Navy disregarding all available evidence

| February 8, 2012

TSO sends us a link to the Marines’ plan to station 4500 more Marines from Okinawa on Guam;

That administration plan calls for shifting about 4,500 Okinawa Marines to Guam – reducing the current plan from about 8,600 — and rotating about 4,000 more Marines through Australia, Subic Bay and possibly other bases in the Philippines and Hawaii, the news service said, citing anonymous administration sources.

Apparently, the Navy is not heeding the advice of Congressman Hank Johnson who warned them just two years ago that Guam is in danger of tipping over and sliding into the ocean.

Have they no regard for the lives of the Guamanian residents and the US military personnel they are clearly sending into harm’s way on this floating pool toy in the Pacific?

Of course, I’m not serious, but I do have a call into the Congressman’s office for his comment on this huge potential engineering error. For some reason they’re not taking me seriously.

Category: Congress sucks

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See, they listened to Hank, they cut the number of Marines so that Guam doesn’t tip over.


Damn it, Jonn! A spew alert would have been nice…(floating pool toy…)


Is it possible that since the global warming trend seems to be over and we are now in a cooling trend that Guam is no longer subject to tipping?


I want a transcript of the conversation with the Congresscritter’s office!


Jonn, I have had conversations with a Dem operative here in GA who assures me that (a) Hank was joking; and (b) Hank has been told that he is really not funny and should not tell any more jokes.

I hate to admit that I did vote for Hank once – when he ran against Cynthia McKinney. I have resolved my problems with this type of issue by moving to a nice suburb represented by a nice Republican. If they redistrict me back in to one of those crazy districts, I may sue for the intentional infliction of emotional distress and embarrassment.


I supported Hank in print at the time because he was not McKinney. Same year I supported the guy in Alabama (I think Artur Davis)


This is the same guy who makes Maxine Waters look cerebral.

Yeah, sure it was a joke, Hank.


and rotating about 4,000 more Marines through Australia, Subic Bay and possibly other bases in the Philippines and Hawaii,

Sure, sure–stick ME on the rock for two years (plus all those Westpac upkeeps) and rotate the grunts through Australia and the PI.

No wonder I hated my COB every time he mentioned the words, “Good Deal.”


Thought we moved out of Subic years ago. Be a boon to the Olongapo economy. Dust off the bars and the “Upstairs”, kids back to diving into the shit river for quarters and pesos….Gee, wonder if Susie will be back at the Texas.


Cross Shit River, hang a right, fortify yourself with tacos and lumpia from Via’s, then start another attempt at “PI Bar Dice”, and when you fail miserably, jump in a Jeepney and head up to Island Girls or Gilligan’s Island in the Barrio.

Ah, memories.