Say huh?

| April 1, 2010

Yuh, these are the people running the country. I may be late to this party, but, Congressman Hank Johnson expresses his fear that Guam will someday “tip over and capsize” because there are too many people on the island at about 1:25 into the video.

He spent the first minute painfully describing the dimensions of the island…TWICE…even though the admiral tried to help him out by calling the island “small” after the congressman’s first attempt to describe the dimensions. So I’m guessing that the good congressman thinks islands are just floating around in the ocean like big inflatable pool toys. Hopefully, the Navy is aware that’s not the case.

This is the kind of interrogatory that led to national health care legislation. Think that Congressman Johnson read the bill before he signed it?

Thanks to Old Tanker for the video.

UPDATE: Apparently, he’s claiming it was a metaphor now.

Category: Congress sucks

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Must have been one of the CAT IV’s the Army turned away. At least he found a job. 🙂


Capsize. An island. Capsize. Thanks a fucking lot Dekalb County. Maybe if we put some pontoons on there…


Oh, and while we’re at it, how long before the cries of racism begin?

Agent Orange


I think he might rate a CAT VI….

Old Tanker

Sorry, I was Agent Orange on another thread…


You know your shit is weak if even the tards at DU are making fun of your ass:

Hank Johnson

Make fun of me all you want, but I am also concerned that some day the heat of the sun will melt the cheese on the moon and our planet will be covered like a grilled cheese sandwich.


Words cannot even begin to express…

Toothless Dawg

This is your mind on crack … !!!


either he is a literal moron or he was extremely condenscending in trying to make that stupid-Navy-guy-admiral to understand the concept of overpopulating the small island of Guam with 25K more Marines and their families… either case is scary…



Well, one of those guys apparently thinks Cynthia McKinney was better.


olga–25K? There’s more Japanese tourists in Tumon Bay any given weekend. Trust me, I spent 2 years, 17 days, 11 hours, and 25 minutes stationed there, not including the upkeeps I did there on two fast attack boats during parts of five Westpacs.

Not that I’m counting or anything.

Yeah, these guys are qualified to tell you what kind of healthcare to have, too.


(banging head on desk in shame) I actually live in the Georgia 4th. Yep, this is my Congresscritter. Generally, he is better than Cynthia only because he only occasionally embarrasses me. Unfortunately, this is one of those occasions. I did vote for the guy in the primary – crossed party lines to do it too – because I vote abc – anybody but Cynthia. I did not vote for him in the general and won’t again. However, I don’t know that anybody is running against him.

I think I am going to have to move to remove the taint. (going home to take another shower).


I should have put the second part of my sentence (after “and trying to make”) in the quotation marks as those were Johnson’s words/attitude, not mine.


NHSparky #12

I was stationed there for a few months or so in early ’69. Worked in the diving locker.

We used to dive the ‘shark pit’ for grouper to sell the locals.

I remember two things about the place. There seemed to be more junk cars per capita than even here in hillbilly heaven, and there was still a Japanese holdout somewhere on the island.

Stroll down memory lane complete! I now return control to the topic at hand!


I read somewhere earlier today, maybe, that they’re saying to be easy on him because he has some brain condition. WTF is he doing in a position of power that can ruin health care and the economy in this country then!?!


I don’t think he has a “brain condition.” He has hepetitis C. Maybe the expiramental treatment (which he probably would still get under ObamaCare ’cause he is a Congresscritter rather than a plebian) is impacting his brain. E-mail to said Congresscritter to follow…


He’s being treated for Hep C, according to the DUtards, but I don’t hardly see where that makes any difference. If he has diminished mental capacity, then why is his ass in congress…wait, I answered my own questions…move along…


“Sir, are you serious? Stop thinking sir, I can see the pain it causes you.”


OK, so a quick gooley says there are candidates opposing this moron. Vernon Jones is just as bad (and a serious narcisist ala the One), but who knows.

A Navy vet is running on the Republican side. Don’t think he has a chance, but…

Anybody here have an opinion on privatizing Vetrans’ benefits? Want to have an informed opinion before I decide how I feel about the guy.


Mr. Johnson, what you’ve just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.


Susan asked (#20): Anybody here have an opinion on privatizing Vetrans’ benefits?

Candidly, I am more concerned that the VA health care system will be folded into Obamacare. And yeah, I’ve been in the VA system for 20+ years.

Therein lies the rub… 20 years ago it took me 2+ years to get into the system. With the advent of the CBOC the system here in WV is great.



“In the event that Guam capsizes, your congressman can be used as a flotation device.”




Are you ready kids?
Aye aye, captain!
I can’t hear you!
Ohhhhhh, who works in the capitol, up in DC?
Hankguam Wetpants!
Stupid, moronic, infected with Hep-C?
Hankguam Wetpants!
Who thinks that islands float like a fish?
Hankguam Wetpants!
So put on your life vest and make a huge wish!
Hankguam Wetpants!
Hankguam Wetpants!
Hankguaaaaam Wetpaaaaaants!!!

Old Tanker


you forgot argharghargharghargh…..



That’s the funniest thing I read in a while. Thank you. I needed that.


I’ve had the “privilege” of attending a meeting with this guy. He is a big fan of telling stupid stories to support his point.


Ask him to add M203 blank adaptors and bulk purchase of packaged grid squares for pre-positioning afloat contingency stocks to the budget.


Maybe he needs to bring some army commanders to testify why the army is bying defective shocks for 113 and bradleys.


“buying” that is…


[…] the Navy is not heeding the advice of Congressman Hank Johnson who warned them just two years ago that Guam is in danger of tipping over and sliding into the […]


Is this congressman drunk?