6:15a EST and can be conducted by landline phone.

The guests will be our buddy Doug Sterner’s wife, Pam and the Stolen Valor bomb thrower, Jonathon Turley, the George Washington University law professor who thinks that we want to lock him up for lying to chicks in a bar.

I’ve already recorded my portion of the interview, and I don’t think you’ll be disappointed. I was my usual charming self.

The link to the show is here. What? I’m always up cleaning up the blog after you nightowls mess up the place, you can get up early and listen to the show.

Category: Phony soldiers

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Zero Ponsdorf

Wouldn’t miss it… Jonn Liyea: The face that made radio popular again!

(That one just never gets old.)


eastern? western?


never mind, just saw you’re in DC…

Yat Yas 1833

I gotta get up at 0400?! Oooh alright.


Or for those of us already at work. Amazing how leftist hypocrisy can be spewed 24/7/365 but the truth is available for a whopping 6 minutes, minus commercials and editing.

Yat Yas 1833

@5 Jonn Lilyea, make mine biscuits and gravy! Oh, n some fried taters. And a couple of eggs over medium.

Eagle Keeper

Thanks for the link to the Turley piece. I couldn’t have said it better myself. And a hearty “Amen!” to most of his commenters!

So Turley’s a “Bomb thrower”? Really?! Howyafigger?

I’m really starting to see all this devotion of time and effort to “exposing ‘thieves of valor'” (?!) as so much misguided, pseudo-religious hoopla.

Why dontcha go after lying politicians — from BOTH parties — instead of some pathetic wanker who tells his co-workers on the county water board (or maybe his blind date) that he was a Purple Heart recipient who made light colonel in 4 years?

A buncha them pols spun the whoppers that put us into Iraq for almost ten years, trillions of dollars and — most important — 4,500+ lives.

Eagle Keeper

I’m still gonna give a listen to the program though. …

Yat Yas 1833

@8 Eagle Keeper, I’m an FNG here, only for the past couple of months, but I don’t remember seeing your tag before so if I’m wrong, please pardon me. I don’t know if you’ve served or not, again please forgive me if I’m uninformed about this. What ticks me, and other veterans that served, off is these ass wipes that never served is them claiming they did. What little bullshit bling I earned, I EARNED! I spent the three months at MCRD EARNING the title. I spent the time away from home missing all the family events and holidays.

As for myself and my fellow Marines, there’s a saying out there. “The Navy and Army are run like regular branches of the military. The Air Force is run like a corporation but Marine Corps is a religion.” Misguided? You form your own opinion. To us it’s a way of life. You wanna claim the title and didn’t earn it? I’ll call you on it, if you’re in Phoenix I’ll beat you down as I have in the past.


Color me fucking shocked, Jonn.


Turley…. seems to me one of the first bloodsuckers….ah, I mean lawyers, who filed product liability suits against gun manufacturers claiming their products were inherently made to break the law was named Turley. I still remember one of the networks interviewing him as he stepped into his Ferrari… which as we all know was made to never, ever go faster than the legal speed limit.


@8 It’s up to the general public to get rid of lying politicians by voting them out of office or doing some research when their running for office. We can rely on some journalists to print the truth but they have their own political agenda when it comes to getting the story right. Journalist like to interview gay soldiers right now cause of same sex marriages in the news. Who cares if the individual never served a day in the armed forces? It’s all about advancing their political agenda at the expense of the military.


@11 they didn’t use the interview because they were looking for some kind of insightful dialogue that could contribute to the show and you obviously didn’t provide any.

Old Trooper

@15: Sphincter!! How ya doing, buddy? It’s funny that you would make such a statement, since we have been wondering the same thing about you.