Meany cop scares nutty hippies

| February 8, 2012

AmyJ sends us this video from the local news in Houston in which a HPD cop who is surrounded by “activists” jacks the slide on his shotgun to quiet the crowd. And now the “activists” want the officer’s head on a platter.

Yeah, frightening, isn’t it? He didn’t even point the shotgun at anyone, but I almost peed myself a little thinking about the fear the filthy scum hippies must have felt at that moment.

Personally, if hippie-boy Micah had come up to me with his stupid ponytail and whiteboy Afro, I’d have probably drilled him for looking like that and put him out of his misery.

His little band of twerps are called “The Free Thinkers”, another reason to cap the lot of them. Anyone who has a pretentious name like that for their filthy band of hippies needs to smell gunpowder.

The news article merely says that they’re a group of “activists” So I went to find out what kind of activists they are and found this by their head douchebag, Derrick (yeah that’s his name – worth another load of rat shot);

…a real physical group who will actively participate in activities including:

– Education of the Masses through Flyers, Benefits, Free DVD distribution, Stickers, Zines, etc.
– Weekly “Protest By Presence” at locations determined by the group…

Education of what? Protesting what?

I personally am a member of the Houston Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, and online member of The Oath Keepers. I also follow a number of different alternative media sources.

Oh, a rocket surgeon.

We will cover all topics pertinent to a proper discussion of The New World Order. These include: The Wars on Terror, Drugs, Irag[sic], Afghanistan, Civil Liberties, etc.; GMOs, Chemtrails, Alien Life, 2012, Shift in Consciousness, The Banks, and anything else they devise to attack us.

Yeah, the cops should have shot the vermin.

Category: General Whackos

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online member of The Oath Keepers

Oh look, mommy! Another Paultard!

Chuck W

Chemtrails? Someone really needs to stop listening to Alex Jones.

Poohbah, Lord High Everything Else

Another dose of Paulsamic Vinegar coming right up!


Paulsamic Vinegar

I lol’d. Seriously, when did a bunch of sheep following each other doing stupid shit ever become regarded as “Free Thinkers”?

Congrats, little hipster douches–you’re rebels, just like everyone else.


You know what, those Hippies are very, very lucky


Ron Paulestinians, how unsurprising…..

Don Carl

There is no other sound as singularly ominous as a shotgun action being cycled.


Bet it sounds even more frightening to a DRUGGED OUT HIPPIE!!!!!


#7 Don: …yes, and that’s because the sound that comes after it is very likely the last sound the idiot targetted would ever hear.

NR Pax

So chambering a round into a shotgun and pointing it into the air is violating the rights of hippies to scream at the top of their lungs.

Not really seeing the problem yet. Maybe I need more alcohol.

B Woodman

“. . . . . and put him out of his misery.”
You mean, and put him out of MY misery.
Idiots, each and every one. And did I mention sheeple?
There has to be a way to castrate and neuter all of them so that they don’t pass their stupid genes on to the next generation.


The sound of a racking slide, followed by the sound of a bunch of hippies voiding their bowels.

Ah, music to my ears.


It is one of those little sounds that everyone knows, recognizes, and respects. Mostly because it is just a little click and a loud boom from the last noise you will ever hear. Well, either that or the little click and a loud boom from the worst pain in your life as your ass gets peppered by tiny little pellets of salt.


Is there a way to get all those chemtrails to congregate over groups like this???

FSOnly one

I was up in the mountains with my dad, uncles, and cousins. We were minding our own business, shooting clay pigeons to our hearts content when out of nowhere a mountain biker with all sorts of green peace clothing on came riding across our firing line! We immediately ceased fire only to watch the dumb ass downshift into the lowest gear and ride very, very slowly through our AO.

It only took one pump from one of our shotguns to get his passive-aggressive hippy ass the hell into high gear. That’s all it should take. No amount of words can match the “SCHK SCHK” for getting a message across.


Make them all go away NOW!!!!!!!!!!!

AW1 Tim

I got nothin’…….

Wait he’s an “…online member of Oathkeepers.”

Does that mean his membership is only valid online, or that he exists only in the fevered bytes of the Ronulan poseurs?

Man, we need some sort of bio-bleach to cleanse the shallow end of the gene pool before these creatures breed.


What good is a shotgun if it doesn’t have a round in the chamber? The officer was just making sure his weapon was functional. So all of those Occutards really believe that the chamber is empty on the handguns the cops carry?
Bio-bleach? If you’re really hard up, just train the chem-trail killing vinegar spray gun into the shallow end and spray.

Just Plain Jason

I got nothing for the tards. If he can’t spray them with pepper spray, use a shotgun, what next they going to say look mean?



I’ll have that tune stuck in my head all day now.


Odd. They look and smell skanky and that is their right. They spew filth and absurdity and that is their right. But they object to a cop looking, smelling, and acting like, well, you know, a cop?

Hand the man his paycheck. He did exactly what he was paid to do – with more restraint than many of us would have reasonably expected.

the Crazier Sister

(snerk) Y’know, people forget, cops have rights, too…

Cedo Alteram

#1 “Oh look, mommy! Another Paultard!” yep.