Perpetually outraged protest defacing defaced Korans

| February 21, 2012

At Bagram Air Base, officials pulled several Korans from the shelves of their detention center library because they were found to have been scribbled in with extremist slogans and inscriptions by inmates. So they began burning the defaced holy books according to the Associated Press;

But more than 2,000 Afghans protested the incident outside the Bagram Air Base that stoked rising anti-foreign sentiment and fueled Afghan claims that foreign troops disrespect their culture and Islamic religion even as the Americans and other NATO forces prepare to withdraw by the end of 2014.

Demonstrators who gathered outside Bagram Air Field, one of the largest U.S. bases in Afghanistan, shouted, “Die, die, foreigners!” Some fired rifles into the air. Others threw rocks at the gate of the base and set tires on fire.

So the commander in Afghanistan apologized for being so insensitive;

“It was not a decision that was made because they were religious materials,” [Gen. John Allen] said. “It was not a decision that was made with respect to the faith of Islam. It was a mistake. It was an error. The moment we found out about it we immediately stopped and we intervened.”

On the other side of Afghanistan, the Taliban was busy beheading four innocent men;

“The four men were civilians who were beheaded by Taliban for allegedly spying for government,” provincial spokesman Daud Ahmadi told AFP.

The Taliban had found satellite phones in the men’s possession and thought they were spies, he said, adding that mobile phones do not work in that district and it is normal for people to use satellite phones.

So I guess we can expect thousands of Afghans to begin protesting the Taliban with shouts of “Die, Taliban, die” and firing their weapons in the air and burning tires outside their Taliban base. That will more than likely be followed with an apology from the Taliban commander in Afghanistan.

Category: Terror War

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Of course we’ll hear from the outraged, yelling “Die, Taleban, Die!”…The hypocrisy from them is, as usual overwhelming..


It’s a good thing I’m a nice guy or I’d have a suggestion for an instant 80 percent reduction our nuclear warhead inventory.


Protesters outside the gate firing weapons and we didn’t return fire? Great. Now the bad guys know that if they stage a protest outside the gate at Bagram they’ll be able to practically walk right up to the checkpoint with weapons in hand and nobody’s going to stop them.
Damn it!


This appeared in the Yahoo article,“The militants, who have in the past used beheading as a punishment on alleged spies and traitors, were not immediately available for comment”. No kidding, the murdering scum, who also recruit children to become suicide bombers, weren’t available for comment?

Yat Yas 1833

I really wish I gave a tinker’s damn about what they think. Actually, I wish I gave a damn about them but alas I don’t. A thousand of them aren’t worth one American GI.


Here, again…a touch of common sense would help. The minute you toss ANY book in a burn barrel, you’re going to attract unwanted attention.

If they’d quietly stepped in the back room, stripped the bindings and run them through a shredder, we’d have never heard about it.

Yat Yas 1833

@6 PintoNag, would you quit making sense!? Let us be outraged for a little bit.

Doc Bailey

here’s a thought, how about we ship over some bibles since they don’t seem to like their Korans. Too much?


Well I think that it is official that DC has thrown in the towel as far as Afghanistan goes.

CI Roller Dude

I’m sure most of the rock chuckers can’t even read.

tavern knight

“…several Korans… …were found to have been scribbled in with extremist slogans and inscriptions by inmates.”

Seems that its okay to scribble in the Koran but they can’t be burned…

wow, hmm…


@10 – Quite true. Many village Imams can’t read either. They learn the Qur’an by rote oral memorization.

The Dead Man

#12 Makes me wonder if Gaslighting would work.

Why was this publicized again? Who the hell went out and said “Hey let’s publicly torch books that will inevitably cause an uproar in the oversensitive sort.”

My coworker loves saying that I just don’t understand their culture thanks to my own. I’m thinking I don’t care and neither does he when stories like this get ignored by him entirely.


This is why Broadway/Hollywood will never make a play/film mocking Islam, the Koran, or Mohammed the same way they do to Christianity, the Bible, and Jesus.

They like to think of themselves as iconoclasts, as brave and irreverent…but they’re just a bunch of pussies. They like to pick on white bread Mormon missionaries and the church lady. But put an AK-47 in their faces and they suddenly learn to respect the sensibilities of others.


Ben just said it all.


@14 – I think there’s some truth to that, but the other aspect is that it’s Christianity that is being used by some in this country to restrict or regulate people’s lives, not Islam.

No matter the subject or the issue, those types of actions are always going to have outlets for push-back.


CI–believe me, Islam is far more restrictive than Christianity ever hoped/dared to be. And as far as “being used by some”, hey, you’re going to have some shitstick who abuses their authority in ANY group.


NH – I’m not arguing nor denying that point at all. I was speaking to what happens in this country…what we have control over.

Doc Bailey

Well the last time someone even pictured Mohamed he no shit ended up missing his head. And he was in Europe, the Bastion of the Liberal Elite. While I’m sure an American could probably get away with it, look what Happened to South Park. They made an episode a long time ago called “super best friends” or something like that. You can’t watch that one online anymore, after they made the episode 200 and 201 which made fun of the fact that Mohamed cant be shown (Rob Riener wanted to steal his “goo” but then the Gingers wanted that, and they started a wave of terrorist attacks. . . well actually it was f**king hilarious) All three episodes are not available on iTunes, or Netflix, or even their own streaming site, and I’m sure if you go back and try to order the DVD they will be removed as well.

Which is kind of a shame because if anyone NEEDS to be spoofed its them.


While I’m sure an American could probably get away with it, look what Happened to South Park.

So IOW, they can’t get away with it. And apparently you haven’t spent much time in Dearborn or other Muslim neighborhoods.

Yeah, can’t be laughing at someone who is basically BEGGING to be ridiculed.


@16: I think there’s some truth to that, but the other aspect is that it’s Christianity that is being used by some in this country to restrict or regulate people’s lives, not Islam.

Restricting or regulating people’s lives…governments do that. That, in and of itself, is not oppression. That’s why, for example, I can’t open a white’s only restaurant. And I can’t marry six wives. I can father as many kids as I want but the court is going to make me pay child support.

I just knew that CI was going to come back with his usual tired retort. “But look at what Christians do!”

I think you’re just pissed off that Christians have the audacity to participate in the political process.

The Torch

Quoting Ben, #21: “I think you’re just pissed off that Christians have the audacity to participate in the political process.”

I don’t think so, I know so. I read this slimy asshole’s comments all the time. You’ve pegged him pretty well.


@Ben – You scored a a two-fer. You’re incorrect and you missed the point all in the same post. I respect anyone who gets off their ass and participates in the process, though most are woefully uneducated on the issues, thanks to our media.

I’m pissed off at the audacity of people who aren’t content to live their lives by their own narrow set of values, but would seek to impose them on their fellow citizens. Whether it’s liberals or fundamentalists; whether based on the Qur’an, the Bible or the manifesto….I’m not politically selective when it comes to liberty.


Literacy rate over here hovers at about 30% and I would say the majority of those who are literate are in the big cities, Kabul, Herat, Mazar, and Kandahar. The ANA is making a big push for literacy training. the ANA unit I mentor has seen an increase of about 280% in literacy class attendance since I have been here. There are many things necessary for this country to move forward but two of the big ones, (from my perspective) are literacy and empowerment of women.


@24 – Does your unit have a majority of specific speakers (Dari/Pashto)?

I agree with your perspective, but I’d be interested to know whether tribal or dialectal factors impact illiteracy like urban v. rural.


There is a pretty decent mix. All of my interpreters speak both. I have only succeeded in picking up some Dari. The ANA takes recruits out of their home areas initially and moves them elsewhere. For some it’s their first time interacting with Tajiks, Uzbeks, Hazaras, Pashtuns, etc. Similar to desegregation if you want to look at it that way. At least where I am, the majority of the officers and senior leaders are Tajiks but that is not the same everywhere. The Hazaras are still at the bottom of the hierarchy being one of the smallest ethnic groups and almost 100% of them are Shia.

As for what has the greatest impact on literacy, I’d say it’s location. Being closer to the cities means being closer to government and things like schools. The common denominator among those in the literacy programs is that they are all from villages/provinces/areas where schools were not present.


Thank you. That jives exactly with what I hear from my AFG guys. Literacy is only a stepping stone to crawling out of their social framework, but it’s an important one.

Stay safe out there.


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